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Chapter 83 Reynold: Your Head Is Too High. You Have To Kneel Down To Talk To Me (Please Subscribe)

There was a riot in the entire Golden City, and the commotion was so loud that it naturally could not be hidden from the owner of the Golden City, the Golden Emperor.

As soon as he received the news, the Golden Emperor immediately led people to come out to greet him.

"Damn it, why did Reynold come to the Golden City? Is he targeting me?"

Tezzolo was in a panic at the moment, his face was uncertain, and his heart was on tenterhooks.

As we all know, Reynold is extremely powerful and terrifying.

No one who was targeted by Reynolds ended up well.

Four Emperors Kaido, BIGMOM, Admiral Akainu, how many monsters died tragically at the hands of Reynold? Countless.

How can he, Tezoro, let Reynold deal with him personally?

"It's really lively, but there are too many minions and it's a bit too noisy. It's better to be quieter."

Reynold looked at the Golden City below. Observation Haki could sense countless panic and screams in his ears.

With his eyes focused, Conqueror's Haki has already exploded.


The color of the sky and the earth changed, a terrifying aura erupted from Reynolds, and a giant Conqueror's domain suddenly appeared between the sky and the earth, swallowing the entire Golden City.

Conqueror's Haki instantly enveloped the entire Golden City, sweeping every corner of the Golden City.

Conqueror's was like a tsunami. Wherever it went, everyone, regardless of age or sex, rolled their eyes and fell to the ground, completely unconscious.

In just the blink of an eye, 99% of the people in the Golden City were unconscious, and only a few people could still maintain consciousness.

"Conqueror's Haki!"

Tezzolo felt this terrifying Conqueror's Haki, and his heart finally sank to the bottom.

Judging from the menacing look on Reynold's face, it was obvious that he did not come to the Golden City for pleasure.

Tezzolo led people to the top of the Golden City, looked up, and happened to meet the ferocious and cold eyes of the steel dragon. At the same time, he also saw Reynolds standing on top of the dragon.

"627 is actually Kaido's fruit power. Could it be that after Kaido's death, Reynold found the fruit power?"

"Or is it that Reynold has the means to seize abilities from espers?"

Tezoro's Observation Haki cannot sense the breath of life on the steel dragon, so it is determined that it is a machine.

Combined with the appearance of the giant steel dragon, it is easy to determine that this is a robot dragon that has eaten the Blue Dragon Fruit.

"His Majesty Reynold has come to visit you. It's really rude of me to miss you so much."

"I wonder if there is anything I need to do when Your Majesty Reynold comes, I will definitely take care of it.

Tezzolo took a step forward, with a respectful expression and humble attitude, and said with a smile.

In front of Reynold, Tezzolo did not dare to be arrogant, let alone put on airs.

With a thought in Reynold's mind, the helmet automatically opened, looking down at Reynold expressionlessly, he said calmly: "You raised your head too high!"


Tezzolo was stunned for a moment, not understanding what he meant. Suddenly, a huge pressure appeared out of thin air, pressing on him.

Tezzolo suddenly suffered a heavy blow. He was half-kneeling on the ground before he could react in time, and a big hole was made by his knee on the golden ground under his feet.

This is not gravity, but a physical attack formed by Conqueror's Haki!

"Damn it, I actually took action directly!"

Tezzoro cursed inwardly.

Although he had long expected that Reynold would come with bad intentions, Tezzolo did not expect that Reynold would take action without saying a word and trample on his dignity in such a humiliating way.

"Your Majesty Reynold, I have done nothing to offend you, right? Why...?"

Tezzolo raised his head with difficulty, looked at Reynolds with a gloomy face and asked.

"Indeed not, but who makes you weak?"

"New World: The jungle of the jungle. Your strength is too weak. If I want to hit you, I will hit you. If I want to kill you, I will kill you. Do you (cbec) have any opinion?"

Reynold spoke expressionlessly, his voice cold and ruthless, which made Tezzolo feel as cold as if he had fallen into an ice cellar.

He didn't expect that Reynolds would attack him just because he was too weak.

Is this reason nonsense?

Of course it's nonsense, but it's extremely true.

As Reynold said, the New World is extremely cruel, with pirates fighting each other and fighting endlessly, and death happening every second.

You don't need a reason to want to kill someone, just thinking about it is enough.

"Long Yi, destroy him!"

Before Tezzolo could react, Reynolds had ruthlessly issued the order to obliterate.

Since he is here to kill people and steal money, Reynolds naturally won't talk too much nonsense.

Start early, finish early.


The dragon opened its bloody mouth, and an extremely huge flame condensed in the mouth, shooting out towards Tezoro.

Dragon Breath!

Kaido's world-famous stunts are now reproduced in Long Mouth, and their power is no weaker than Kaido's.

"Damn it, golden shield!"

Tezzolo was naturally unwilling to sit still and wait for death. With a thought, he controlled the gold under his feet to form a huge shield and stepped in front of him.

Tezoro is a user with the golden fruit ability and can freely control all gold. The golden city under his feet is his most powerful weapon.

In fact, if Reynold is willing, he can control this golden city and destroy Tezzolo instantly.

But this expedition was to make Long Yi familiar with the power of the Blue Dragon Fruit, so Reynolds didn't plan to get involved.


A giant golden shield formed, instantly covering the high-density Armament Haki, blocking the dragon's breath falling from the sky, and a violent explosion occurred in an instant.

The terrifying shock wave spread in all directions, churning the sea to form huge waves.

When the smoke cleared, the golden shield had been melted and penetrated.

Tezoro's Armament Haki is not strong enough to stop Long Yi's high-temperature flame breath.

But Tezzolo has also disappeared.

Relying on the ability of the Jinjin Fruit, Tezoro successfully avoided the fatal attack of the dragon's breath.

But here is the boundless ocean, and no matter how Tezolo escapes, he can't escape Reynold's grasp.


At this moment, the Golden City began to shake.

The buildings made of gold began to soften, and they all gathered together like water.

The combination of massive amounts of gold [ultimately forms a golden man.

The size of the golden giant is almost the same as that of the giants, but in Reynold's opinion, it is somewhat similar to the machine giant.

Because Reynolds is sitting in the cockpit of the golden giant right now.

"Reynold, it's not easy to kill me. Let me show you the strength of my Tezoro!"

"Golden Divine Fire!"

Tezoro roared, and two thick laser rays shot out from the golden giant's eyes, rushing towards the dragon factory.

This is Tezoro's special move in the golden giant state. The laser beam is powerful and has a long range. It can sink warships dozens of kilometers away. It is an awakening move.

Facing the laser beam, Long Yi did not dodge or dodge, he directly opened his bloody mouth and swallowed the laser beam in one gulp.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

There was a dull explosion sound coming from Long Yi's body, but it did not hurt him at all.

The dragon opened its mouth and spit out a ball of flames, like a belch.

Judging from the way he enjoyed it, he was obviously very satisfied with the taste of Tezzolo's laser light.

"How can it be?"

Tezzolo stared angrily, showing an expression of disbelief.

He never expected that the giant steel dragon in front of him could swallow his laser beam alive without being injured.

"Fire Dragon Torch!"

Just when Tezoro lost his mind, Long Yi had already swooped down and hit the golden giant's chest at lightning speed.

At this moment, Long Yi seemed to transform into a meteorite falling from the sky, carrying the power to destroy everything and easily shattering the golden giant's hard body.

The shock wave came out, and Tezoro's Armament Haki defense was as fragile as tissue paper and was easily broken.

With a loud bang, the golden giant exploded directly, forming a giant Great Fireball with a diameter of more than a hundred meters.

The sea of ​​​​fire spread, and the scorching heat burned the gold red and began to melt into gold water.

Long Yi rolled in the sea of ​​fire and roared, feeling extremely comfortable.

On the other hand, Tezzolo was hit by the dragon's head and flew away, turning into a stream of light that shot out backwards.

Tezoro cut through the sky at super fast speeds, making a roaring sound and forming several Mach rings.

Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom!

Tezoro flew in mid-air and vomited blood. He didn't know how many gold walls he knocked down and how many gold pillars he broke.

It flew more than three thousand meters before finally stopping.

A restaurant made of gold collapsed, burying Tezzolo under the rubble.

Reynold's Observation Haki swept through and confirmed that Tezoro still had life left.

But his breath was extremely weak, and he was obviously seriously injured and dying.

After just one impact from Long Yi, Tezzolo couldn't hold on anymore.

I really don’t know whether Tezoro is too weak or Long Yi is too strong?

Reynold fell from the sky, entered the Golden City, and came to the sky above the ruins.

With a big hand grab, he activated the power of the mechanical fruit, flying away a large amount of golden debris, revealing Tezzolo buried under the ruins.

I saw Tezzolo lying in the ruins covered in blood, with disheveled hair, twisted body, and countless broken bones.

He was still panting, but while panting, he coughed violently and spurted out a large amount of blood. It was obvious that his internal organs had also been fatally injured.

If not treated in time, Tezzolo will definitely die!


Tezzolo opened his eyes with difficulty, looked at Reynolds above him with blurred vision, and looked pleading.

He doesn't want to die yet, he hasn't realized his ambition yet, he wants to live.

Unfortunately, Reynold kills decisively and will not show mercy.


Reynold said lightly, raised his finger, and a sharp spear made of gold instantly penetrated Tezzolo's chest and pierced his heart.

Tezzolo let out a scream, his body kept twitching, and finally his head tilted and he died completely.

The Golden Emperor Tezoro can control gold at will, and his favorite thing in life is gold.

Reynold let him die under the golden spear in the end, which was considered a worthy death.

"Well, are there any fish that slipped through the net?"

Suddenly Reynold frowned, and then a sneer appeared on the corner of his mouth.

His Observation Haki captured the auras of several humans, who were running for their lives, getting further and further away from him.

"If it can block my Conqueror's Haki, it's still somewhat powerful."

"It's just this disgusting smell, it's really uncomfortable."

With Reynold's thought, the golden ground under his feet suddenly deformed, and the power of the mechanical fruit was transmitted through the gold.

At this moment, in a passage somewhere in the Golden City, three tall men in black uniforms were carrying two unconscious people, a man and a woman, and running away like crazy.

The former are CP agents, and all of them are cold-blooded killers.

The unconscious man and woman, both wearing bubble helmets on their heads, are obviously Celestial Dragons. .

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