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Chapter 57 Reynold Steals The House And Destroys The Four Emperors' Lair First! (Please Collect

In fact, Sengoku is very optimistic about Aokiji.

After all, Aokiji was very passionate about Marine back then. He was very motivated when performing tasks and was very patient with his subordinates.

As Aokiji showed more and more strength and leadership skills, Sengoku once wanted to train Aokiji to take over as the next Marine Marshal.

Compared to the hot-tempered Akainu, who was willing to kill civilians in order to kill pirates, and the lazy Kizaru, Aokiji is undoubtedly the best successor to the marshal.

But after the Ohara mission, Aokiji changed.

The former high-spirited Aokiji disappeared, replaced by Aokiji who slept and paddled every day, becoming the second Kizaru.

Moreover, Aokiji often sneaks out of Naval Headquarters and rides his bicycle around on the sea, just like a street kid, which makes Sengoku a little bit jealous.


Custer Kingdom, in the royal palace.

"First there were Kaido and BIGMOM, and then there was Naval Headquarters. It was really getting more and more lively."

Reynold held the red wine glass and looked at the three electronic screens without showing any signs of anxiety.

Robin said from the side: "Marine wants to sit on the mountain and watch the tiger fight, and then the fishermen will benefit."

"Your Majesty the King, have you decided how to deal with this crisis?"

Although Robin's face was calm and showed no fear, he was a little panicked in his heart.

No matter who it is, no one can remain calm when facing the two Four Emperors Kaido and BIGMOM at the same time.

Not to mention there is a Naval Headquarters just around the corner.

Reynold drank the red wine in the glass and said calmly: "Don't worry, everything will be fine."

"At Kaido's speed, it will take at least three or four days to reach the Custer Kingdom. It will take BIGMOM at least ten days to reach it."

"Such a long time is enough for us to do a lot of things."

"And the more spectators this battle has, the better. Only in this way can it be worthy of the first appearance of the atomic bomb!"

The last words were spoken by Reynold in his heart.

The killer weapon that has been hidden for so long, it's time for the world to see its power.

"Before that, let's destroy the lairs of the two Four Emperors."

"By the way, I'm going to search for the treasures left by the two Four Emperors. I think I won't be disappointed."

Reynold suddenly stood up from the sofa and ordered in a cold voice: "Dragon one, dragon two, dragon three, come with me to Wanokuni. Dragon four, dragon five, dragon six, you go to the World Cake Island."

"Remember, no one is left alive on Cake Island who is a member of the Charlotte family, regardless of age or sex!"

"Long Qi stays and is responsible for guarding the Custer Kingdom."

"As you command, Master!"

The seven Devil Terminators responded in unison, all exuding an extremely terrifying aura.

"What about me? What is my mission?"

Enel realized that he had been missed and quickly asked.

Reynold glanced at Enel and said calmly: "Your strength is too weak. Stay in the kingdom for special training, or go on an expedition."

The expedition of the Custer Kingdom has never stopped, and it has occupied many islands during this time.

The sea area of ​​New World is extremely vast, with as many islands as stars.

Although many of them are uninhabited islands, some are inhabited by humans.

There are no countries on these islands, only human settlements similar to tribes.

What Reynold's expeditionary force has to do is to continuously occupy these islands and expand the territory of the Custer Kingdom.

If a vein of minerals worth mining is discovered on the island, a force of Terminators will be left to build a weapons arsenal.

During this period, the expeditionary force will not kill civilians unless forced to do so.

As a king, Reynolds still has this bottom line, and it can be regarded as his last mercy.

Of course, in the process of expanding the territory, the expeditionary force will also destroy the pirate groups it encounters and plunder their treasures.

After removing the heads of the bounty pirates, a T1000 model terminator will disguise itself as a bounty hunter and go to Marine Base to collect the bounty, killing two birds with one stone.

"If you want Armament Haki to advance quickly, you can't practice behind closed doors. You must practice."

"Follow the expeditionary force and you will have a steady stream of opponents to fight with."

Reynold looked at Enel and said.

Although Enel was a little reluctant, he nodded in agreement.

After all, this was Reynold's order and he didn't dare to disobey it.

And now he is too young to face the core cadres of the Four Emperors pirate group, so it is just right for him to go on an expedition.

"Let's go, let's go."

Reynold gave the order and flew out of the palace first.

Behind him, six Devil Terminators followed.

In addition, there are an army of two thousand T800 Terminators.

They set off later and were responsible for occupying that territory after Reynold captured Wanokuni and Cake Island.

The seven Reynolds flew through the air, straight into the sky, and soon reached an altitude of 10,000 meters.

The air here is thin, the air resistance is low, and the flight speed can reach the fastest.

Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh!

Seven streaks of light flashed away, leaving behind seven long flame tails high in the sky.

Soon, the seven streams of light split into two paths.

Reynold takes Dragon One, Dragon Two and Dragon Three to Wanokuni.

The remaining Dragon Four, Dragon Five and Dragon Six head to Cake Island.

The army of two thousand Terminators was also divided into two groups.

The thrusters roared, and Reynold's flight speed soared. In the blink of an eye, it had exceeded thirty times the speed of sound.

Kaido required a long flight of three or four days, but Reynold arrived in less than an hour.

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