
  Chapter 1035 Ask a

Soon, the city gate, where there are no longer creatures entering and leaving, a Team silhouette walks out slowly.

The leader is a male human with an intact face, dressed in dark brown clothes and a wide top hat. Just looking at his clothes, he can't imagine the connection between him and the undead mage.

Following him are a group of middle-ranked skeleton creatures, mainly strengthened skeleton warriors, mixed with other kinds of skeleton creatures, with their strength, they cannot threaten the powerful. The undead mage, let alone the real Lich.

Soon, the specially dressed undead mage brought the rest of the undead creatures to North and his party.

After standing still, the undead mage immediately bowed to Asri and North to show his respect for Lich, and then said:

"Dear Lich-sama. , Dia's capital city of Shadows welcomes you, I am Diplomat Manu, and on behalf of all creatures in Dia, I pay homage to the immortal Lich."

Facing this man named Manu At the reception of Nu's diplomat, Noth hadn't said anything yet. Asri just said calmly:

"Your king may be, but you can't represent all the creatures in Dia."

It seemed that he had made up his mind to reveal North's identity. In order to prevent the news from being suppressed, Asri asked the diplomat in front of him.

Feeling the questioning in Lich's words, Manu, who was accustomed to using the power of King Dia to oppress envoys from other regions, did not dare to have any attacks at this time. He knew that what he was facing, In the entire Dia, Lich is above everything, even the king can't control it.

Compared with this, Numan is more concerned about how to answer Lich's question. Once his answer does not satisfy Lich, it may cause something that all creatures are unwilling to see.

“The king Your Majesty is not in the city and cannot come to meet the immortal Lich in person. I believe that in his heart, he will also feel extremely regretful, and please Lord Lich to accompany me into the palace first.”


Manu's words caught Asri's attention, and Asri then asked, "Where are the Kathryns?"

"King Your Majesty is leading the army himself, Destroy a group of elite elf rangers sent by Eli, and will return to the city soon, please Lord Lich to wait here for a while."

From Manu's words, understand Kathryl's movements at this time. After that, Asri didn't insist anymore, and even followed the diplomat into the city together.

As the capital of Dia, the area of ​​the city of shadows is naturally not comparable to the city of Sao where Noth once lived. Under the guidance of Manu, Noth moved forward. For a long time, he still failed to reach the place where the palace was.

In the process of moving forward, the corpse witch kings followed by North naturally also attracted the attention of other undead mage. These undead creatures have surpassed the undead of the overwhelming majority just by their ranks. mage , thus attracting their attention.

However, when these undead mage noticed Manu and the silhouette of Lich who was suspected to be in front, they dared not continue to observe, for fear of being affected by it.

After traveling for a while, under the leadership of Manu, North and his party finally arrived at the seat of Dia's palace.

The dark palace in front of you is more imposing than all the buildings that Nos has seen in Brakada. This is a building dedicated to undead mage, and the huge death energy emanating from all around, Deeply infected North.

In comparison, Asri was much calmer and unaffected, as if all the things in front of her were not worthy of her attention at all.

Came to Inside the palace. Since the king was not in the city at this time, Asri and North asked for a quiet room and waited here.

Any creature in the city understands the meaning of Lich's arrival. With the consent of many Lich's, Kathery, who became the king of Dia, naturally understands this more in his heart.

For this reason, Asri is not in a hurry, just waiting here with peace of mind, I believe that it will not take long, even if the battle is not over, Kessery will lead the undead Legion to return.

For Lich, waiting in the quiet room is what they do best. Compared with patience, no creature can surpass Lich. Quietly waited, but asked North to ask.

"Apart from fighting, do you have anything else good at?"

While waiting, perhaps to learn more about North, Asri said asked.

"Why do you ask that?"

Not knowing how to answer, North could only ask.

The previous experience in Lich's meeting, plus the understanding along the way, made North no longer afraid of Lich in front of him, but could answer her questions relatively calmly.

"I just think that you must be selected by the controller of the Divine Item, you must have some talent, maybe you have some special ability that even I don't know about."

Have already passed the perspective Eyes, looking at North's basic attributes, Asri realized that North's combat is just an ordinary undead mage, not even the standard of a formal undead mage.

In this case, Asri asked her this question, just as she said, to see what kind of special ability Nous had.

However, in the face of Asri's question, North's expression dropped, as if he was suddenly discouraged, replied:

"To be honest, I don't know either. Why, I was chosen by Lord Rhodes, and finally reached the point where I became the controller of the nominal Divine Item. I have no special ability, and I have nothing to praise. The only thing that can be used as a starting point is the potion. Refining, this is also what I do most often in Lord Rhodes' domain."

From North's words, Asri seemed to have found something and asked: "What do you mean? , originally you were just an undead mage in charge of refining potions, and didn't have any extraordinary abilities?"


"Then why were you killed by Rhodes? Bring it to the Lich meeting?"

"I asked him on my own initiative, I want to become a real undead mage, and I hope the immortal Lich can solve the doubts in my heart."

Recalling the questions that North had raised outside the city, Asri also understood what he meant.

Looking at North in front of her, Asri didn't know what to think. The undead mage assigned by Rhodes was completely beyond her expectations.


That's all Asri can say about this.

"I've seen too many undead mage who are keen to create undead creatures and desire power. For countless years, you are the first undead mage that makes me feel interesting. In this case, I will give you a chance. ”

(end of this chapter)

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