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Chapter 56 Reynold: What About The Four Emperors? I Will Kill You Without Fail! (Please Collect, Ple

"According to my order, the entire BIGMOM pirate group will attack and must completely destroy the Custer Kingdom."

BIGMOM roared and ordered, "That damn brat, I must unscrew his head with my own hands, hang his body at the door of Cake Island, and let the crows eat up his flesh and blood!"

"Yes, Mom!!!"

The Charlotte family was united and roared together.

Everyone had angry faces, cold eyes, and murderous auras intertwined together, exuding a terrifying aura like evil spirits.

Soon, the mighty fleet of the BIGMOM pirates set off.

The furious Kaido and the furious BIGMOM, the two Four Emperors start acting at the same time, which will definitely stir up the whole world.

But Kaido and BIGMOM don't know that their every move and every trace is under Reynold's control.

Custer Kingdom, in the royal palace.

Reynold was lying leisurely on the sofa, with various cakes, desserts and wine on the table in front of him.

There is a huge electronic screen on the metal wall of the room, and the screen is divided into two parts: left and right.

On the left is Blue Dragon Kaido flying among the clouds, and on the right is the mighty fleet of the BIGMOM pirates.

Through the space satellite, Reynolds can clearly know all the actions of Kaido and BIGMOM.

"It's really a big deal now. Two Four Emperors are launching a war against me at the same time. New World is going to go completely berserk."

With a smile on Reynold's lips, he picked up the red wine glass and took a sip.

Robin beside him said speechlessly: "Isn't this caused by His Majesty the King? It's too late to regret now."

"Let's think about how to get through the difficulties."


Reynold raised his eyebrows and said calmly: "Which of your eyes saw that I regretted it?"

"What about the Four Emperors? If they want to steal my things, I will kill them even if they are Four Emperors."

"Kaido and BIGMOM are nothing special. One is a psychopath who likes to commit suicide, and the other is an idiot who lost his mind after giving birth to a son."

"Even if the two of them join forces, I won't take it seriously."

"Besides, judging from the current situation, the two of them may not be able to join forces."

Kaido flew here by himself, so he didn't have to take a long way around, and he was very fast. He would definitely arrive before BIGMOM who came from the sea.

And with Reynolds' ability, he can use the Devil's Terminator to intercept at any time.

"Besides, after they leave, the nest will definitely be empty, so this is my chance."

"I wonder how much of a storm it will cause in the world if two Four Emperors are defeated at once?"

Reynold smiled evilly, but his eyes were shining with cold blood.

"Oh? Are there other viewers?"

At this moment, Reynolds once again brought up an electronic screen.

What was displayed on the electronic screen was the image of Naval Headquarters.

In the picture, a large number of soldiers are gathering in Naval Headquarters. Even through the screen, Reynolds can feel the tense atmosphere in Naval Headquarters.

"Quick, quick, everyone gather immediately, the warship is about to set off."

Each one of the Marine Commodore and Rear Admiral roared loudly and ordered groups of soldiers to assemble.

The Vice Admiral officers were all gathered in the large conference room of the headquarters for a meeting.

"News came from New World. It has been confirmed that Kaido has left Wanokuni, and BIGMOM is personally leading the pirate fleet to the Custer Kingdom. The war is about to break out."

Marshal Sengoku stood on the high platform and introduced the current situation to many Marine generals below.

"Great, the opportunity has finally come."

A Marine Vice Admiral clenched his fists.

"After waiting for so long, we can finally eliminate Reynolds completely."

"That damn bastard, this time he must pay for the death of Stolo Berry and thousands of Marine elites."

Vice Admiral The flying squirrel has a face as cold as frost, and its whole body exudes cold murderous intent.

"Your Majesty Marshal, please allow me to participate in this operation."

"I want to go too. I must witness the death of Reynolds, the war criminal."

"Add me, I want to avenge Stolo Berry."

"And I!"

All the Marine Vice Admirals were full of fighting spirit and asked for a fight.

Sengoku looked at the many Marine generals and said expressionlessly: "I have notified Akainu and asked him to lead the troops of the G1 branch to the outside of the battlefield. Once an opportunity is discovered, Akainu will take action."

"As for Naval Headquarters, Garp will personally lead the team as follow-up support for New World."

"Others are guarding their headquarters to prevent accidents from happening."


There was a Vice Admiral with a look of unwillingness on his face.

Sengoku slammed the table and said coldly: "There are enough troops heading to the New World this time, and we cannot leave the Naval Headquarters in a dilemma of empty troops."

"Four Emperors Kaido and BIGMOM attack at the same time and start a war with Reynold. The entire New World will definitely go berserk."

"At that time, Whitebeard and Red Hair may also take action."

"No matter what, we must ensure the safety of Naval Headquarters."

"Especially you, Aokiji, you must stay at Naval Headquarters these days and never leave."

Sengoku looked at the sleepy Admiral Aokiji on his left, who was squinting his eyes, and said with a serious face.

"Well, don't be so serious, Mr. Sengoku, I won't run around."

Aokiji said with a yawn.

"It better be this way."

Sengoku glanced at Aokiji coldly.

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