
  Chapter 1029 Counterattack

In the portal of time and space opened by Naagh, more and more undead creatures emerged. The more, many have even rushed to Rhodes' side.

apart from this, after realizing Modo's death, in this ruins, the undead creatures that originally belonged to Modo have also been completely controlled by Naagh.

After having a large number of corpse witches originally belonging to Modo, Naagh's ability to suppress the Titan corpse witch king has undoubtedly improved again, and it is enough to use the existing undead creatures to launch a counterattack against Rhodes.

Seeing that the attack of these undead creatures is about to arrive, Rhodes has come to the final step in the transformation of the dead Lich.

In the transformation method, in order to retain Lich's original characteristics, Rhodes at first chose to transform Death Knight.

With the blessing of Divine Grade Soul Evocation Technique, Rhodes' transformation of Death Knight no longer needs the troublesome transformation of ceremony, just release death energy to ignite Death Knight's Soul Fire.

Modo's original hero status made Rhodes have the idea of ​​​​transforming Death Knight, just like the original transformation of Savina, completing the transformation of Death Knight can retain the original ability of the hero.

However, perhaps because of the endless night ceremony, Rhodes was unable to complete the transformation of Death Knight on Lich's corpse in front of him, and the death energy released was completely rejected by it.

Lich is the most special creature, combining the characteristics of ordinary creatures and undead creatures. Even the powerful Lich, who has a deep research on this point among Dia, cannot transform the same kind as Lich. , Rhodes couldn't do that for a while.

The conventional Death Knight transformation method was completely ineffective in the face of Lich's corpse. After discovering this, Rhodes seemed to realize something and chose another transformation method.

The transformation method Rhodes chose afterward is also the transformation method in progress at this time. It comes from the power of the Divine Item, which can transform any dead creature into a corpse witch regardless of its rank.

I didn't choose this method at first. Rhodes was worried that this transformation method would destroy Lich's original power system, which was not as stable as Death Knight's, but the conventional transformation method would not work at all. , Rhodes can only choose this way, forcibly transformed into the Witch King.

Under the action of Divine Grade Soul Evocation Technique, all around all the death energy, even the death cloud released by the Titan Corpse Witch King, in this brief moment all moved closer to the center.

A powerful airflow began to overflow all around. At the same time, a special aura belonging to undead creatures also began to spread in the field.

Naagh, who was beside him, noticed this abnormality, the abnormality in his perception, and made it understand that he couldn't wait any longer.

Rush to the undead creatures beside Rhodes, and the lightning bolts are easily resolved. Before the undead creatures gather in large numbers, this small number of undead creatures have extremely limited effects.

For this reason, in the dark fog, Naagh raised his hand to cast spell. With the rapid condensation of magical elements, the thunder bombs that caused huge damages appeared in the field again.

A violent rumbling sound resounded from Rhodes' position again, but Rhodes, who had already seen Naagh's spellcasting ability, naturally raised his guard against this spell in his heart.

Spell, which can even shatter space, caused the ground to vibrate continuously, and a large amount of dust rose from the City of Sorrows, which had long been reduced to ruins.

Wait until the dust clears, both Rhodes and Modo, who were originally dead, are gone.

Seeing this scene, Naagh's heart also realized that the situation was wrong, but before it could cast other spells, the threat had come.

The dark cloud of death shot towards Naagh's position rapidly, and devoured everything around him in an instant. It can only be completely eliminated, as if encountering a nemesis.

In this case, Naagh himself had to perform teleportation and appear to another location. The signal from the perception made Naaghs realize that even if he had already become Lich himself, he would suffer a lot of damage if he came into contact with the death cloud in this form.

Bounced lightning, moved towards Naagh's body, the black mist shot rapidly, and in the process of avoiding the spell, Naagh's finally confirmed the location of Rhodes through the trajectory of the spell.

Rhodes' figure is on the periphery of the dark cloud of death that is completely different from the normal form, and it seems that he deliberately uses the cloud of death to cover his figure.

At this time, Naagh also saw clearly that the creature beside Rhodes was Modo who originally joined forces with it.

Compared with before, Modo's appearance has not changed much, and the skin on his body is still covered with traces of death energy erosion, but his eyes began to release a scarlet. rays of light.

Modo's abnormality also made Naagh understand his state at this time. Under Rhodes' transformation, the original name Lich has also become an undead creature. The cloud of death that devoured the black mist was released by Modo.

When Modo died, the undead creatures he controlled and the spiritual imprint were all lifted. Naagh was able to use the spiritual imprint to control the original undead creatures here, which also explained this, for Modo's undead The identity of the creature, Naagh had no doubts.

Many of the undead creatures that besieged Rhodes before were originally Modo in the City of Sorrows, but were later controlled by Naagh.

Noticing that Modo was transformed into an undead creature, Naagh's heart started, in this brief moment, he also realized that the situation was not good, he thought Rhodes was strong, but no matter what, Unable to face the real Lich's alliance, Rhodes overthrew Naagh's original idea with his own actions.

In this brief moment, Naagh couldn't help but feel a little regretful. Among the Lichs, the one who has an urgent desire for Divine Item is naturally Aisha who is more powerful and can even be compared with Legendary Lich. .

However, Naagh and Modo did not mention the actions of this time to Aisha, except that they believed that the combined strength of the two Lichs was enough to defeat Rhodes, the distribution of Divine Items Also extremely critical.

After the two Lichs joined hands to get the Divine Item, the distribution method was undoubtedly very clear, that is, one piece for each person. Once Elsa joined it, it was extremely difficult to distribute.

For this reason, Elsa did not join in the attack on Rhodes this time, and did not even receive any news.

At this time, after fully feeling the strength of Rhodes from the battle, Naagh realized how wrong it was to not let Elsa join it.

There is a very special connection between Lich. After realizing that the situation was wrong, Naagh had already passed the information about Rhodes to Elsa.

Seeing that the number of undead creatures mobilized here is enough, Naagh will not continue to release spells, preparing to use undead creatures to contain Rhodes here, waiting for Elsa to arrive.

Naagh's subordinates, the two ghost dragons who came here through the gate of time and space, immediately attacked Rhodes, taking advantage of the flight to breathe the ghost dragon breath downward.

Within the range of effect of the ghostly dragon breath, Modo stepped back a few steps from the impact belt caused by the dragon breath. After standing still, he seemed to be under the shroud of death energy as if he had not been affected in any way.

After enduring the ghost dragon's ghostly dragon breath, Modo raised his hand. Suddenly, Naagh only felt that some of his undead creatures had lost control of the spiritual imprint in this brief moment.

Naagh found that these undead creatures that are now out of control are almost all controlled by Naagh after he noticed Modo's death, and originally belonged to Modo's corpse witch.

Even with the spiritual imprint, Naagh couldn't control these corpse witches. The rebellion of the corpse witches caused confusion among other undead creatures.

And Rhodes on the side was affected by the Nether Dragon Breath, although there was no abnormality in appearance, but the figure became a little illusory, and it took a while to stabilize.

Perceiving this, Naagh was stunned, as if he had discovered something.

Between Naagh's stunned expression, with the strong fluctuations of the spatial spell, Rhodes' figure appeared in the black mist he released, holding in his hand a light that could penetrate the darkness. Bright lightning.

(end of this chapter)

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