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Chapter 95: Brutal Five Elders, Headshot And Dismembered, Extremely Miserable (Please Subscribe)


A giant Conqueror's sphere formed instantly and collided with the Conqueror's spheres of Saturn's Satan and Mars' Markas Maz.

Looking down from the sky, we can see three oversized Conqueror's Haki domains squeezing each other, stalemate back and forth, frantically competing for possession of the domain.

The shock wave exploded and cracked the island.

Huge cracks expanded in all directions, splitting into countless small cracks, turning the ground into a spider web.

The sea was rolling and boiling, and huge waves more than ten meters high were set off by invisible shock waves.

Countless fish and Sea Kings lost consciousness and were suspended on the sea level. The surrounding large Sea Kings fled in terror.

Such a horrific scene left countless people stunned and shocked beyond measure.

"The Conqueror's clash of three kings, as this has not happened at sea for many years."

Whitebeard, Red Hair, Sengoku, Garp and other famous sea heroes all had complicated expressions when they saw this scene.


The sky is howling and the clouds are roaring.

Under the horrified eyes of hundreds of millions of people, the clouds in the sky slowly split, and several thick cracks appeared, dividing the sky into dozens of pieces.

Immediately afterwards, an invisible shock wave penetrated the clouds and exploded with terrifying power, completely annihilating the high-altitude clouds in an instant.

The sun shone in the sky again, and the previous scene of the doomsday disaster "850" disappeared without a trace, as if everything was an illusion.

"Poison Cannon!!!"

Saturn Satan has completely transformed into a beast form, and has grown in size again, becoming several times larger than the giants.

Now Saturn Satan has completely become a hideous and ugly spider, without any trace of human characteristics anymore.

Countless venom bombs were launched from his eight spider legs, aiming at Reynold.

Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom!

Where the poison cannon hit, there was a violent explosion, forming black fireballs, and large black smoke rising into the sky.

Wherever the black smoke reaches, rocks are corroded and melted, and plants wither and die.

Gyūki is a legendary behemoth and vicious sea monster, best at controlling venom.

Saturn's poison cannon is not only as explosive as a laser cannon, but also full of poison. Coupled with the dual increase of weapon color and Conqueror's, its lethality is extremely shocking.

Long Yi transformed into a giant dragon and rushed towards Gyūki Sattan, his whole body burning with blazing fire, blocking all the poison cannons that were fired, and even swallowed some directly into his stomach.

Neither the explosive power nor the poisonous attack could harm the dragon at all.

"Fire Dragon Torch!"

Long Yi's steel head was wrapped in blazing fire and thunder, and hit Gyūki Satan's chest.

There was a loud bang, and the shock wave instantly penetrated Gyūki Satan's huge body and headed towards the distant sea.

Gyūki Satan's huge body was directly knocked away, and a large amount of blood spurted out from Gyūki's ferocious mouth.

Not long ago, Long Yi used this move to instantly kill the Golden Emperor Tezoro.

Now he repeated his old trick and seriously injured Gyūki Sattan.

After Saturn Sartan transformed into Gyūki, his huge body was not flexible enough, so he could not dodge Ryuichi's attacks and could only resist.

Hot breath!

Before the flying Gyūki Satan could react, Long Yi breathed out flames and hit Gyūki's head, completely engulfing his head.

The terrifying flames flew for several kilometers and finally hit the distant sea.

Hundreds of millions of people around the world gasped when they saw this scene.

"That monster won't be killed directly, right?"

"The Devil Terminator under Reynold is indeed terrifying, and now it is even more terrifying after gaining Kaido's ability."

"Hit by the dragon's breath, his head will definitely be blown off, and that monster will definitely be dead!"

"That's right, that's right, you're dead!"

Ordinary people are ignorant and fearless, but even powerful pirates like Marco and Ace, as well as many Marine Vice Admirals, feel that Saturn Satan cannot survive this trick.

Only people like Whitebeard, red-haired Shanks, Sengoku and Garp who know the inside story know that the Five Elders are not so easy to kill.


The flames were pushed away, and Niu Satan's huge body stood up from the sea of ​​fire.

His head was indeed gone, leaving only a headless spider body.

However, in Reynold's Observation Haki perception, the life breath of Gyūki Satan has not disappeared.

Immediately afterwards, in the horrified eyes of hundreds of millions of people, a large black flame emerged from the broken neck of Gyūki Satan, and then his head was reborn in the black flame at a speed visible to the naked eye.

In the blink of an eye, Lu Dongsatan returned to his original state.

"Reynold, you alone can't defeat us."

"You don't understand the power given to us by the gods at all. You will definitely die today!"

Mars Markas soared in the sky, vibrating his wings and making a sharp and strange sound, then swooped down and sprayed a large fire towards Reynold.

The scorching heat is enough to melt rock into magma and steel into molten iron.

The whole island seemed to be roasted.

"The power given to you by the gods? I think it is the power of the devil!"

Facing the sea of ​​​​fire and flames falling from the sky, Reynold showed no expression and did not take it seriously.

The helmet automatically closed, and blue flames erupted from Reynold's feet, rising into the sky.


Because of his extremely fast flight, Reynold was like a flying stream of light, splitting the sea of ​​fire into two halves in an instant.

The alloy sword appeared in the hand, and the ultra-high-density weapon color and Conqueror's Haki covered the blade at the same time, shooting out black and red lightning, and even the space was distorted.

With a whoosh, like teleportation, before Mars Marcus Maz could react, Reynold had already hit his chest hard.

At this moment, Reynolds was like a special ground-penetrating bomb. The alloy sword directly broke through Mars Markas's Haki defense, broke open his chest, tore his flesh and blood, and shattered his internal organs. The back runs through.


Yijin Zhentian raised his head and let out a shrill wail. Large swaths of blood spurted out from the wound, and his huge body fell powerlessly from the sky.

But similarly, before Mars Markas Maz even landed, the wounds on his chest and back were healed in the black flames.

Flesh and blood were reborn without leaving any trace.

"Come again!"

Reynolds didn't hesitate, descending from the sky to attack.

"One sword flow·cutting the sea and crossing the sky!"

The huge black-red slash fell from the sky, leaving a long trail in the air, like a torrent pouring down from the sky.


The slash hit Mars Markas Maz in the chest, directly shattering his Armament Haki defense, tearing flesh and blood, and splitting him in half.

The power of the slash remained unabated, hitting the island land and splitting the earth, leaving a huge bottomless trench.


The two huge halves of Mars Markas Maz's body fell heavily to the ground, and the breath of life fell to the bottom in an instant.

However, just as he was about to die, large swaths of black flames suddenly ignited on Mars Markas Maz.

In the raging fire, the star destroyer Markas Maz was resurrected again

The two halves of his body were brought together, and the blood and flesh at the wound were intertwined. The granulation grew rapidly, and the blood actually flowed back into the wound.

"Reynold, you can't kill us."

"No matter how strong you are, you will never be able to do it."

"The power of gods is something that mortals like you can never understand."

Mars Markas Maz roared in the black flames, and then a giant pillar of fire shot out, instantly engulfing Reynolds.

Naturally, such an attack had no effect on Reynold. He swung his sword and split him open.

On the other side, Saturn Satan has also been suppressed by Long Yi.

After Long Yi transformed into a giant steel dragon, he severely injured Saturn Satan again and again.

Sartan's head was blown open, his chest was stabbed, and his eight spider legs were broken countless times, but in the end he was still reborn in the black flames.

Every time they are injured, their vitality will decrease rapidly, but it will recover quickly, as if there is a super large blood bank that is constantly adding blood to them.

What kind of wet nurse can have such a high milk supply?


Saturn Satan stood up from the ruins, and the tall Gyūki body still exuded a terrifying sense of oppression.

Mars Markas Maz was also resurrected in the black flames. His body has completely recovered and there are no wounds on his body.

He fluttered his wings and soared into the sky, his wings like canopies, and the scales on his huge snake body shone with the sun's rays, like dragon scales.

The scene of the two Five Elders coming back from the dead was broadcast to every corner of the world through live broadcast.

Countless people were dumbfounded by the sight, their expressions were frightened, and their minds went blank.

"Hey, hey, what kind of monster is this?"

"Why can that Minotaur come back to life even after its head was blown?"

"And that strange bird, its body was obviously split in half by Reynold, why isn't it still dead?"

"What are those black flames? Why can they be resurrected?"

"Could it be the fire of hell, the flame that gave birth to demons?"

"These monsters must be demons raised by the Celestial Dragons, yes, that must be the case."

"Only the legendary demons have immortality."

"Celestial Dragons are really demons!"

"Why, why is our world ruled by a group of demons? No wonder they are so violent and cruel!"

"They must be cannibals too. Maybe they eat at least a hundred humans every day."

"There are so many slaves in Mariejois who are used by the Celestial Dragons to feed the demons."

"Celestial Dragons are so scary!"

At this moment, ordinary humans in the world are full of fear of Celestial Dragons 4.0.

And this is why the Five Elders came to the New World to fight Reynold.

Because of the world live broadcast, Reynold Lingchi tortured the Celestial Dragons, trampling the prestige of the Celestial Dragons into dust, and the face of the world government was also gone.

The fire of resistance in the hearts of hundreds of millions of people around the world has been ignited by Reynold. If it is not stopped in time, it will inevitably lead to a catastrophic disaster.

So the Five Elders ended up personally, showing their terrifying strength in front of the whole world, letting hundreds of millions of humans around the world know how powerful the Celestial Dragons are, making them fearful, so that they don't dare to resist the Celestial Dragons.

Fear is the best medicine to suppress resistance.

The Five Elders are obviously all good and famous doctors, and Qu's medicine is very symptomatic.

"Sure enough, those old guys are not so easy to kill."

Whitebeard Pirates, aboard the Moby Dick, Whitebeard looked at the resurrected Saturn Satan and Mars Macarth with a look of understanding on his face, obviously he had expected this.

"What kind of monsters are these two guys?"

"Does Devil Fruit have this ability?"

Marco's eyes widened. He felt like he was living in a dream at the moment. Why was this world becoming more and more unfamiliar to him?

Incomprehensible things appeared one after another, making him feel that his previous decades had been in vain. .

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