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Chapter 8 Just To Train Troops, A Country Was Destroyed! (Please Collect, Please Send Flowers)

At this time, King Tania was trying to escape from the side door of the palace under the protection of several guards.

The king was also followed by his wives, concubines, concubines, princes and princesses. These people also carried a large amount of gold, silver and jewelry.

Poof, a concubine tripped and fell to the ground. The jewelry in her hand was scattered on the ground. She ignored the pain and hurriedly picked it up.

When the king saw this, he jumped up and down, "Damn you idiot, it's so important to escape now, what else do you need gold, silver and jewelry for?"

After saying that, he ran away without waiting for the concubine to get up.

However, the king hit a wall head-on, breaking his nose, knocking his teeth out, and causing blood to appear on his face.

The king fell heavily to the ground and let out a scream.

He raised his head sharply and was about to curse, but all the subsequent curse words were stuck in his throat, and no sound came out.

The wives, concubines, concubines, princes and princesses behind the king also looked frightened at this moment, and they were scared out of their wits.

Just because what the king hit was not the wall, but Long Yi.

Looking at the huge monster that was more than five meters in front of him, the king was so frightened that his liver and gallbladder split. His legs were shaking, his mind went blank, and he almost lost consciousness.

"Where do you want to go? King Tania?"

Reynold said with a chuckle.

" are you?"

King Tania was trembling.

Reynold thought, and the helmet of the armor automatically opened, revealing his true face.

"It's you, Reynolds!"

King Tania's eyes widened.

He never expected that the person who invaded the Tania Kingdom would be Reynold.

The Kingdom of Castor and the Kingdom of Tania are adjacent to each other. The two countries have many exchanges, and wars have broken out more than once in history.

King Tania naturally knows Reynolds very well.

"Reynold, why do you want to invade my kingdom of Tania?"

"I didn't offend you, did I?"

Although King Tania was frightened, he still had the courage to ask.

Reynold smiled and said: "No, this is just a training exercise."

"I want to take this opportunity to see how powerful my army is."

"Unexpectedly, your Tania Kingdom's army is too weak and cannot even hold out for half an hour. I am really disappointed."

Reynolds shook his head helplessly.

"Training? It's just training?"

King Tania was shocked and angry, a little unbelievable, but his eyes quickly turned ferocious and terrifying, "Just for training, you invaded my Kingdom of Tania and killed so many people?"

"If you do this, Marine will not let you go, and neither will the world government."

"Our Kingdom of Tania is a member of the world's official | government. Marine will never allow your behavior."

King Tania roared, venting his anger and unwillingness.

"My father is right, Reynold, it's still too late for you to leave now. We don't need to hold you accountable."

At this time, a weak voice sounded behind King Tania.

Reynold looked up and saw a young man about the same age as him.

Reynold knows him. He is the eldest son of King Tania. If nothing happens, he will be the ninth king of Tania Kingdom in the future.

"Do you really think I care about Marine's attitude?"

Reynold shook his head, showing a hint of sarcasm, "Forget it, no matter how much I tell you, you won't understand."

"Putting the fate of the country and your own destiny in the hands of others is not only stupid, but also the greatest tragedy in the world."

"Long Yi, send them on their way."

"As you command, Master!"

The dragon nodded and rushed forward.

With several unwilling screams, King Tania and his party were all killed.

At this point, the bloodline of Tania’s royal family was completely cut off!


On the other side, Marine guarding the Kingdom of Tania has also discovered the invading Terminator army.

"Candace Rear Admiral, what do we do?"

At the entrance of the Marine branch, a thousand Marine soldiers gathered here, and all the Marines' eyes were fixed on the tall Marine Rear Admiral in the front.

Candace Evans, Naval Headquarters Rear Admiral, the highest officer of the Marine branch of the Kingdom of Tania.

Listening to the gunfire and shouts of death coming from all directions, and looking at the ordinary civilians fleeing in front of him, Candace Rear Admiral's heart ignited with raging anger, and a fierce light flashed in his eyes.

"Looking at the situation, someone has invaded the Kingdom of Tania. A group of people went to protect the people and evacuate. The remaining people went to the palace with me to rescue the king."

Candace Rear Admiral gave an order, and his soldiers immediately divided into two teams.

One group of people scattered into the town to rescue people, and the other group followed Candace to the palace.

Soon, Candace ran into two Terminators armed with Vulcan Gatlings.

Instead of killing civilians, they searched the streets for fleeing Guardsmen soldiers.

"Damn bastards, you actually dare to mess around in Tania Kingdom, I can't spare you!"

Rear Admiral Candace roared angrily, disappeared from the spot with a swish, appeared behind a Terminator in an instant, slashed down with a knife, and chopped off the Terminator's head on the spot.

With a rumble, the Terminator collapsed with a muffled sound.

"What a hard body. Is this guy's body made of iron?"

"No, it's harder than ordinary steel."

Rear Admiral Candace's expression changed.

Although he cut off the Terminator's head, the hard feeling he felt at that moment was no joke at all.


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