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Chapter 96 Reynold: I Am Killing The Five Elders, And Immortality Doesn’T Even Count! (Please Subscr

"Yes, no matter how magical the Devil Fruit is, it is impossible to bring people back to life.

"Even if there is a tiny possibility, it is impossible for two to appear at the same time."

Ace couldn't understand all this.

"The killing moves released by Reynold and the Devil Terminator are extremely powerful. Even if the Marine Admiral takes them head-on, it is impossible for him to be unscathed."

"If you don't see it with your own eyes, it's really hard to imagine that someone's head was blown up and his body was cut in half, but he couldn't be resurrected."

"This is definitely not the ability of the Devil Fruit!"

Many members of the Whitebeard Pirates talked about it. It can be seen that their faces were a little pale, their pupils were constricted, and they were full of fear.

"Dad, did you know it a long time ago?"

Marco looked at Whitebeard and asked.

"Ah, yes."

Whitebeard drank a bowl of wine and nodded: "I saw it with my own eyes and fought with them in the God Valley War more than 30 years ago."

"To be honest, their strength is not very strong. What is difficult to deal with is their ability to resurrect from the dead. ”

“No matter what attack they receive, they will be reborn in the black flames, just like the legendary phoenix reborn from the ashes.

While speaking, Whitebeard looked at Marco and smiled: "This ability is somewhat similar to yours."

Marco shook his head with a wry smile, "Dad, don't joke, my ability is not as strong as theirs."

“If I face Reynold, I can't take a single move."

Marco told the truth, although his fruit ability is also known as immortality and can recover all injuries.

But if his head is chopped off by a knife21, or he is cut in half in an instant, the ability of the phoenix fruit will not be able to recover in time.

In this way, he will naturally die.

So Marco's ability can only be said to be similar to that of the Five Elders, but it is definitely not comparable.

As for why the Five Elders can be resurrected from the dead, Whitebeard has actually thought about it, but he can't figure it out.

It's just a guess.

"The highest power of the world government, the Five Elders, is not so easy to deal with."

On Red Hair Pirates, Red Force, Beckman looked at the live broadcast and said in a deep voice.

"To be able to rule the world for eight hundred years, the world government must have a solid foundation, and it is impossible to be defeated casually."

"Reynold's strength is already very strong, but it's a pity... "

Red-haired Shanks looked at the fierce battle on the screen expressionlessly. He saw Reynold cut off Mars Macas's head with another knife, and at the same time, he cut Mars Macas's body twice, but Mars Macas was resurrected again soon.

On the other side, Saturn Satan was also crushed by Long Yi throughout the whole process, and was constantly injured and vomiting blood.

It can be said that the advantage of the battle has always been on Reynold's side, but he has never been able to completely end the battle.

From beginning to end, Red-haired Shanks did not say a word, and his expression did not change at all, making it impossible to see his joy or anger, nor to guess what he was thinking.

Calm Belt, Yinshe Island

"Lord Reynold's figure is so heroic and powerful."

Hancock, the Pirate Queen, looked at Reynold's video screen, her eyes sparkling with hearts, and she covered her face with her hands in shame.

But soon, her face changed, revealing a look of disgust, "Why don't these two disgusting monsters die?"

"Again and again, again and again."

"The heads have been chopped off, why don't you just die obediently? Do you have to block Lord Reynold's way?"

Hancock sat on the bed and watched the world live broadcast, sometimes shyly covering her face, sometimes angry and cursing, talking to herself, her expression constantly changing.

To outsiders, Hancock looked like a schizophrenic lunatic at the moment.

"I also want to help Lord Reynold."

Hancock looked at the fierce fighting screen, with a look of hope in her eyes.

"Don't be ridiculous, Snake Princess, your position does not allow you to do such a thing."

Just then, the voice of New Granny sounded, interrupting Hancock's fantasy.

Hancock turned to look at Granny New, his face darkened, "Why are you back again, old woman? Didn't I tell you? No one is allowed to enter the chief officer's house without my order"

"What's your attitude? I have always taken care of you as my own daughter. If it weren't for me, how could you have returned to Nine Snake Island safely?" Granny New was angry and wanted to rush forward, but was stopped by her two sisters.

"Well, don't be angry, Granny New, Sister was just joking, she's actually very grateful to you."

"Humph." Granny New snorted coldly, then looked at Hancock and said: "Snake Princess, the relationship between Reynold, Naval Headquarters and the World Government is very complicated now, and a full-scale war may break out at any time."

"The World Government is likely to issue a Shichibukai mandatory summons to summon you to participate in the war.'

"At such a critical time, you absolutely cannot mess around, do you hear me?" Granny New's expression was extremely serious, and Hancock was no longer willful, but stood up expressionlessly and walked slowly towards Granny New.

Just when Granny New thought Hancock had made some progress, a long white leg had already cut through the air and kicked her.

"I am the king of this country. You, the sinner who abandoned the country in the previous generation, what qualifications do you have to point fingers at me?"

The last voice echoed in Granny New's ears, and Granny New had turned into a stream of light and flew out of the palace.

Of course, Hancock was merciful, it was useless Haki, didn't use the fruit ability.

Similar things have happened hundreds of times, and the two sisters and the people of the kingdom have long been accustomed to it.

Naval Headquarters, Marineford.

Many Marine high-level officials saw the two Five Elders fighting Reynold fiercely, showing their terrifying abilities, and were first surprised, then excited, and excited.

"Great, Reynold is helpless against the Five Elders."

"As long as the battle can continue, there may not be a chance of winning."

"Marshal Sengoku, give the order quickly, we can also go to the war."

Many Marine generals stood up straight, with high fighting spirit, and asked for battle one after another.

The immortality of the Five Elders gave them hope of destroying Reynolds.

"Everyone, please sit down. It's too early to be happy now."

Sengoku looked at the many Marine generals in the conference room expressionlessly, and said calmly: "Don't forget, Reynold has more than one devil terminator.

"So far, he has used his hands and at least five Devil Terminators have not shown up." 1

"Have you ever thought about how to deal with this force?"

As soon as these words came out, many Marine generals were immediately speechless.

"There is also the issue of distance. It will take at least ten days to get to the G1 branch from Naval Headquarters. Will we be able to make it in time?"

"By the time we arrived at the battlefield, the day lilies were already cold."

Sengoku looked at the fierce battle on the big screen and sighed meaningfully: "This battle is destined not to be something we can participate in.

"Kizaru may be able to arrive in time, but..."

Sengoku suddenly had a bad feeling in his heart.

At this moment, Kizaru landed on a desert island.

He stood at the top of the highest mountain, with his left hand in his pocket and his right hand on his eyebrow, looking left and right like a telescope, with a puzzled look on his face, "How strange? Which direction are you taking to get to the G1 branch?"

"Left? Or right?"

"Oops, I seem to have lost my way, what should I do now?"

Kizaru looked troubled.

Quack, quack, quack.

At this moment, two crows flew over Kizaru's head, their eyes showing human contempt, looking at Kizaru below as if he was looking at an idiot.

Poof, two lumps of crow shit fell from the sky and landed at Kizaru's feet.

The air suddenly became quiet.

Kizaru frowned and looked up at the two crows flying away.

He was very sure that he was despised by the two crows just now.

On the G1 branch island, on the battlefield, "The battle has completely heated up.

The entire island has now turned into an island of flames burning with flames.

The raging fire burned violently, the buildings melted and turned into magma, and all the buildings left by Marine collapsed under the burning flames.

All the plants and animals on the island have died, and the sea water around the coastline has begun to boil.

"One sword flow·The other side of the underworld!"

Reynold held an alloy sword, flew up, and struck Mars Macarth with a knife from the sky.

The blade is pitch black, but the edge is blood red, and is covered with high-density weapon color and Conqueror's Haki.

Not to be outdone, Mars Macas collided with Reynold with his huge body, using his head as a weapon, also covered with high-density armed colors and Conqueror's 957 Haki.


Extreme moves clashed, Conqueror's Haki squeezed and collided with each other, shooting out countless black and red lightning.

The two did not come into direct contact. The Conqueror's Haki in the middle collided to form a void space, and the space has been distorted.

"Arrogant brat, don't you understand?"

"Based on your strength, it is impossible for the defeated to enter."

"It's too late to get caught now."

"I think you are a talented person. As long as you are willing to become a slave of the Celestial Dragons and serve the Celestial Dragons, I can be lenient and forgive your death penalty!"

Mars Macas made a sharp and strange sound, with a hint of ridicule in his tone.

"What nonsense are you talking about? Trash!"

Reynold sneered disdainfully: "Where did the idiot who was beaten so violently by me the whole time and couldn't even touch me have the face to say such shameless words?"

"I really wonder if there is something wrong with your brain. Did you eat too much poop?"

"You won't be able to get to the position of Five Elders by eating shit, right?"

"Humph, you sharp-tongued brat, you can only show off your power with your words."

"Soon you will know what despair is!"

Mars Macas did not want to talk to Reynold. He had to admit that he was no match for Reynold.

"Despair? I will make you despair now!"

"fall from the sky!"

Reynold let out a long roar and pressed down with his knife, instantly defeating Mars Macarth's offensive.

The powerful black-red flying slash bursts into dazzling light, instantly taking away all the destruction in the world.


The light of the sword flashed across the sky.

Reynold has teleported behind Mars Markarth.

Behind Reynold, Mars Markas raised his huge body high into the sky, then cracked a gap from his head, penetrated his whole body, and was completely divided into two halves.

Also divided into two halves is the island at its feet.

A giant knife mark extends from the east coastline of the island to the west coastline. Looking down from the sky, you can see that the entire island has been split in half by Reynold.

Reynold sheathed his sword, and behind him, the two huge bodies of Mars Macas hit the sea of ​​​​fire, causing the island to roar loudly. .

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