
  Chapter 1025 The attack of the second spell

The various damages caused by The strong vibration could not stop for a long time.

When this spell's destructive power was fully displayed, Rhodes' breath suddenly disappeared in the black mist, and even Lich on the side was imperceptible to his existence.

As the vibration subsided and the sound subsided, the field returned to calm again. The remaining violent magic elements and the broken space still showed how much damage this spell caused. .

Even so, those Lichs won't let their guard down easily, and no one knows what the Divine Item's controller has exactly. Before the black fog disappears and Rhodes' status is confirmed, Lich can't dare to do this. Go and collect the Divine Item from the corpse.

In one of the places where the breath came from, Modo's real body saw all this in his eyes, and sighed about the strong demon method in his heart.

What exploded in the field was a powerful fifth-order magic thunder bomb, enough to destroy the overwhelming majority of the creatures that were hit directly by it.

At the core of the thunderbolt, even the space cannot resist such a high amount of spell damage, and sometimes there is even a turbulent flow like the inside of the gate of time and space.

A large amount of black fog was swept into the shattered space, and I don't know where it would eventually flow. The area covered by the black fog in the field also began to shrink gradually. Ordinary creatures would easily be torn apart by it if they approached. body.

It was not the Modo who displayed this powerful fifth-order spell. The time when Modo became a Lich was not enough to master this powerful spell. The one who really displayed this spell was the Not far from Naagh.

Just when Elsa and the two Legendary Lichs came to the court together, Modo facilitated Naagh's to reach an agreement, ready to start the Divine Item snatch after everything was over, and divide the Divine in Rhodes' hands equally. Item .

At the Lich rally, seeing the behavior of other Lichs in the field, Rhodes also gave them a chance to prepare when he transformed undead creatures for other Lichs.

In order to achieve this, Naagh's departed from the Tomb of Death early in the morning, but what he arrived at was not his own territory, but the ruins turned into by the City of Sorrows.

Because of the previous temptation, which was responsible for attracting Rhodes, Naagh was naturally inconvenient to come forward, so he could only let Modo proceed, and Naagh himself made preparations here first.

The black fog that trapped Rhodes, and the thunderbolt that ultimately served as the killer move, was all Naagh's hand, and it wasn't until this moment that Naagh's truly showed his spellcasting abilities as Lich.

Even a Legendary mage would be hard-pressed to learn the fifth-order magic of thunderbolt if he didn't contribute to the magic guild, but Naagh had already mastered it.

During this process, all that Modo did seems to be to attract Rhodes over, and the real battle was not his turn.

Feeling that the black fog in the field quickly dissipated and the shrouded area gradually narrowed, Modo began to feel a little worried in his heart.

Modo is worried about the allocation of Divine Items. In the face of Naagh, whose strength is far superior to his own, Modo has no chance of winning. In this case, whether Naagh will still abide by the previous agreement, Divine Item is one piece per person, this is the problem.

A lot of undead creatures came from behind the ruins, which is Modo's advantage of using this place as the main battle ground. Among them, the largest number and the most powerful existence are the large number of corpse witches that Modo controls.

According to Modo's original idea, he would wait for Rhodes to complete the transformation of the Witch King before taking action, but Naagh was obviously unwilling to see this. As soon as Rhodes arrived, he took the lead in casting the black Fog, did not let it transform the corpse witch king.

This also made Modo aware of its thoughts, so he could not help but take some precautions against it.

Naagh also discovered the arrival of the undead creatures controlled by Modo, but his attention was not placed on Modo, but was observing the scene in the black fog.

For some reason, even after the spell ended, Naagh still felt something was wrong, even though he didn't find the breath belonging to Rhodes, the death energy in the black mist gave Naagh a very unfamiliar feeling, and his heart was faint. The hunch made it not dare to relax in the slightest.

As Space Crack absorbed the black mist, a huge silhouette soon appeared in front of them.

Existing in the place where Rhodes used to be was an undead creature of enormous size, far larger than anything Lich had ever seen.

The giant creature in front of him is protecting the area in front of him in a half-squatting posture. Even so, this giant creature is still like a hill, and the gradually dissipating black mist cannot cover it at all. its shape.

Looking at the giant creature in front of him, Lich in the field couldn't help but feel a burst of pressure in his heart.

In Lich's impression, there is no creature in the entire continent that can have such a huge body.

When he saw this giant creature, Modo seemed to remember something, showing a look of disbelief.

Modo recalled that the only thing that matched this creature's size and was associated with it was the huge skull that was once placed in the magic guild in the City of Sorrows.

After becoming Lich and controlling the City of Sorrows, Modo also conducted some research on this giant skull, and found that it was not a forgery of undead mage, but was indeed the head of a giant creature.

According to the results of some undead mage studies, this skull corresponds to the once incomparably powerful Titan.

Modo tried to transform this skull into an extremely powerful undead creature, but it ended in failure. The most important reason is that in the magic guild of the City of Sorrows, there is only this one. The existence of the skull without the corresponding Titan body.

In this case, even Modo, who is Lich, has no way to transform the giant skull in front of him into a real undead creature.

According to Modo's understanding, since Lich was born for countless years, many Lich have had a strong interest in the head of the Titan giant in the City of Sorrows, hoping to explore the secrets of an earlier era, Very few have actually gained.

Even Lich, who is more powerful than Modo, has a hard time dealing with a titan with only a skull left, let alone transforming it into an undead creature.

For this reason, the skulls of the Titans are left in the City of Sorrows.

After Modo took this area as his own territory, he only regarded the skull of the Titan as a special decoration. Who would have thought that it would appear in the form of a real undead creature now. in front of himself.

(end of this chapter)

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