
  Chapter 1007 Naagh's

Created and released the black mist, that is, after Naagh's became a natural hero, Awakened hero specialties.

Relying on this special ability, Naagh is under the shroud of black mist all the time. If any creature other than him enters it, no matter the type, it will be deprived of all perception ability, even It cannot be determined whether it exists or not.

Dia, where Naagh is located, is one of the eerie places known as the Tomb of Death. No creature has ever been able to reach the end of the Plain of Rest in a conscious state. After stepping into this place, their senses are continuously deprived, until they sink into complete darkness.

At this time, Naagh released a large amount of black mist, covering Rhodes and the central area with the special effects of activating the hero's specialties.

The black mist released by Naagh can also block the perception from the outside world. Perhaps only the existence in the black mist can understand their own situation.

The appearance of this scene made the other Lichs around him feel a faint sense of urgency. Because of their Soul Evocation Technique level, it was also difficult to detect what happened in the black mist.

Lich, who knew about Naagh's ability, worried that in case of being shrouded in black mist, Naagh would grab the Divine Item in a short time, and use the space spell to escape, and never again. Appearing in Dia, the existence of Divine Item may be completely unrelated to them.

Among these Lichs, those who can keep calm, except for the two Legendary Lichs, there is only Elsa. Relying on her Soul Evocation Technique level, Elsa can faintly perceive the dark fog. to understand the situation of Naagh's at this time.

However, Elsa seemed to notice something, and showed a look of surprise, and before it could help Naagh's in the field, the situation changed.

The white light ripped through the black mist and transmitted through it, followed by a violent explosion.

As the white light flickered, the black mist that had spread all around was rapidly dissipating, and the creatures that were shrouded in it appeared in the field again. The figure also appeared in the air beside him.

It's just that Naagh's condition at this time is not very good. It has lost the shroud of the black fog, and its appearance completely appears in the eyes of all creatures.

It was a skeleton creature wearing a blue luxurious robe, and there was no flesh and blood on its exposed face and arms. The difference in appearance between skeleton creatures and skeleton soldiers.

At this time, Naagh's condition does not look good. The front of the blue robe has a large area of ​​scorched black marks, and the residual breath magic element on his body also shows that it has just suffered. spell type.

Naagh's figure didn't stay in the air for long, and soon, the black mist that was continuously generated beside it shrouded it again. It's just that this time, the black mist only shrouded Naagh's figure and did not spread to other places.

Feeling that he finally escaped from the dead silence, no light, and imperceptible to anything, North waved his hands in horror, as if to verify everything in front of him.

At the moment before, North really felt the coming of death, in the black fog that can erase all perception, for North, it is equivalent to experiencing death personally. .

Finally getting out of the black mist, North just felt that he had a whole new understanding of Soul Evocation Technique. He used to trouble himself. Soul Evocation Technique has the part about death, and he also got the answer at this time. , but before North could think about it, he turned his attention to Rhodes beside him.

Noth noticed that Rhodes at this time had already held the irregular sharp blade hanging from his waist in his hand, and the sword of the water blue was exuding a kind of brilliance, even stronger than that in the air. The white light is stronger, dispelling the surrounding darkness.

Under the shroud of black robe, Lich in the field, except North, did not know the existence of this weapon until Rhodes took out this weapon, which attracted their attention.

Compared with Lich on the field, North had a deeper understanding of this weapon in Rhodes' hands. North recalled that at the end of the battle in Sao City, he had seen Rhodes use this weapon. Weapons, unleashing extremely terrifying lightning.

With the appearance of this weapon, the field fell silent again. Even Naagh, who had just been hit by lightning and had to use teleportation to distance himself, gave up his shot in this brief moment plan.

The strong threat from the perception made Naaghs realize that the weapon in Rhodes' hands was not as simple as he thought, and once he stepped forward again, he would even put himself in danger.

In this brief moment, Naagh couldn't help but think that if this place is replaced by the plain of rest under his control, relying on the numerous undead creatures under his command to occupy a numerical advantage, and unlike the Tomb of Death, with A large number of rotten bones that can be awakened by Divine Item may still have the power to fight, but this condition is definitely not available at this time.

Although he was unwilling, Naagh realized from the strength shown by Rhodes that in a simple fight, instead of winning Rhodes, he would be at a disadvantage. In addition to unknown, it will attract many Lichs all around waiting for the opportunity, which is not a good choice.

For this reason, Naagh wisely stepped back for a while, regardless of his own image.

Just before the black mist transformed by Naagh's dissipated, Phoenix only felt heart trembled, accompanied by a wave of malice, as if he was being targeted by something bad.

Phoenix understands that the previous temptations Lich wanted to conduct on his own were not just verbal temptations, but, like Naagh's, a temptation of Rhodes' strength.

However, Phoenix, who has already learned from those Lichs that Rhodes has the Divine Grade Soul Evocation Technique on his body, would not make such a move. According to Phoenix's understanding of himself, he even performed Rhodes. Even a cloud of death could not endure, so he could only test in words, and he also counted on Lich's protection at the critical moment.

At this moment, just as Naagh's in the air dissipated together with the black mist around it, Phoenix realized that his behavior had been hated by this Lich.

In Phoenix's view, it was clearly Naagh who took the initiative to try and failed to achieve enough results, but in turn, he had to hate himself, and when everything was over, he had better be careful.

However, at this time, Phoenix did not complain about Naagh in the heart, nor did his stance change because of this. Instead, he turned his eyes to Rhodes in the field, ready to find a way to change the situation. .

(end of this chapter)

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