"Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh!"

In the atmosphere, bursts of whistling sounds suddenly erupted.

Accompanied by the whistling sound, an extremely large number of knives, axes and other weapons seemed to be affected by a mysterious force, causing them to fly quickly through the atmosphere.

The targets of these weapons are all pointing in one direction.

That is the mermaid princess, Shirahoshi.

"Shark Shark!"

Shark Mekaro looked anxiously at the many weapons leaping in the atmosphere.

This hard-shell tower is designed to help Shirahoshi resist these weapons.

These weapons, powered by Banta Daken IX's Target Fruit ability, can attack Shirahoshi at extremely fast speeds, no matter how far apart they are.

Although Shirahoshi is a mermaid princess, King Neptune of the Dragon Palace and Shirahoshi’s brothers are not weak in strength.

But facing the attack of flying weapons that will come at some unknown time, there is nothing we can do.

As for seeking help from the Four Emperors and Whitebeard who are now sheltering The Fish Men Island, Neptune has never thought about it.

After all, Whitebeard's ability to protect The Fish Men Island is already a great favor.

And because of such a thing, it is really shameless to seek help from Whitebeard.

Moreover, this is an underwater world with a depth of 10,000 meters.

Although Whitebeard is strong, he is also a user with Devil Fruit's abilities, and has many inconveniences in the deep sea.

Moreover, because of the ability of the Target Fruit, the location where Banta Daken IX launched his attack was completely impossible to find.

In such a vast seabed, even Four Emperors' Observation Haki would not be able to detect the specific location of Banta Daken IX.

So Neptune built this hard-shell tower for Shirahoshi.

In this hard-shell tower, all attacks launched by Ben "427" Tower Daken IX using the target fruit ability will be blocked by the hard door of the hard-shell tower.

Although Shirahoshi sacrificed his freedom and was unable to leave the hard-shell tower, at least safety was guaranteed.

But now, the door of the hard-shell tower was completely destroyed by the impact of the Melly due to the landing of Ace and others.

The weapons that attacked because of the target fruit's ability came to the inside of the hard-shell tower unimpeded.


Shirahoshi's beautiful eyes were filled with tears. She looked at Mekaro who was standing in front of her and let out a casual exclamation.

"Shark Shark!"

Mekaro shouted, looking at the weapons flying in the sky, the shark's eyes were full of determination.

Mekaro was already prepared and used its body to block Shirahoshi's attack.

"Buzz! Bah! Bah! Bah!"

In the shocked eyes of Shirahoshi and Mekaro.

Ace's eyes suddenly focused.

The next moment, countless black and purple lightning flashed crazily in the atmosphere of the hard-shell tower.

"Boom! Bang! Bang! Bang!"

The weapon flying across the sky disintegrated instantly under the violent power the moment it touched the violent black-purple lightning in the atmosphere!

These weapons made of steel seemed to be dissolved at this moment, and disappeared instantly under the roar of violent black and purple lightning.

Not even a trace of iron slag was left behind.

“No matter how many times I’ve seen it, I’m always amazed.

Ace's Conqueror's Haki, has surpassed Roger's before, right?"

Shakky looked at the weapon that disintegrated instantly and exclaimed.

"Ace's control over Conqueror's Haki is the strongest I've ever seen.

As for the strength of Conqueror's Haki, it should be said that it is between equal at present.

Rayleigh's lips raised slightly and she exclaimed.

How strong is Ace's control over Conqueror's Haki?

It is so powerful that it controls Conqueror's Haki as if it were its own arms.

You can even use Conqueror's Haki to move the target in front of Ace without harming the target.

Similarly, facing the weapons flying all over the sky, Ace can use Conqueror's Haki to instantly and accurately destroy every part of the weapon.

From a visual point of view, it is as if these weapons dissolved the moment they encountered Ace's Conqueror's Haki.

And if it is applied to humans, if the target does not have a Haki that can resist Ace Conqueror's Haki,

Then Ace can use Conqueror's Haki to instantly attack every cell of the target.

This level of control over Conqueror's Haki has never been heard of before.

Roger, of course, can't have it either.

As for the strength of Conqueror's Haki, although Ace's Haki is strong, Roger became the Pirate King by relying on Conqueror's Haki and kendo.

Conqueror's Haki is much more powerful than Whitebeard at his peak.

After all, Whitebeard and Shock Fruit's power at his peak was infinitely greater than that of him in his twilight years.

Similarly, Cong Yunqi, who possesses one of the 12 skills of the Supreme Great Knife, although he failed to forge Cong Yunqi into a black sword, Shan Yu's kendo is not weak either.

In this case, Roger can fight equally with Whitebeard at his peak, which is enough to prove that Roger's Conqueror's Haki is stronger than Whitebeard at his peak.

Although today's Ace Conqueror's Haki is terrifyingly powerful, it is the best in the sea of ​​this era.

But compared with the former Roger, he is only in the middle.

But this was enough to amaze Rayleigh.

After all, Roger had been fighting on the sea for a long time. During the Valley of the Gods incident, he joined forces with Garp to dethrone Rocks.D. Xebec, the absolute overlord of the sea at that time.

After that, he completely conquered the Grand Line and became the Pirate King.

Ace, on the other hand, has only sailed the first half of the Grand Line, and is even more young.

Although Ace's journey in the first half of the Grand Line is legendary, he has not yet completely conquered the Grand Line.

But in terms of strength, Conqueror's Haki is no less powerful than Roger.

I really can't believe how powerful Ace's Conqueror's Haki will be on the day Ace truly becomes the king of the world.

Rayleigh looked at the black and purple lightning of Conqueror's Haki gradually dissipating in the atmosphere, and was filled with emotion.

"Ai, Lord Ace..."

Shirahoshi's beautiful eyes were filled with tears as she looked at Ace with a gentle smile on his face.

Okay, so awesome!

Is this the power of Ace?

Those weapons that made her feel desperate, Master Ace just made them disappear in an instant with just a look.

The black and purple lightning was the same as the live broadcast I saw during the Yandi incident. It was so powerful!

Shirahoshi looked at Ace and sniffed.


Ace's lips curved into a gentle smile and he looked at Shirahoshi.

·"Master Ace......"

Shirahoshi stared blankly at Ace's smile.

"Want to live freely outside?"

Ace pointed to the outside of the hard-shell tower and said gently.

"Go out, want to go out? I..."

Shirahoshi looked outside the hard-shell tower, with yearning filling his beautiful eyes.

But then, it was covered up by fear again.

She really wanted to go out if she could.

Living with my father and royal brothers,

She also wanted to worship her mother.

However, as she is locked by the target fruit's ability, if she goes out, she will definitely face an attack that will come at some unknown time.

Facing those attacks, her father and brothers would definitely not let her get hurt, and would use their bodies to block those attacks for her.

She was more afraid of her father and brothers being harmed than losing her freedom.

"Don't worry, starting from today, you will no longer be troubled by the target fruit's ability."

Ace looked at Shirahoshi and smiled gently.


When Shirahoshi heard this, his beautiful eyes suddenly widened.


At this moment, Ri Zhousheng's anxious shouting came.

Shirahoshi looked towards the outside of the hard-shell tower, and suddenly shouted with tears in his beautiful eyes.

"Father! Brother Wang!"

"Shirahoshi! Great, Shirahoshi is not injured."

Shirahoshi's third brother, a somewhat happy-looking man, breathed a sigh of relief when he saw that Shirahoshi was not injured.

"Very good!"

Shirahoshi's second prince brother, the lanky Emperor Hoshi, also shouted happily.


Among the two, the most aloof one, Shirahoshi's eldest brother, Hoshi, also breathed a sigh of relief.

The moment the hard-shell tower exploded, they rushed towards the hard-shell tower together with King Neptune.

On the way here, the three people who were worried about their sister were worried that something might happen to Shirahoshi.

Fortunately, Shirahoshi did not receive any injuries when he arrived.

"That, that person, that person is...!!!"

At this time, Neptune, who was taller than Shirahoshi and the king of the Dragon Palace Kingdom, known as the "Great Knight of the Sea",

Looking at the figure in front of Shirahoshi in shock, cold sweat began to form on his forehead……


After hearing Neptune's words, the three brothers, who had only focused on their sister and only Shirahoshi in their eyes, noticed the figure in front of Shirahoshi.

"Hey! Who are you? Leave Shirahoshi..."

"Shut up!"

Karata, who cared deeply about Shirahoshi, was about to shout out, but was stopped by Sharakoshi who was covered in cold sweat.

"He, he is...!!!"

Shark Star looked at Ace and was shocked.


As soon as this title appeared, the air suddenly became quiet.

The unconventional Kai Xing and Huang Xing looked at the figure with shocked expressions on their faces, and cold sweat began to flow uncontrollably on their foreheads.

The man who was superior to the Four Emperors caused the Yan Emperor incident and shocked men all over the world.

Entei! Portgas·D·Ace?!!!

"Why! Why did this super big man come here and still be with Shirahoshi?"

The star's pupils shrank almost to the shape of needles, and he looked at Ace in disbelief.

Although their Dragon Palace Kingdom is not weak, The Fish Men Island is protected by the Four Emperors, Whitebeard.

Those bounty hunters and pirates who steal fish only dare to do it in the dark. Once discovered by the Dragon Palace Kingdom, they will only die.

In order to protect the mermaid and their companions, the three brothers act very decisively and high-profile on weekdays.

But at this time, the three brothers all stayed in place as if they had been cast a restraining spell.

My body seemed to be out of control, and I was shaking unconsciously.

Because what they were facing at this time was the Yan Emperor incident that shocked the world.

The power of just one pirate group defeated the behemoth on the sea, the Naval Headquarters!

The cadres under his command are all fearsome and powerful men who are famous throughout the sea.

Admiral of the Entei Pirate Fleet!

The strongest man in the world today, the man who is superior to the Four Emperors!

Entei! Portgas·D·Ace!

The weight of this name alone was enough to make the three Shark Stars tremble and stay in place, unable to make any movement.

Without him, because if this man is offended, The fish men island may become a purgatory.

"Yan, Emperor Yan, if my daughter has offended Emperor Yan, please let me atone for my sins."

Neptune glanced at it and paused

The heart is as gray as death.

Not only Entei has come here, but the famous cadres of the Entei Pirate Fleet, in addition to the captain of the first team Kuzan and the captain of the second team "Dark Ranger", also

All present.

“Pluton” Silver‧ Rayleigh!

Nami, the "little thief cat" who can fight with the Marine Admiral!

Also, the pirate empress, Boya Hancock, who has announced her withdrawal from Shichibu 2.1 and joins the Entei Pirates!

‘Firebird’ Laki! ‘Desert Princess’ Vivi! ‘Devil’s Son’ Nico Robin! ‘Black Rose’ Nokia! ‘Fallen Doctor’ Kaya! ‘Silent Swordsman’ Tashigi

!‘Princess Mononoke’ Perona! ‘Angel’ Conis!

All these famous cadres are here.

Not to mention Emperor Yan, these cadres alone are enough to level the fish men island.

As for why Neptune subconsciously thought that Shirahoshi had offended Entei,

It's because the door of the hard-shell tower was obviously destroyed by Emperor Yan's ship.

Seeing such a scene for a moment, I was extremely anxious because of my love for my daughter. In addition, Neptune was under great pressure in the face of Entei, and he immediately thought that Shirahoshi had offended Entei.

The huge body immediately fell from the air and looked at Ace in fear.

Shark Star, Star Star and Cartoon Star also fell quickly.

It would be disrespectful to stand above the emperor.

In this sea, if you want to survive, you must have enough respect for the emperor.

Especially, facing the Emperor who is above the Four Emperors!

"Neptune, long time no see, why are you so nervous?"

Rayleigh looked at Neptune funny and laughed.

But Rayleigh can also understand what Neptune is like now.

It is true that Ace's reputation is too great nowadays.

"Father, Sir Ace did not hurt me, it was Sir Ace who helped me block the attack."

Shirahoshi looked at his frightened father and three royal brothers and said quickly.


Neptune, father and son, were immediately stunned. .

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