
  Chapter 1008 Elsa

Just as Phoenix was about to say something to Lich in the field, the surrounding Suddenly a new change occurred.

As the energy of death swept through, a figure was slowly walking towards the field, the light shone on it, and behind it, a huge distorted shadow was reflected.

Noticing the emergence of this death energy, Rhodes was a little concerned. In this brief moment, he sensed the existence of the Legendary Grade Soul Evocation Technique, and the intensity of death energy far exceeded that of Lich Naagh's before. can cause.

Rhodes realized that what appeared here should be the most powerful existence here, that is, the real Legendary Lich. When Naagh's temptation failed, the purpose of this Legendary Lich's actions might be is also like this.

According to Rhodes' understanding, among all kinds of Legendary creatures, Lich is the most difficult existence to separate from higher-order creatures.

Lich's own ability focuses on the servitude of the undead Legion, even if it is Legendary Lich, the number of undead creatures accumulated in the same time is also impossible several times that of ordinary Lich, the power of Legendary Lich Most of them are reflected in their personal strength and the level of Soul Evocation Technique.

Relying on his high Soul Evocation Technique level, Legendary Lich is often able to master some very special abilities, which is what Rhodes is worried about.

According to Rhodes' original perception, the name Legendary Lich existed among the most powerful imposing manners that existed in the field.

Seeing the previous Naagh, he was unable to overcome Rhodes by his own strength, and was even suppressed by Rhodes in turn. In the end, he could only retreat temporarily, while the rest of Lich were still waiting for the right opportunity. The Legendary Lich stepped forward.

This Legendary Lich knows that Naagh can't suppress Rhodes, and other Lichs with similar strength to Naagh can't do the same.

Naagh's actions didn't seem to get any results, but it gave Lich an important piece of information on the field, and that was the weird blade Rhodes wielded, and there were many problems in it.

At the same time, Rhodes seemed to be inspired by the Legendary Lich in his perception, and several other powerful auras also acted and began to approach him.

At this point, Rhodes' expression was completely solemn, and he knew that it was the most critical moment to unite with Lich in the field according to his own expectations.

As for putting aside these Lich and directly uniting with the undead mage in Dia, this is just what Rhodes said when he provoked Naagh. Rhodes knew that without these Lichs, the battle would be difficult to live up to his expectations.

According to Rhodes' prediction of the strength of the undead creatures, relying on the power of the Divine Item, the transformed corpse witch, although it has a fifth-order strength, will still be restrained by other creatures.

It is the high-level sorcerer that exists in every faction that can restrain the corpse witch transformed by the Divine Item.

As the battle goes on, when the number of corpse witches increases, it is difficult for creatures that use melee combat methods to have any effect on these corpse witches. These creatures are easily destroyed by distance.

However, the existence of those sorcerers is beyond the reach of ordinary corpse witches. No matter how many corpse witches, it is difficult to cause any threat to the Legendary mage. On the contrary, the large-scale spell effect released by the Legendary mage Down, the corpse witch will be easily destroyed.

In Rhodes' view, the only people who can deal with the Legendary mage in the next war are the existence of these Lichs in the field. To achieve the desired results, Rhodes must draw upon the power of these Lichs.

Soon, the owner of the powerful aura before appeared in front of Rhodes.

Rhodes noticed that it was an Old Lady in dark golden robes, her face was deeply wrinkled, apart from this, there was no sign of being eroded by death energy.

Beside her, Lich Stephen's figure is appearing here, walking with her, looking at Rhodes' eyes with a hint of scrutiny.

It seems that he sensed something, sensed the strong changes in the surrounding death energy, Rhodes turned his eyes to the other two directions.

In one of the directions, there appeared a man in a slim black red robe with a huge two-handed sword on his back. Perhaps because of the endless night ceremony, his stature was not strong. , the flesh on his face was mutilated, but Rhodes could detect a sharp meaning in his eyes.

What made Rhodes a little concerned was that the moment he saw the man, he realized the heroic status of the other party. Before Rhodes noticed Naagh's heroic status, he was scattered in the black fog. Rear.

In the other direction, a skeleton creature appeared, its whole body was shrouded under a black robe, and there was no flesh and blood on its exposed face. Adding a terrifying color, just looking at it is enough to make people shudder.

Faced with these powerful Lichs on the field, apart from Rhodes being able to keep calm, how could the two undead mage beside him ever see such a scene? Even Phoenix, who was originally a messenger, in this brief moment, felt great pressure.

As if he noticed something, Phoenix showed a happy expression, and immediately said to the skeleton creature in the field, "Lord Elsa, I..."

"With so many Lichs present, who gave you the chance to speak to this undead mage?"

Finnis's happy expression froze on his face, and he was rudely beaten as soon as his words came out. Interrupted, interrupted him, it was Mr. Aisha in his mouth.

In this brief moment, Phoenix felt Lich's ruthlessness deeply, but he didn't say anything, just bowed his head deeply.

Rhodes on the side, also listening to Elsa's words, could not help but frowned slightly.

Elsa's words sounded like she was reprimanding Phoenix, but she was actually referring to more than just Phoenix.

There are undead mages in the field, except for Phoenix and the lower-ranked North, even Rhodes who did not hold the endless night ceremony, also belong to it, Elsa's this remark language, in fact The reference is to Rhodes.

Rhodes noticed that the direction Elsa was walking was exactly where Naagh stayed. Obviously, this Lich and Naagh had the same idea, both trying to seize the Divine Item.

What makes Rhodes a little concerned is that in his perception, Aisha's Soul Evocation Technique level is consistent with the surrounding Legendary Lich, both reaching the Legendary Grade. Lich , the reason for being here together.

(end of this chapter)

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