
The Neptunes, father and son, stared blankly at Shirahoshi and Ace with a gentle smile on his face.

It turns out that they misunderstood?

Suddenly, King Neptune and his son breathed a heavy sigh of relief.

Looking at the strange expression on his former friend, Rayleigh, Neptune could only smile bitterly.

You can’t blame him for misunderstanding!

In fact, the name of Emperor Yan is too loud on the sea.

In this sea, any person or force that offends Emperor Yan will only end up being wiped off the map.

Even Crocodile, one of the Seven Warlords of the Sea, or Enies Lobby, one of the three major institutions of the World Government, have become stepping stones for Emperor Yan.

Especially the Yan Emperor incident, this public execution broadcast live to the world, made people all over the world see the style of Emperor Yan.

Even the Celestial Dragons, who are the descendants of the Creator, the true nobles of the world, and enjoy unlimited privileges, can be publicly executed if Emperor Yan wants to.

Not even the Naval Headquarters, or even the Five Elders, the most powerful holders in the world, could stop Entei's public execution.

One of the highest powers in the world, the god of scientific defense in the Five Elders, Jaygo Lucia Satan, had his head smashed by Emperor Yan at the end of the live broadcast.

Although the world government later proved through public opinion that Saint Satan was unscathed,

But being able to smash Saint Satan's head in front of the whole world, and still being able to escape from the Sabaody Archipelago,

Although it is unclear what happened on Sabaody Archipelago after the live broadcast ended,

But this is enough to show what kind of person Yan Emperor is.

Even the World Government, the real behemoth in this sea, has no way to deal with Emperor Yan.

In addition, during the world live broadcast of the Yan Emperor event, the shocking combat power displayed by Yan Emperor,

Admiral of Headquarters Akainu, was stepped into the lava hell by Entei and almost died.

Emperor Yan was actually able to create a lava hell with a temperature even more terrifying than the center of the earth, reaching a temperature of over 10,000 degrees Celsius in a single thought!

You know, the temperature of volcanic eruptions deep in the sea is only between 700 and 1400 degrees Celsius.

Even so, it can quickly heat the surrounding sea area to a high temperature of more than 100 degrees Celsius, causing widespread death of underwater races.

It is an out-and-out catastrophe at the bottom of the sea.

A high temperature of more than 10,000 degrees Celsius is more than ten times the temperature of an undersea volcanic eruption. It is simply unimaginable!

And the power that can summon and control the undead souls who died at the hands of Emperor Yan is as frightening as the King of Hades.

Emperor Yan during the battle was truly like an emperor sitting on a throne high in the sky, controlling the life and death of thousands of creatures.

The Yan Emperor pirate fleet he commanded became even more terrifying after the Yan Emperor incident.

Former Admiral of Headquarters Aokiji quit Marine and joined the Entei Pirates Grand Fleet, becoming the captain of the First Division.

One of the original Seven Warlords of the Sea, owner of Conqueror's Haki, and the Pirate Empress, Boa Hancock quit Seven Warlords of the Sea and joined the Entei Pirates.

In addition to the Entei pirate fleet, the original powerful officers who were famous in the sea,

The Entei pirate fleet has become the strongest pirate group in the history of this sea!

Even the Roger Pirates, commanded by the former Pirate King, Goldo Roger, are definitely not as powerful as the current Entei Pirates.

Plus the news that came out not long ago.

Doflamingo, one of the Seven Warlords of the Sea, was killed by Kuzan, captain of the first division under Entei, and "Dark Ranger", captain of the second division, with a smile.

The Donquixote family under his command was completely destroyed.

And Dressrosa even withdrew from the World Government and became the territory of the Entei Pirates' fleet.

Known as the Daughter Kingdom, the Amazon Lily guarded by the Pirate Empress Boya Hancock has also become the territory of the Entei Pirate Fleet.

This World Government was used to deter all pirates in the sea. The Seven Warlords of the Sea, one of the three major forces of the Sea, almost fell apart in the hands of Emperor Yan.

Faced with such an act of openly trampling the face of the World Government under its feet, the World Government had no recourse at all.

How could one not be frightened by the arrival of such a super big man who was above the Four Emperors?

Even if Entei is the bloodline of the Pirate King who has been here before and has a good relationship with the Ryugu Kingdom,

Even under the command of Emperor Yan, there is still Rayleigh, an old acquaintance,

But Neptune knew very well that when facing the real overlord in this sea, he must maintain enough awe.

Only in this way can we survive on this sea.

Coupled with the environment of the hard-shell tower, it looks like the Entei Pirates broke open the door.

Neptune was naturally terrified.

Fortunately, things were not as he thought. It was not Shirahoshi who had angered the overlord of the sea.

But this overlord of the sea, for some unknown reason, helped his daughter Shirahoshi.

"I'm really grateful for Yandi's help. Your declaration to the world during the Yandi incident helped our country's mermaids avoid being captured.

Please let our Dragon Palace Kingdom express our gratitude to Emperor Yan and attend our Dragon Palace Kingdom’s banquet. "

Neptune's posture was very low.

After all, he had only seen the demeanor of this overlord on the sea who could compete with the World Government in the live broadcast of the Yan Emperor event.

We can only learn about this overlord's character and style from newspapers.

In newspapers, the World Government's description of this overlord of the sea is almost like a tyrant.

Although Neptune firmly believed that he could save a mermaid in front of the world, he also told the world that the criminal behavior of the participating countries that the World Government could not protect would be judged by Emperor Yan.

During this period of time, almost no mermaids were harassed by bounty hunters and pirates.

Such a person cannot be the tyrant on paper.

However, it is necessary to maintain necessary respect for an absolute overlord of the sea whom you meet for the first time.

In addition, Emperor Yan was indeed kind to their Dragon Palace Kingdom invisibly, and King Neptune did want to express his gratitude to Ace.

"The banquet? It's really exciting."

Ace also laughed when he heard this.

The banquet in the Dragon Palace Kingdom is also very strange for Ace.

Ace has held many banquets above the sea,

I have never participated in a banquet at a depth of 10,000 meters.

Ace is also very interested in the fine wines and delicacies of the Ryugu Kingdom.

Seeing Ace's happiness, King Neptune and his son also smiled.

This absolute overlord of the sea, who can defeat the world government, is completely different from what they imagined.

He doesn't have the arrogance of being the overlord of the sea at all, but is much kinder than some big pirates.

Especially Neptune, he felt that Emperor Yan was more generous than his old friend, Whitebeard, one of the Four Emperors.

"Then please."

Neptune made a "please" gesture.

"Don't rush the party now. Shirahoshi's matter has not been completely resolved for her yet."

Ace smiled and said.


Neptune, father and son, suddenly became excited.

Could it be that Entei wants to help Shirahoshi solve Vander Daken IX's troubles?

For Vander Deken IX, Neptune and his son already hated him deeply.

Shirahoshi, is the crown jewel of their Ryugu Kingdom.

Neptune loved his daughter very much, and the three brothers Shark Star, Emperor Star, and Cartoon Star also cared about their sister very much.

As a result, Shirahoshi was forced by Vander Daken IX to live in a hard-shell tower all day long.

He couldn't even attend the funeral of his mother, Princess Otohime.

Shirahoshi, who had a somewhat weak personality, now becomes very timid.

This made the three brothers Neptune and Shark want to tear Vander Daken IX into pieces.

But even after chasing Vander Deken IX for so many years, he still found nothing.

The sea is really too vast, and the attack launched by Vander Deken IX has no trace left.

Shirahoshi doesn't know how long this kind of life will last.

But if Emperor Yan takes action, it will be completely different.

Now the absolute overlord of the sea, since he said he wanted to take action, he would certainly be able to do it.

Shirahoshi, can he finally leave the hard-shell tower and live a free life?

The three brothers Neptune and Shark, "both of them were full of excitement.

"Yes, Shirahoshi can live freely in the future, but to solve this matter, one person is needed."

Ace looked at the excited Neptune father and son and smiled.

"Need someone? Who?"

Neptune and his son were stunned for a moment, and then asked quickly.

"He's already here."

Ace looked into the distance and saw a blue figure coming quickly.


Neptune and his son looked at the visitor and called out his name.


Shirahoshi looked at Jinbei and called out.

The person who came was none other than Jinbei, one of the Seven Warlords of the Sea, a whale shark and "Sea Hero".

"Sure enough, only one person in this sea can possess such a powerful Haki.

In the great incident of Emperor Yan, due to camp reasons, it was a pity that we could not meet him, Emperor Yan.

Jinbei looked at Ace with an expression of admiration.

The Yandi Incident, what happened after Saint Satan's head was smashed, is unknown to the world because the live broadcast has been shut down.

But as one of the Shichibukai, Jinbei participated in the entire Entei incident and experienced what happened next.

With terrifying power, extraordinary wisdom, and absolute skill, the Buster Call launched by the Five Elders was forced to terminate.

Protected the safety of all people in Sabaody Archipelago!

You know, Emperor Yan, who had forced the Five Elders to make concessions, could have gained huge benefits from this.

At least, it would be easy to expand the power and territory of the Entei Pirates beyond the Four Emperors.

But Emperor Yan only chose to force the Five Elders to terminate the Buster Call, ensuring the safety of the people of Sabaody Archipelago.

Facing such a man, Jinbei can only feel admiration.

But it is very regrettable that because of the camp I was in at the time, I was not able to communicate face-to-face with such a great man.

It’s really a big regret for Jinbei.

Now that we meet at The Fish Men Island, it can be regarded as making up for the original regret.

"Just call me Ace. Just in time, Jinbei, I need your help with something."

Ace looked at Jinbei, the corners of his mouth raised slightly.

"Then I dare to call you Mr. Ace."

Jinbei is not a person of ink, he immediately said, and then his face became solemn,

"If there are things within my power, I must experience them. 17

Jinbei said seriously.

Mr. Ace, more than just admired him.

The fish men island, especially because of Emperor Yan's declaration about mermaids during the Yan Emperor incident, many mermaids avoided the fate of being captured.

Such kindness, if there is a chance, Jinbei

Naturally, he wanted to repay the favor.

A favor must be repaid, and only then can one be called a sea hero.

"It's not that serious. I just need you to get rid of Vander Deken."

Ace looked at Jinbei and smiled.

In the deep sea, no one can exert more power than Jinbei.

Although Ace also has a way to exert his power in the deep sea, his ability to move in the deep sea is still incomparable to Jinbei.

"Vander Deken? The guy who threatened Princess Shirahoshi?"

Jinbei's face turned serious.

"Yes, I need your help to do this."

Ace smiled.

"How can this be said to be help? This is obviously a favor to us, The fish men island.

Jinbei's eyes were excited and he said quickly.

"Nami, find the place to use consumption

Jinbei, this is for you. "

Upon hearing this, Ace didn't waste any time and handed a phone bug to Jinbei.

"This phone bug has my power on it. No matter how far away it is in the deep sea, it can still communicate normally.'

Ace smiled.

Jinbei understood immediately.

This is probably the reason why Mr. Ace was able to broadcast the public execution of the Yan Emperor incident to the whole world.

"I understand, then I'll go.

I'm sorry to trouble you about the location of Vander Deken. "

Jinbei immediately smiled at Na.

"Just call me Nami and leave it to me.'

Nami chuckled.

Then her beautiful eyes suddenly became crazy.

Observation Haki, with the Thunder Fruit ability, spreads rapidly.


The realm of understanding, that beautiful package.

Under the influence of the Comprehension Field, Thunder Fruit's ability to amplify Observation Haki's radio waves can also be effective in the deep sea.

Moreover, the scope of influence is even broader.

"Location, I've arrived.

Nami's red lips lifted slightly. .

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