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Chapter 7 The Terrifying Strength Of The Terminator Army, Bloody Massacre! (Please Collect, Please S

The First Legion fleet traveling on the sea also discovered the Terminator army flying through the sky.

"His Majesty the King is truly like a god. He even conquered the sky."

Julius stood on the bow of the warship, watching the army flying overhead, his heart filled with admiration.

"Yes, over the years, the only one who can conquer the sky is the great pirate Golden Lion decades ago. Now His Majesty the King has also successfully conquered the sky."

"The old king would be pleased if he knew that the Custer Kingdom is so powerful today."

A general shed tears unconsciously in his eyes.

"Send my order and the warship will move forward at full speed."

At this time, Julius gave the order, and the warship soared to the fastest speed in the shortest time and headed towards the Kingdom of Tania.

This time His Majesty the King personally dispatched, coupled with the flying army that he had never seen before, Julius had a hunch that the war would end quickly.

If they go too late, they might not even be able to drink the soup.


High in the sky, Reynold flew rapidly with the Terminator army, reaching a speed of twice the speed of sound.

This is not the ultimate speed of Reynold and Long Yi. The material on their bodies is made of Adamantium alloy, and their speed can soar to more than thirty times the speed of sound.

But the ordinary T800 Terminator can only fly to twice the speed of sound due to material limitations.

The Kingdom of Tania is 800 kilometers away from the Kingdom of Custer. Traveling at twice the speed of sound, it can be reached in just twenty minutes.

Twenty minutes passed by in a flash, and Reynold led the Terminator army to the sky above the Kingdom of Tania.

"Go ahead and let me see your strength."

Reynold gave an order, and the army of a thousand Terminators immediately dispersed and entered the Kingdom of Tania from four directions.

The killing target Reynold set for them was the army of the Kingdom of Tania, excluding civilians.

Unless there is an accident, the Terminator will not kill civilians.

But if civilians attack the Terminator, the Terminator will fight back.

The Terminator is highly intelligent, has the ability to continuously learn, and can fight in various complex environments.

Terminators entered the military camp of the Kingdom of Tania one after another. While scanning and confirming the enemy targets, the Vulcan Gatling in their hands began to spin crazily and spray flames.

clatter! clatter! clatter! clatter!

Bullets flew, each soldier's body was pierced, walls were shot through, and ammunition depots were exploded. Many soldiers died without even screaming.

"It's an intruder, fight back quickly, fight back quickly!"

The commander in the military camp roared loudly, but his voice was quickly picked up by a Terminator.

Then the bullets shot past, and the commander was instantly beaten to a pulp.

The soldiers of the Kingdom of Tania fired back, but they only used ordinary flintlock guns, which had limited power and were completely ineffective against the Terminator.

If the soldiers bombard with cannons, they will be dodged by the Terminators.

In just a few minutes, all the soldiers in a military camp were wiped out.

A thousand Terminators were killing wildly in the Kingdom of Tania, and the soldiers of the Kingdom of Tania were constantly being wiped out.

The battle had just begun, and the army of the Kingdom of Tania had already collapsed.

The entire 100,000 guard troops were like 100,000 lambs waiting to be slaughtered, pitifully weak.

News that the country had been invaded soon reached the ears of King Tania. He wanted to summon his civil and military officials to discuss facing the enemy, but it was too late.

Reynold and Long Yi had already entered the palace.

"They are intruders, kill them."

"Protect His Majesty the King."

"Damn intruder, go to hell!"

The palace guards discovered the traces of Reynold and Long Yi, and roared towards them.

call out!

A laser shot out from Long Yi's palm, instantly hitting the rushing guards.

With a loud bang, the laser exploded into a giant Great Fireball with a diameter of more than twenty meters, swallowing dozens of soldiers.

The terrifying shock wave blew hundreds of people away.

"Laser cannon, this is impossible!"

When the soldier saw Long Yi firing the laser cannon, he was so frightened that he sat down on the ground, his face turned pale and he broke into a cold sweat.

Even people who don't understand science know how terrifying the power of laser cannons is.

There were only two thousand guards in the palace of Tania Kingdom. Long Yi attacked and directly destroyed a quarter of the opponent's troops.

However, such a laser cannon cannot satisfy Reynold.

This is only the power of a small laser cannon, barely comparable to Admiral Kizaru's flash bomb.

What Reynold really wants is a super laser cannon that can destroy a large island in one shot.

A laser cannon of that level is not only powerful and terrifying, but also has an extremely long range. It can attack directly from the sky to the ground. It is one of the attack methods of space-based weapons.

It's just that the price of super laser cannon technology is too expensive. Reynolds can't afford it yet, so he can only buy a small one for transitional use first.

", we can't be a match for this kind of monster."

"I don't want to die. My wife and children are still waiting for me at home."


The Guards soldiers were extremely panicked, and their cries kept ringing out. More than a thousand Guardsmen fled in all directions.

Reynolds didn't attack, and neither did Long Yi.

These people are ordinary soldiers, and there is no point in killing too many people.

Reynold is not a murderer who only knows how to kill like crazy.

"Let's go to the palace and meet King Tania."

Reynold took Long Yi into the palace.


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