
  Chapter 1034 Shadow City

“We’re here.”

Muffled The words reached North's ears, and there was a vague sense of lack of strength in the words, but no one could underestimate the master of the words.

The one who said this remark was Esri, one of the only two Legendary Lichs in the entire Dia. At this time, she did not show the imposing manner in the Lich meeting. Instead, it looks like an extremely old creature.

Looking at the towering pitch-black castle in front of him, feeling the gloomy wind whistling all around, North felt a chill for no reason.

Noth knew that the castle in front of him was the seat of the Dia royal family, known by other creatures as the City of Shadows.

After leaving the Tomb of Death, Noth followed Asri to her territory. After she finished sorting out the transformed undead creatures, she came here with her.

"Undead mage, your state is very poor, there are too many questions, occupying your mind."

In the process of long-term survival, Lich's accumulated experience , with its keen perception, it can easily see through the thoughts of most creatures.

Along the way, North saw everything about Lich in his eyes, and he was still full of doubts, but because of the gap in identity, he didn't dare to ask Esri, didn't expect was still rejected by him. see.

North nodded: "I've always wanted to be a real undead mage, I want to know, what kind of state has Lich lived through for so long, great Mother Earth, can you tell me the answer? "

"What other state can I be in? It's just studying spells and accumulating undead creatures, which is not much different from undead mage."

Asri's answer is not North He wanted the answer, so he added:

"I mean the state of my heart, in the long process of accumulating undead creatures, won't Lich get tired? What kind of will supports you all? After a long time? As Lich who is free from the limitations of the human body, he should have a will far beyond the mage of the undead."

North's question aroused some memories of Asri, but she Just a casually replied:

"Lich doesn't think like this when he lives his own life. It doesn't take any will to live, just like the undead mage, you've seen undead mage tired of himself life?"

After a pause, as if thinking of something, Asri added:

"If you have to say that there is a will, it is believed by many Lichs. , that is the prophecy circulating in Lich. Many Lichs, including me, firmly believe that the arrival of an undead mage who holds two Divine Items will completely change the situation in Dia.”

"The undead creatures that Lich has accumulated over the years, except those that have long since decayed, will show their power in this battle, and you are fortunate to be a part of it."

Hear Ace With Rui's words, Norston knew at the time what she was referring to. The undead mage holding two Divine Items was the Rhodes he had been loyal to.

From North's point of view, Rhodes seems to have anticipated all this, including North's own selection as a puppet, at Rhodes's behest.

Looking at North who looked thoughtful, Asri continued:

"You said you wanted to be a real undead mage. Now you have been recognized by many Lichs. , it won't take long for you to become the most prominent existence in Dia, even the current king of Dia, will respect you a little bit, no one is more called an undead mage than you."

"All you need to do is to disclose your identity as Divine Item controller with my help, and you can achieve all this." But Si did not show the slightest excitement. It seemed that the things that other undead mage were desperate for could not attract his attention at all.

Transforming a large number of corpse witch queens for Asri, Rhodes specially transformed ten corpse witch kings for him in order to make North complete the task better, and handed them over to him. At this time, these ten The corpse witch king also passed through the gate of time and space, followed behind North, waiting for his order.

The corpses used to transform the Witch King also come from Asri's territory, so such a powerful Lich would naturally not care about this.

These ten corpse witch kings are all the undead creatures controlled by North, apart from this, he did not control any undead creatures.

Rhodes does not expect North to rely on these corpse witch kings to achieve any amazing results, transforming the corpse witch king for him, just so that he can use the corpse when other undead mage question North's ability. The Witch King transforms ordinary corpse witches.

The City of Shadows is one of the few places where the teleportation monument is placed outside the town of the Undead City. The town of the overwhelming majority, whether it is the Undead City or not, will not make such a choice.

The decision to put the teleportation tablet outside the town was made by the current king of Dia, supposedly to ensure the safety of the town, but anyone with a discerning eye could see that it was a sign of fear.

What can make King Dia fear, naturally, it will not be the ordinary undead mage and the like, only the real Lich can enjoy this kind of treatment.

As the nominal agent of Lich, that is, King Dia, the overwhelming majority of the undead lords could not ignore the orders he issued, and no one knew what the orders contained. The meaning of the king itself is still the meaning of those Lich.

A powerful undead lord who can ignore the orders of King Dia, but dare not ignore the existence of those Lichs.

The arrival of North is bound to change all this, and even the status of the king himself will be seriously threatened.

This is something Rhodes was worried about before. If it was Phoenix, he might not be afraid of King Dia's threat at all, but if it were North, the situation might be different.

In order to ensure that North will not be easily disposed of, Rhodes has collected other Lich's tokens, hoping that these things can bring him some help.

Being outside the City of Shadows, even though Asri did not release his imposing manner, the Witch King who followed Noth and the dark portal of time and space still attracted him. Attention to the creatures in the city.

This kind of gate of time and space completely eroded by death energy is a symbol of Lich in Dia. Only the real Lich can transform his spell into this form. The existence of this gate of time and space is equivalent to the arrival of Lich.

Compared with the shock caused by Lich's appearance, the corpse witch king following North's back was unremarkable.

Just after the appearance of North and his party, there was no undead mage, and they dared to take a look here, but they chose to avoid them. Into the hearts of all the undead mage here.

(end of this chapter)

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