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Chapter 84 Harvest 50 Trillion Beli And Kidnap The Celestial Dragons! (Please Subscribe)

"Damn it, why did Reynold suddenly appear here?"

"Everyone, run faster. If Reynold catches us, we will be dead."

"No matter what, we must protect Charmacosa and Preminger Palace. Even if we die, we must protect these two adults."

"There are only a few of us left in the escort team. We must complete the mission at all costs!"

"The justice of the world government and the absolute dignity of CP all depend on us to protect it."

The three CP agents roared lowly as they ran away, cold sweat dripping from their foreheads.

Of course, the Celestial Dragons' escort cannot only consist of three people, but all the others were wiped out by the previous Conqueror's Haki sweep.

The three of them were the strongest, and they were far away at the time, so they survived.

It's just that they are not out of danger yet. As long as they stay in the Golden City, there is a risk of being obliterated by Reynold.

"Have you contacted Naval Headquarters? If we just try to take the two adults to escape, the success rate is very slim. Marine Admiral must come to the rescue."

The leader looked at his colleagues behind him and said.

At this moment, the phone finally got connected, and a deep voice came from the other side, "This is..."

Before the person on the other side could speak, the CP agent shouted loudly, "We are members of the Celestial Dragons' escort team. We were attacked in New World. The Celestial Dragons are already unconscious. The murderer is Reynold Parritt. Arrange rescue quickly. It's too late." At once………………"

Phew! Phew! Phew!

Before they finished speaking, the walls on both sides of them suddenly deformed, and several sharp golden spears shot out, instantly piercing the chests of the three CP agents.

The three of them let out a scream, and then fell to the ground in a pool of blood.

The person on the other side of the phone was startled by the scream and shouted quickly: "Hey, hey, hey, how are you? What happened?"

"Hey, did you hear that? Reply quickly!"

The phone bug fell to the ground, showing an anxious expression and spitting.

A CP agent was spitting blood from his mouth and nose, his consciousness was very blurred, and his vitality was losing rapidly, but he still used his last effort to catch the phone bug and report the current situation.

But unfortunately, it is only half a palm away from the sky, but it is hard to reach and out of reach.

He wanted to shout directly, but his chest was pierced and he didn't even have the strength to speak.

Until he died, he didn't catch the phone bug and couldn't say a word.

"Hey, hey, talk, is there anyone alive?"

"What's going on with the Celestial Dragons?"

The phone bug was still chattering and shouting, and his tone became more and more anxious.

At this moment, a metal palm picked up the phone bug.

Reynold took the phone bug and sneered: "Stop shouting, everyone is dead."

"Who are you? You killed them!"

"You are Reynold!!!"

The phone bug showed a frightened expression and perfectly imitated the expression of the person speaking on the other side.

Apparently he recognized Reynolds' voice.

"What happened to the Celestial Dragons? Are they still alive?"

"Reynold, don't mess around. You can't afford to hurt the Celestial Dragons."

"It's too late to let them go now!"

A fierce and angry roar came from the phone bug, which looked quite intimidating, but obviously lacked momentum.

But there's nothing you can do about it, after all, the opponent is just an ordinary Marine, and the highest is just a Rear Admiral.

Reynold glanced at the two unconscious Celestial Dragons on the ground, sneered and said: "The Celestial Dragons are not dead now, but it will be hard to say after that."

"Your level is too low, let Sengoku come and talk to me, and I will contact you later.

After speaking, Reynolds directly cut off the call.

"I didn't expect to get something unexpected this time, but the Celestial Dragons are really disgusting."

Reynold glanced at the two Celestial Dragons on the ground with a look of disgust.

Male Celestial Dragons are ugly, with squinty eyes, a crooked mouth, buck teeth, and a runny nose.

The female Celestial Dragons are also extremely ugly, with pockmarked faces and runny noses.

If the full score is one hundred points, these two guys can only score three points.

But it happens that such people are actually Celestial Dragons, descendants of the Creator. They have supreme power and status and can enjoy a life of glory, wealth and incomparable luxury.

The money they spend on one day's enjoyment is enough for ordinary people to live for ten lifetimes.

All I can say is that this world is so unfair.

"Master, what should I do with these two Celestial Dragons? Should I just kill them?"

At this moment, Long Yi had released the ability of the Blue Dragon Fruit and returned to his original form as a Terminator, standing behind Reynolds.

His eyes glowed red, clearly turning on the killing mode.

"If we don't kill them yet, keeping them will be useful."

"After all, they are Celestial Dragons, so they are worth some money."

On a sudden impulse, Reynold decided to blackmail the world's government for a quick sum of money.

It just so happens that he is very short of money right now.

These two Celestial Dragons can be considered waste.

"Before that, let's take over the Golden City."

Reynolds looked at the Golden City in front of him with fiery eyes.

This is the biggest trophy he has gained since coming to this world.

"System, scan the Golden City."

Reynold gave the order, and the system's golden light suddenly appeared and began to scan the Golden City.

Every time I scanned the treasure house before, the golden light flashed past, and I came to a conclusion in an instant.

But this time, the golden light scanned for a long time.

After all, the length of the entire golden city reaches 10,000 meters, and it is divided into floors, so it is of infinite value.

Finally, the scan ends and the system reaches a conclusion.

"Go back to the Host. After scanning, it is confirmed that the total value of the Golden City is 50 trillion beli."

(To make it simple, the fraction is ignored.)

50 trillion beli is indeed an astonishing wealth.

To say that this is 20% of the world's Pele is obviously an exaggeration, but it is definitely a huge sum of money.

Reynold couldn't figure out why the Four Emperors, Marine and the world's government didn't kill the Golden Emperor and grab the money?

Not to mention Whitebeard, Red Hair, or BIGMOM, Kaido wanted to launch a war that would affect the whole world, and he also had to research weapons, ancient giants, and artificial Devil Fruit. There were many ways to spend money, so why didn't he take action?

And Naval Headquarters, no matter how much military spending is, it’s not enough, why don’t we take action?

The most important thing is the world government. Every year Vegapunk says that research funds are not enough. There is such a big fat sheep here, why not kill it for meat?

In fact, what Reynolds didn't know was that the reason why the Golden Emperor was able to live freely today was all because he used money to bribe senior officials of the world's government and the deliberate indulgence of the Celestial Dragons.

Every year the Golden Emperor bribes these high-ranking officials with a large sum of money.

In addition, in order to ensure the status of the Golden City as a neutral zone, the Golden Emperor also has to pay a large sum of protection fees to the Celestial Dragons.

Compared with killing the goose to obtain the eggs, it is better to have a steady stream of water.

The government of the world keeps the Golden Emperor just because they want the Golden Emperor to make money for them, so that they can have a steady stream of capital income.

If the Golden Emperor wants to rebel or refuses to pay, the world government can kill him at any time.

In short, the Golden Emperor is just one of their hens, and you can kill him anytime you want.

What's ridiculous is that the Golden Emperor thinks he can buy anyone with money, and can even control the world's noble Celestial Dragons to serve him.


Little did they know that from beginning to end, he was just a piece of meat on Celestial Dragons' chopping board.

Celestial Dragons can eat whenever they want.

His fate was sealed from the start.

This time Reynold killed the Golden Emperor and captured the Golden City, which was considered as stealing meat from the mouths of the Celestial Dragons.

"Recharge all."

Reynold gave the order.

The golden light of the system reappears, and the golden city disappears wherever it goes.

In the blink of an eye, the huge golden city completely disappeared on the sea. The royal family, nobles, pirates and bounty hunters in the golden city all fell into the sea, not knowing whether they were alive or dead.

"The recharge is completed, and the balance is 50 trillion beli (fraction is ignored)."

Reynold looked at the series of zeros on the virtual screen with a smile on his face.

As expected, money comes quickly from killing people and robbing wealth. From such an expedition, he made a full 50 trillion beli, and he had already earned half of the money he paid for the controllable nuclear fusion.

"Let's go, now it's time to ask Marine for money."

Reynold flew into the sky, and Long Yi grabbed the two unconscious Celestial Dragons and followed closely behind.

Soon, the two disappeared.

Naval Headquarters, Marineford, Marshal's Office.

There are a lot of documents piled on the desk, and Sengoku is doing official business wearing toad glasses.

During this time, there were riots in the sea, a large number of new pirates appeared in the Grand Line and the four seas, and the number of bloodshed incidents also increased several times.

There is also a large amount of intelligence about the Custer Kingdom's expeditionary force sent back by spies, which shows that Reynold is rapidly expanding his power and territory. Most of the territory left by Kaido and BIGMOM has been annexed by Reynold.

Today, Reynolds is the number one overlord in the New World!

In addition, there are review documents for new Marine strongmen to take important positions and a lot of other official duties.

During this period, Sengoku was extremely busy. Since the atomic bombing, Sengoku had never returned to his room to sleep. He slept in the office every day, and his sleep time was no more than two hours a day.

Is it easy for him as an old man?

I have to work overtime every day, and there is no overtime pay. While working hard, I have to be shirked and insulted by senior government officials.

Sengoku suspected that if he continued to work like this, he would die suddenly in the office sooner or later.

These days, Sengoku has thought about retiring more than once.

The great changes in the sea really made him exhausted mentally and physically.

After finally reading the last document, Sengoku breathed a sigh of relief.

"If there are no emergencies, you should be able to take a rest today."

Sengoku's face showed a relaxed look for a long time, but fate is so strange.

Whatever you are afraid of will come to you.

The more Sengoku expected that there would be no unexpected events, the unexpected events would happen to hit him on the head.

Bang bang bang.

Rapid footsteps sounded, and then with a bang, the office door was pushed open, and a Rear Admiral from the Marine Liaison Office broke in.

Because Rear Admiral was too anxious, his foot slipped and he fell face first to the ground. He slid forward and came to Sengoku's desk.

Normally, Garp would just break into his office without knocking, but now that even a Marine Rear Admiral was barging in like this, Sengoku immediately wanted to get angry.

"How decent are you..."

Before Sengoku could finish speaking, the Marine Rear Admiral shouted in a panic, "No... no, your Excellency, Marshal, the Weilong people have been kidnapped in the New World."


As soon as these words came out, Sengoku's eyes widened instantly, his brain felt like a heavy blow, and his buttocks felt like it was on fire, and he stood up straight. .

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