
  Chapter 1024 Attacked

With the arrival of Rhodes and Modo, the originally silent ruins, Some new changes have begun.

Returning to the ruined City of Sorrows, Modo looked at Rhodes aside to see how he would react when he saw the situation in front of him.

When Modo became Lich and occupied the City of Sorrows, among the original creatures in the city, a few undead mage with higher potential were transformed into corpse witches, and most of the creatures were After death, it was buried under this land, providing this area with more intense death energy.

This way of continuously generating death energy is what every Lich chooses, and even some undead spell Academy will also use this to provide death energy for undead mage.

Different from Modo's expectations, Rhodes didn't feel anything strange about it after coming to the former City of Sorrows, and didn't even care about the surrounding environment at all. Above the giant skull in the distance.

Arriving next to the giant skull, Rhodes covered it with his hands, as if he had something special.

Seeing this scene, Modo couldn't help but recall the last time he saw Rhodes in the City of Sorrows.

Rhodes at that time was just an undead mage who controlled a ghost dragon. Apart from this, there was nothing special about it.

It wasn't until he saw Rhodes' figure again at this time's Lich meeting that Modo realized how his strength had changed, and even had a tendency to surpass ordinary Lich.

Modo believes that the source of all the changes in Rhodes is the existence of those two Divine Items. If it weren't for the appearance of Divine Item, even if he had the status of a hero, he could not have achieved all this in such a short period of time.

Rhodes looked at the giant skull in front of him. He knew that the owner of the skull was the Titan giant Chromium in the inheritance mission.

Its existence has not changed from the last time I saw it, and time seems to stand still on it.

After obtaining the Divine Grade Soul Evocation Technique, which is far more powerful than before, Rhodes can see more things from the skull in front of him, such as the Titan body corresponding to the skull, which has long been scattered all over the world. Perhaps it is because of this that the thing in front of him has never been transformed by other Lich and ignited Soul Fire.

Apart from this, Rhodes also noticed many traces left by Lich from the skull, the most obvious one is the trace left by the mother of the earth, Asri, if not for the previous contact with her , Rhodes did not recognize the trace.

As Rhodes approached, the Divine Item Titan Arrow in his hand also began to tremble slightly, which Rhodes could clearly perceive.

The changes in the Divine Item naturally made Rhodes pay more attention to the things in front of him. Just when Rhodes was about to carefully observe the giant skull in front of him, a black fog suddenly filled the field, bringing Rhodes and the skull together. Modo is shrouded in it.

The black mist that suddenly appeared all around made Rhodes feel a sense of familiarity, as if he had felt the existence of these black mists not long ago.

The existence of black fog obscures Rhodes' sight, making him unable to see anything clearly, and even has a certain ability to suppress perception, but it is difficult to work on Rhodes, and Rhodes' perception ability is on the contrary. Sharper due to loss of sight.

In Rhodes' perception, the creatures all around exuding powerful death energy, in addition to the original Modo, there is another creature's existence.

The sense of familiarity in the perception, coupled with the black fog that enveloped him, allowed Rhodes to confirm the identity of this creature, it was Lich Naagh who had been testing himself in the tomb of death. .

The black fog shrouded Rhodes has already explained their true thoughts to Rhodes. What Modo said before was just an excuse to come here. You don't need to ask any further questions, you understand everything.

At this moment, in Rhodes' perception, the breath of Modo and Naagh's suddenly became dazed, and it seemed extremely unreal for a while.

When Rhodes sensed their existence again, the original two locations that clearly radiated death energy suddenly turned into six locations, which belonged to different locations all around. Three of the very similar breaths belong to Modo, while the other three belong to Naagh.

The breaths of these death energies are very similar, and it can even be said that there is no difference. Even Rhodes with the Divine Grade Soul Evocation Technique cannot detect the abnormality in the breath by his own perception.

Because of his own perception, he was disturbed by the sudden extra breath. For a time, Rhodes could not accurately find the real location of Modo and Naagh, except for the vague perception of the traces of mirror Dafa.

The existence of the black fog prevented Rhodes from seeing through his line of sight. Rhodes might be able to respond on his own if his view were not blocked, but apparently he can't do that right now.

Strong mana fluctuations began to condense all around, and Rhodes felt a faint threat.

Rhodes quickly waved the Titan Arrow in his hand, trying to use the Titan Arrow to break the surrounding black fog as before.

However, at this time, the Titan's Arrow did not work properly. The black mist completely enveloped Rhodes. Even if the blade in his hand released lightning, Rhodes could not see any light and shadow, and the entire line of sight remained the same. It was pitch black.

moved towards the arrows of the Titans shot in the direction of the breath, and it did not have the effect Rhodes expected. During the perception, Rhodes did not get any response. In this brief moment, the arrows of the Titans Did not have the desired effect.

The surrounding aura didn't change at all, and it seemed that it wasn't affected by the spell at all. Because the sight was blocked, Rhodes didn't know whether the Titan Arrow was blocked or something else appeared. accident.

As early as when he was just shrouded in black fog, Rhodes tried to use his spatial spell to spread the distance, but the result was beyond Rhodes' expectations.

The spatial spell mastered by Rhodes, whether it is teleportation or the gate of time and space, cannot be used in this brief moment. The black mist around it seems to have the effect of disturbing the spatial spell, which also seems to be black. In addition to obscuring sight, fog has an additional effect.

The mana fluctuations in all around became stronger and stronger. Although Rhodes could not see the situation on the sidelines, he could also understand what spell those Lichs were preparing from the extremely strong mana fluctuations.

In the case that the overwhelming majority spell can be cast instantaneously, the spell that needs to be condensed to cast will cause damage that will far surpasses the imagination.

Just as Rhodes was ready to take a further step, the spell had already formed.

The next moment, a violent explosion occurred in front of Rhodes, accompanied by a thunderous sound, and even the space seemed to be blown apart.

(end of this chapter)

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