
  Chapter 1053 Intelligence II

As the only Mandy who has a deep connection with the City Lord here, there is no doubt that As the leaders who came to Mage in Sao City, his status was obviously higher.

However, Mandy is not happy because of his rising status. On the contrary, he regards the improvement of his status and the importance of other mages as his own responsibility.

Driven by responsibility, he will act as the representative of the mage who came to this place, and strive for a higher status to the lord of this place, for the mage that refines the potion.

Research on potions will cost a lot of gold coins. The amount of gold coins required for the collection of refining materials is enough to stumble a lot of mage, not to mention exploring refining methods. In the process, it will be accompanied by failures again and again, which will consume a lot of refining materials.

In the former territory of Brakada, even the lord of a land could not fully supply all the materials needed by the Potion Refining people. To be able to do this, the only people who wantonly carry out potion research are the real ones. spell Academy.

Mandy knew that the treatment they could get in the city as a group of Potion Refining people was directly related to how much the lords valued them. Whether the lords here can be made to value themselves also determines the amount of refining materials they can obtain in the next period of time.

For some lords who do not value potions, they are not willing to invest a lot of gold coins into the bottomless pit of refining potions. They harvested some finished potions, but how could the effects of these potions compare to the actual effects brought by the blades and armor.

Among these Potion Refining practitioners, many have high attainments in potions, but true strength can only be regarded as the existence of mage apprentices. Perhaps it is for this reason that it is more difficult for them to give up Research on Potions.

Because of this, facing the lord Rhodes introduced by Elon, Mandy needs to find a way to make him understand the importance of potions, so as to win more for the Potion Refining who came here. many benefits.

Let him didn't expect that in Rhodes' words, blunt's point out the status quo of their Potion Refinings, which is that they have been expelled by Bracada with few other places to go.

Mandy originally planned to use the status of Bracada's orthodox potions to let the lords here understand the importance of potions, but in the current situation, he obviously couldn't do it .

Even Bracada no longer recognizes the existence of Potions, and Mandy's statement will only seem extremely empty, and even what he no longer believes in, naturally Unable to impress the lord in front of him.

Mandy naturally does not want this information to be learned by the lord of this place, being expelled by the force of Brakada, and accepting Elon's invitation to come here are two completely different meanings .

Because of this, when Rhodes first heard that the potion refiners were in a bad situation, Mandy denied it, to prevent the lord from underestimating potions in the heart because of this. , However, in the face of the magic guild in Rhodes' words, Mandy has no way to refute.

Such important information, even a lot of mage released by Brakada, things that are not understood by the lord in front of him, was said by the lord in front of him. It seems that the lord is not less concerned about potions. For a while, Mandy didn't know how to respond.

At this moment, recalling some of the information in Elon's original words that he had ignored, Mandy seemed to notice something, and a look of disbelief appeared in his eyes.

"Wait a minute... Elon said, you are the champion of the previous time potion competition..."

There was a faint tremor in Mandy's voice, and some of the The matters he ignored suddenly flashed in his mind, which brought him a great shock.

As a mage who studies potions, Mandy naturally paid attention to the last potion competition, but he was eliminated early due to the lack of refining materials.

Although he didn't see the finals in person, Mandy got a general idea of ​​what happened through some other mage talk.

According to the information that Mandy learned, the champion of the potion competition was won by an unknown undead mage, and the undead mage disappeared in the end, except for those mages present, even No one can prove the existence of this undead mage.

The undead mage who won the championship, his name did not spread throughout Bracada, the spell Academy and the Magic Guild concealed the information about this undead mage, on the contrary, it was Norson's. name, known by other mage.

Mandy couldn't even get more information about the champion of the potions competition, except that he was an undead mage.

At this time, after learning from Elon that Rhodes was the champion of the potion competition, Mandy was stunned for a while. He couldn't believe that the lord in front of him was actually the whole cloth. The winner of the Lakada Potions Competition, the sense of absurdity in his heart made Mandy completely unable to believe the situation in front of him.

Instinctively driven, Mandy looked at Elon on the side and asked, "Didn't your letter say that the lord is just a potions hobbyist?"

Hearing Mandy's words, Aaron was stunned for a while, obviously not thinking of the situation in front of him: "Did you not pay attention to the situation of the potion competition? I thought you could understand what I meant."

Seeing the reaction of the two in their eyes, the existence of the Peeping Eye made Rhodes realize that this was what they were really thinking.

As early as when he met Mandy, Rhodes confirmed the current situation of those Potion Refinings in Bracada through his thoughts.

As Rhodes predicted, the Magic Guild has begun to clear everything in Bracada, from the undead mage after the end of the first expansion, to the current Potion Refining, and later All elemental creatures will be expelled by Brakada.

Rhodes recalled that in the second expansion of the previous life, when the undead creatures began to spread in the center of the continent, Brakada did not send mage to help, but expel all the things that affect the purity of the spell. biology.

It was the current president of the Magic Guild who gave all the orders, Eli, whom Rhodes had met on the airship.

In order to reproduce the glory of the god of mage and restore the original purity of spell, Eli made such a move to expel all mage that did not meet the standard, and finally in the process of expelling elemental creatures, let the Bracada was engulfed in a civil unrest with far-reaching consequences.

In Rhodes' impression, until the end of the second expansion, the magical mage headed by Durken appeared, which ended the civil strife in Bracada.

(end of this chapter)

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