
  Chapter 1038 Kathryl One

In the quiet room, there was a rapid knock on the door, Confused North's thoughts, before he said anything, he heard Asri say:

"It seems that the conversation between us can only end here."


Soon, the door of the quiet room reopened, and outside the door was Manu, who had led North and his party into the city.

Seeing the figures of the two in the quiet room, Manu said actively:

"The king Your Majesty has returned from the battlefield and is now waiting for the two in the main hall of the palace. Please also come with me."

Under the leadership of Manu, North and Asri walked towards the main hall, and occasionally other people in the palace saw their figures, and they also Get out of the way in time, lest you be avoided too late.

The news of Lich's arrival in the royal city has already spread through the mouths of the undead mage outside the city, and it will not be long before all the creatures in the royal city will know this.

Before entering the quiet room, the corpse witch king that North originally carried had already been placed outside the palace. According to the undead mage here, undead creatures are not allowed to enter the palace.

For this reason, only the statures of North and Asri, and no other undead creatures, follow Manu.

Not long after, North and his party came to the main hall. Compared to the city where the clouds of death were shrouded in death, the light in the main hall was brighter.

A dark red carpet is underfoot, and the walls all around are full of solemn ornaments made of skeletons. At the end of the extension of the carpet, there is a tall throne made of skeletons piled up. That’s it. Appeared in North's sight.

A silhouette, sitting on the Skeleton Throne at this time, scarlet's eyes, plus the faintly visible sharp fangs, proves that the bloodline in his body, North knows, is qualified to sit here, It must be the current king of Dia, Catherine.

In the previous words, Asri only mentioned that Dia's previous king, Shante, has a vampire bloodline in his body. The sight in front of him made North realize that Kathery also had the bloodline of this undead creature in his body.

Also appearing in the hall, there are other creatures.

Skull guards with the Dia Imperial Family coat of arms engraved on their shields, they stand with their backs to the walls all around, motionless, as if they are majestic decorations, but the Soul Fire is faintly beating in their eyes, proving that Despite their difference from the decoration, it was the only undead creature North saw in the palace.

Several silhouettes next to the throne also attracted North's attention. Next to the Skeleton Throne, there are two creatures in total.

One of them has no trace of death energy erosion, and his body is relatively burly. Although he is not wearing heavy armor for combat, no one doubts his combat capability. He looks like a strong man. A great human man, but the energy of death that enveloped him deeply betrayed him.

The other person has no blood in his body. At first glance, it is not much different from the skeleton creature, but there are still intact eyes in the eye socket, not the Soul Fire of the undead creature.

Just as North came to the palace and observed all around, these two people were also looking at North and his party. From these two people, North can perceive the higher level of death energy, obviously their strength should not be underestimated.

Perhaps to meet with Lich, there are no other people in Imperial Palace at this time, just these few people.

Under the leadership of Manu, North and his party stood at a distance from the Skeleton Throne.

After bringing North and Asri, Manu immediately possessed himself and saluted, but before he could finish his actions, he heard the words of King Kathery coming from the throne.

"There is no need to salute. Immortal Mother Earth, tell me the purpose of your visit."

According to the relationship between King Dia and Lich, due to the identity The gap, at this time should be salute, but it is King Dia.

Catherine's words sounded to save Manu from saluting, but in fact it also saved him from embarrassing himself.

After bringing North and his party there and seeing a few people in the field, Manu immediately withdrew, not daring to stay here for long.

As King of Dia, Kathryl had clearly seen Aseri before, and was so impressed by him that he could recognize Aseri at a glance.

"I'm here to convey to you the unanimous decision of all Lichs in this time Lich meeting."

Aisrey's words sounded from the field, with a flat tone like Telling an insignificant little thing.

"Really?" asked the native vampire on the throne. "I remember that after learning of the Lich meeting, I specially sent a Phoenix envoy to it. Now what about the others?"

"He died because he knew secrets that didn't belong to his level."

After learning this news, Kathryn fell into silence immediately, and the face of the native vampire did not show any emotional changes.

After coming here for a while, Kathryn asked: "Great Mother Earth, before I make a decision, do you need me to dismiss other people around me?"

"No. This is a decision made by a group of Lichs. It's better to let others know."

Speaking, Asri turned his gaze to North, who was on the side, and asked Kathry. :

"How much do you know about the prophecies circulating in the Lich?"

Catherine closed scarlet's eyes and seemed to fall into memory: "Read the codex left by the previous king. I have heard such a prophecy before. It is said that when an undead mage with two Divine Items comes to Dia, he will lead all Lich and conquer the entire world.”

Thinking of this , Kathryl suddenly opened his eyes, the rays of light in his eyes were particularly intense.

"Could it be that at this time's Lich meeting, the matter discussed is about the undead mage who holds two Divine Items?"

According to Asri's original statement With the words, Kathery guessed most of what really happened.

Under this circumstance, Kessery also seemed to understand why the Phoenix envoy he sent could not return smoothly. If the news in the prophecy came true, it would not be surprising for this to happen.

"Yes, that undead mage with two Divine Items did indeed come to the territory of Dia, and he voluntarily convened the Lich gathering at this time."

Ai Sri's words resounded from the field again, and the information contained in it was enough to shock any undead mage.

After learning that the undead mage with two Divine Items really came to Dia, Kathry thought a lot for a while, whether it was the undead mage or Lich's movements, it was enough He, the King of Dia, brought a great impact.

Before Kathryn could think about all of this, Asri continued: "The undead mage with two Divine Items came with me to the palace, and now , he is standing before you."

(end of this chapter)

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