
  Chapter 1037 History

Noticing North's demeanor in taking this information seriously, Asriton After giving him enough time to understand, he continued:

"Before Kathryn became the king of Dia, the last king of Dia was held by Shante, that is, it was handed over to you before. The Lich who imprisoned the spirit."

"Because of the smooth promotion to Lich, Shante lost his qualifications as king of Dia, and Lich could not be king of Dia. Against the opposition of other Lich, the king's The position has been vacant, and there has been no suitable candidate."

"In the eyes of other unknown forces, the sudden disappearance of the king's Dia is undoubtedly the best opportunity for them to counterattack, thus triggering a lot of battles until The appearance of Kathery will end the battle."

"The last king, Shante, has made outstanding contributions to the spell of thaumaturgy, perfecting the related spellcasting methods, and other Lich can also Benefiting from this spell, this is the reason why he can become a king at first."

From Asri's words, North learned this information, and he never thought that it would be handed over to him before. The name Lich of his treasure actually has such an identity. If Asriel hadn't given North the opportunity to inform him in detail, he might never have known.

Following Asri's words, the atmosphere in the quiet room where the two of them were sitting became quiet, and there was no sound except for the words in the conversation.

"Before Shante's era, Dia was in a downturn for a long time. Because of a mutation, Dia was completely chaotic inside. Except for Lich and undead creatures, there were not many living creatures in the territory. Even the number of undead mage is extremely rare."

"And all this is due to the earlier king of Dia, the vampire named Degar, have you heard of this name?"

Esri's words mentioned a name that North had never heard of before. Faced with Asri's question, North could only look at the head in confusion. Obviously, he had never heard of it. The story of Degal.

Asri was not surprised that Norse had never heard of this name, and even some undead mage in the royal family may have never heard of Degar's existence. Say, it was a long time ago.

even more how, in the previous conversation, Asri had already seen that North knew nothing about the history of the Dia royal family, so he went on to say:

"I don't know. It doesn't matter, you just need to remember that Degal is a hero vampire, and at the same time, he is the only one who has become the king of Dia without the consent of any Lich."

"That belongs to vampire. In the age of , the hero Degar, in his most prosperous period, tried to convert all the creatures in the entire Dia into vampire, so as to establish his kingdom of vampire, and it was successful."

"You must never have imagined the situation at that time. Even Lich's joint efforts could not restrain the vampire, and could not prevent the changes he brought to Dia, and he became the real king of Dia."

"Complete After all this, Degal seems to have lost interest in power, no longer paid attention to everything in Dia, and went into a long sleep. Without this great vampire king, the kingdom of vampire soon fell apart, and Dia fell into Long confusion."

"Even Lich doesn't know about Degal's final whereabouts, maybe it's recorded in the royal tome, you can check it out later."

"Although the kingdom of vampire has been destroyed long ago, its influence has remained deeply in the territory of Dia, and it has not been eliminated until now. Vampire has always been the most numerous undead creature except for skeleton creatures, and even later served as the king of Dia. Shante, also has bloodline belonging to vampire in his body."

"As for the earlier history of the Dia royal family, even if I tell you, it is far less helpful to you than the previous information. Just understand what I said before."

In Asri's words, he mentioned to North a vampire hero he had never heard of, and all the history about it, learned that After this information, North wrote it down in the heart.

As a person who has experienced that era, Asri has a unique view on these historical events, and no other creature can come up with such detailed information. Asked, North no doubt seemed extremely lucky.

While North was thinking about it, Asri recalled something in the past, and then added:

"By the way, in Degal's time, There was also an event that shook the entire Dia, and that was the fall of Legendary Lich Erich."

Hearing this remark, North was instantly startled and asked: "Legendary Lich will also Fall?"

"Lich with immortality will not fall on his own, Erich died in battle. In your space ring, it seems that there are still Erich's beheaded. Right arm."

In a previous Lich rally, North received a shrunken and dehydrated arm from a Lich as a token of that Lich.

According to what the Lich said, this arm belonged to the Legendary Lich who fell a long time ago. At that time, North naturally didn't understand who the Legendary Lich was referring to, or how long ago he fell.

Until now, when I heard Asri bring up the history of the Dia royal family, I didn't know it all from her mouth.

As if recalling something, Asri's face gradually sank in the process of answering North's words.

"The one who killed Erich was an assassin of the Legendary rank, and his strength even reached the pinnacle of Legendary."

"The appearance of this Legendary assassin threatened the time All Lich in Dia, he has the ability to kill Erlich of the Legendary rank and end Lich's immortality, he has the ability to deal with all Lich in Dia."

"Except Erich, also There was a Lich who also died at the hands of this Legendary assassin, and finally the then King Degar of Dia came forward to expel this Legendary assassin from Dia."

"As for now, that one has not. The Legendary assassin with immortality may have long since died, and even if he is still alive, he is probably too old to be a threat to any Lich."

This remark of Asri made North deeply impressed. Feeling all kinds of secrets about the Dia royal family and its glory in the past, even the Legendary assassin mentioned at the end gave North a more intuitive understanding of Lich's abilities.

Just as North was about to say something, there was a sudden loud knock on the door in the quiet room where the two were.

(end of this chapter)

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