
  Chapter 1030 Once

After receiving the message from Naagh's, Elsa led the way Under the undead creatures, rushed to the direction of the City of Sorrows.

Because she is not within the space calibration in the city, leaving her spiritual imprint, Elsa cannot come directly to this place through the gate of time and space, so she can only choose the most conventional way, first use the gate of time and space , come to the town near the City of Sorrows, and then rush to this place.

In this process, Aisha naturally needs to spend a lot of time, even if it has already taken the fastest ghost dragon among the undead creatures, but the speed of the ghost dragon's flight is always There is no room to spell to the shortcut.

For this reason, Elsa couldn't rush to the place where the battle took place at the next moment of receiving the news.

The information in the perception also made Aisha understand what Modo and Naagh were doing. They tried to seize the Divine Item directly from Rhodes without notifying them.

At this time, Aisha can't care to complain about them. No one knows better than Aisha what effect the Divine Grade Soul Evocation Technique has. Hard to beat Rhodes.

Under the superposition of two Divine Items, even Elsa has to make a very high evaluation of Rhodes' strength. The Divine Item holder is not so easy to defeat. .

Aisha understands that it is because of this that she will receive the message from Naagh's, and if they can easily take the Divine Item from Rhodes, I am afraid it will be her own business.

Leading the undead creatures that can fly, and riding the ghost dragon, Elsa, not long after, came to the sky above the ruins that the City of Sorrows turned into.

Looking at the situation below, the strong mana fluctuations all around, as well as the damage caused by spells, also made Elsa realize that a tragic incident happened here not long ago. fighting.

At the same time, a silhouette familiar to Elsa also appeared in its sight. Elsa noticed that this silhouette was the owner of this place, Lich Modo.

Except for Modo's figure and some very special undead creatures, Elsa couldn't find other creatures, especially Rhodes mentioned in the intelligence.

Even so, Aisha did not doubt the accuracy of the information she had received before. The residual mana fluctuations here undoubtedly explained everything to it. Only the fifth-order spell will leave such a level. mana fluctuations.

What makes Elsa particularly concerned is the existence of an incomparably huge undead creature in this place. The size of this undead creature far exceeds all the creatures Elsa has seen before, and the huge skeleton on its body. In between, the exposed gap is enough for the ghost dragon to pass through.

From this undead creature, Elsa can perceive an ancient aura that does not belong to this era. According to her own knowledge, Elsa realizes that it is the undead of the Titan giant.

In Aisha's view, this special titan undead may be Modo's trump card. With the help of the existence of this creature, Rhodes was finally defeated. I don't know what he did. transformed into this undead creature.

Although he noticed the existence of Modo, Elsa in the air did not let the ghost dragon descend, but just looked at Modo below.

At this moment, it seemed that he was aware of the arrival of the ghost dragon, Modo looked over, the rays of light of the scarlet in his eye sockets flickered slightly, and the body exuded a different kind of breath, completely different from Lich as Elsa used to know.

Discovering this, Elsa was puzzled for a while, Modo's performance was not like Lich's normal state, so she said:

"Your current state seems to be a little bit different. It's not quite right, is it affected by some negative spell? And what about Rhodes? You and Naagh's teamed up, but you can't get the Divine Item on him?" Dissatisfied with acting alone, under Aisha's skeleton-like face, such a voice came out, echoing in the ruins.

For Elsa's questioning, Modo showed an indifferent expression and did not answer Elsa's question directly, saying: "I changed my mind."

Speaking, Modo's eyes The red light in the book was even more prosperous: "I decided to join this battle and serve Lord Rhodes." Very concerned about the existence of Divine Item, and even took the initiative to unite with other Lich, who wanted to capture Divine Item, Modo, in this brief moment, would change his mind.

Aisha realized that something unusual happened during the time she arrived. Before Elsa could figure out what happened, Modo's words came again.

"Not only do I think so, but Naagh thinks the same way. Lord Rhodes will not continue to pursue our desire to obtain the Divine Item, but agrees with us to join the battle, we naturally Take advantage of this opportunity."

"And what about you, Elsa? Are you willing to let go of your Divine Item cravings and join Lich's battle? No matter what he did before, Rhodes Adults can forgive the past."

Hearing this, Aisha finally realized that the situation was wrong, and Modo who appeared in front of her eyes, whether it was her attitude towards Rhodes or her thoughts on Divine Item, had nothing to do with her. In the impression of Modo, there is a great difference, and it can even be said that they are completely two people.

At this moment, Elsa suddenly realized something, a terrifying thought, taking shape in her mind.

The signal from the perception made Aisha discover that the death energy in Modo is far more obvious than any other Lich. It belongs to a kind of chaotic and mixed death energy, while Modo The overall aura on her body gave Elsa more the feeling of belonging to an undead creature, rather than a real Lich.

Combined with Modo's own attitude, this degree of reversal occurred in such a short period of time. At this time, Elsa also guessed what happened to Modo.

In Elsa's view, Modo at this time may not be the real Lich anymore, but has been transformed into an existence like an undead creature, so as to explain what happened to him.

To be able to achieve this, and to transform Modo to such a degree, naturally only Rhodes with Divine Item can do it, and even if Elsa does it herself, this transformation cannot be done.

The abnormal changes in Modo also made Elsa discover the danger here. Elsa tried to send a message to Naagh, who also belonged to Lich, but received no response.

Aisha realized that, according to Modo's words, Naagh, who also planned to shoot Rhodes, was probably also transformed into an undead creature of this form at this time.

(end of this chapter)

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