"Ace, I can get closer to you.

Looking at the sweet smile on Nami's pretty face, Ace's lips curved up.

This girl, the first girl he met after going to sea, although she does not love her blindly like Kaya.

It’s not like Vivi, who doesn’t like to act coquettishly to herself.

However, Nami is always the girl closest to him.

Without Nami's navigation skills, even with Merry, normal navigation on the Grand Line would not be possible in the weird climate.

In terms of combat power, Nami has been the Entei Pirates' second most powerful player since she ate the Thunder Fruit.

He is also the only one among the Entei Pirates who has reached the pinnacle of combat power on the sea.

The top cadre of the Entei Pirates' fleet and the second-in-command of the Entei Pirates' fleet. This is the current name for Nami on the sea.

During the Entei incident, Nami and Rayleigh teamed up with Yixiao to defeat the captive Kizaru.

Nami's Thunder Fruit ability gave Kizaru a fatal blow at the critical moment, paralyzing Kizaru and being seriously injured by Rayleigh with Conqueror's Haki's slash.

Such a record and combat power are already incredible for a seventeen-year-old girl.

Nami's own talent for weather perception and manipulation is the best in the sea in this era.

Even without the Thunder Fruit, Nami can perform powerful lightning attacks with the help of the Weather Stick.

After obtaining the Thunder Fruit, this talent for weather control and perception was perfectly brought into play. Coupled with Ace's understanding field,

If we look purely at Devil Fruit abilities, Nami's "633" control and use of Thunder Fruit abilities [can definitely be called the strongest Thunder Fruit ability user in history!

But Nami felt that it was not enough.

No matter how powerful the Devil Fruit's ability is, there is an upper limit. It completely relies on the Devil Fruit's ability. Except for Ace's residual fire style, which evolves the Mera-mera Fruit ability toward the level of the sun.

The highest limit of all the rest of Devil Fruit's abilities is the peak combat power of the sea, which will never reach the Four Emperors level, the peak combat power of the sea.

Although Dahai's peak combat power is already extremely powerful, it can even determine the outcome of a war.

But what they, the Entei Pirate Fleet, have to face is the behemoth in this world, the World Government!

In the Entei incident, because Haki was not strong enough, Nami could only act as an auxiliary attacker.

Although the Thunder Fruit gives Nami terrifying speed and destructive power, even if Nami faces Kizaru alone, he is enough to fight on an equal footing.

But without the powerful Haki, Nami would not be able to cause fatal damage to Kizaru, who is a Sparkling fruit user.

Even for the most critical blow, Nami only used Thunder Fruit's ability to paralyze the enemy, restricting Kizaru's mobility, allowing Rayleigh's Conqueror's Haki slash to hit Kizaru smoothly enough.

Although Nami's role in that battle was also very crucial, Nami was not reconciled.

Especially later, Marine Marshal, The Resourceful General Sengoku joined the battlefield and used his wisdom to layout, limiting Nami and Vivi's Logia Devil Fruit abilities to the maximum extent.

Create a battle scene where Haki is the decisive force in close combat.

If Ace's Fire Ten Trillion Death Burial Formation hadn't recalled the souls of Crocodile, Enel, and Ghost Spider from Hades,

If Marine's sharp knife unit composed of Haki masters is intercepted,

I'm afraid, they will all be in a hard fight.

Later, after the Five Elders, Four Emperors red hair, Kaido joined the battlefield,

Nami realized the importance of Haki even more.

Haki is not strong. Even though Thunder Fruit has the speed and destructive power that is the ceiling of all Devil Fruit, he can still only rely on Thunder Fruit's speed and paralysis ability to deal with these top experts.

I also have the deepest understanding of Ace's sentence "Only Haki can be above everything".

This time when I came to Amazon Lily, Nami was determined to become a Haki master.

In this way, you can better become Ace's assistant.

Now, although she is the second in command of the Entei pirate fleet,

But in terms of combat power, it is the last among the three peak combat powers under Ace.

Uncle Rayleigh and Uncle Yixiao are both much more powerful than her.

This also made Nami grit her teeth secretly and hold back her momentum.

Not only does she want to be the woman closest to Ace, but she also wants to be the most powerful supporter around Ace.

She wanted to clear some obstacles for Ace to become the king of the world.

But sometimes when Nami is alone, she will look at the stars and feel unwilling to do so.

The power of Thunder Fruit has been awakened and used by her to the Ultimate.

No matter how much Armament Haki improves, her upper limit of combat power will probably only be at Aokiji's level.

After all, although her Thunder Fruit is a level stronger than Aokiji's Frozen Fruit, it is even better than Akainu's Lava-Lava Fruit.

But she is still a girl after all.

After all, the physique cannot be like Aokiji, Intenna monster.

Devil Fruit, Haki, and martial arts are the three powers that make up Aokiji and Akainu, the powerful fighting force that can fight the Four Emperors head-on.

But even Aokiji can only fight head-on with the Four Emperors for a short period of time. In the end, Aokiji will definitely lose.

Frozen Fruit, in the battle of peak combat power, is still far behind Lava-Lava Fruit, which has the strongest attack power in the Devil Fruit illustrated book, in terms of combat power.

As for her martial arts, in a duel between top experts, she can be described as "zero".

Aokiji, who inherited the Iron Fist from Marine Hero Garp, is simply a world away.

She, and Ace's guidance on her fighting style, have always used Thunder Fruit's ability to carry out medium and long-range attacks.

Although this attack method, due to the speed of Thunder Fruit and the ability to amplify Observation Haki, Nami is almost invincible.

But if you want to fight head-on with the peak combat power of this sea, the Four Emperors, it's still not enough.

After all, her martial arts skills were almost zero and she was unable to fight the enemy at close range.

This means that if she fights with the peak combat power, if the Four Emperors want to break through her defense, they can break through as long as they risk being hit by Thunder Fruit a few times.

After all, her Haki couldn't cause fatal damage to peak combat power like the Four Emperors.

At most, it is just to let the peak combat power of Four Emperors consume more Haki and physical strength.

This made Nami very unwilling.

The opponents Ace will face in the future may even be more powerful than the Four Emperors.

If she cannot reach the pinnacle of combat power in this sea, the combat power of the Four Emperors, she may become further and further away from Ace in future battles.

But it's fine now.

She awakens, the king's qualifications, Conqueror's Haki.

And he has mastered the strongest power in this sea, Conqueror's Haki.

The upper limit of her combat power will immediately surpass Aokiji, and she will truly reach the peak combat power in this sea, the combat power of the Four Emperors.

She can also get closer to Ace,

What’s more, it’s enough to help Ace.

Nami looked at Ace, her smile became sweeter and sweeter, and she was happy from the bottom of her heart.

"Silly girl, you have always been closest to me.

Holding Nami in his arms, Ace touched Nami's little head lovingly and smiled softly.

How happy Nami is now, only by using Observation Haki can you realize how happy it is.

That is happiness that truly comes from the heart, even from the soul.

Just being exposed to this emotion will make people forget all the unhappy things [show a smile.

Ace sensed Nami's emotions, and his eyes became gentler.

Hancock was also infected by this emotion, and his red lips curved.

Notch Gauguin was smiling with a twinge at the corner of his eye.

Her sister couldn't be more aware of how hard she worked to be a greater help to Ace.

Because his body is not strong enough, in the dead of night, after Nami has drawn the sea chart and made the sailing plan for the next day, he often pulls Kaya for additional training.

With Kaya's medical skills and Kaya's healing fruit ability, Nami can exercise her body to the greatest extent,

And this kind of training process can be called cruel.

After all, there is only one way to improve your physique.

That is destruction!

Destroy muscle and skin tissues and allow them to regenerate, and the regenerated muscles and skin will become stronger.

Continuously squeeze the potential of the internal organs to adapt to higher-intensity battles, and then use the nutrients from Sea Kings to strengthen the functions of the internal organs.

Despite Kaya's medical skills and healing powers, Nami will not have any scars on her body, nor will she have any accidents.

But the pain endured during exercise will not disappear. Nami will bear it all...

Despite the incomparable efforts, Nokigao could still see a lot of unwillingness in Nami's eyes due to the objective upper limit.

However, it's fine now.

Nami, who has mastered Conqueror's Haki-Tangle, will definitely become one of the strongest people in this sea in the future.

Sister, so proud of you, Nami.

Nuoqi looked at Nami with tears in her eyes, her red lips curved in a heartfelt arc.

"That's not enough. I want to get closer to you. I am your destined navigator."

Nami was in Ace's arms, smelling the scent of Ace deeply, and her beautiful eyes narrowed in enjoyment.

The smell of Ace made her feel extremely at ease.

"Not just my destined navigator."

Ace touched Nami's little head and raised the corners of his mouth slightly.


Nami raised her pretty face.

"He will still be the most powerful person next to me in the future."

Ace looked at Nami's pretty face, gently pinched Nami's cheek with his right hand, and smiled softly.

Having mastered Conqueror's Haki - Nami's potential for future combat power has suddenly increased to a terrifying level.

Take Akainu as an example. Without Conqueror's Haki, Akainu relies on Lava-Lava Fruit, which has the strongest attack power in the Devil Fruit illustrated book, and the powerful Armament Haki brought by Extreme Justice.

As well as the monster's body and powerful martial arts, Akainu can truly fight head-on even with the highest combat power in this sea, the Four Emperors.

The most critical of these is Lava-Lava Fruit.

Nami's Thunder Fruit has a comprehensive ability that is stronger than Lava-Lava Fruit. In Logia, it is also one of the invincible Devil Fruits!

And combined with the field of understanding, Nami's control of Thunder Fruit abilities can be called the strongest Thunder Fruit ability user in the history of the sea.

With such a Devil Fruit ability, coupled with Conqueror's Haki - entanglement, Nami's upper limit of combat power must exceed Akainu!

Although Nami's martial arts level is almost zero, it is not important at all to Nami who has absolute talent in weather perception and manipulation.

Before Conqueror's Haki-entanglement, it was Nami's disadvantage that he could not fight head-on.


But after possessing Conqueror's Haki - Entanglement, this long-distance attack method has become an advantage for Nami, who has absolute control over Thunder Fruit's ability.

The most violent force in this sea, Conqueror's Haki - entanglement, combined with the Thunder Fruit ability, which is the most purely destructive among Devil Fruit abilities, how powerful is it?

Even Ace is looking forward to it.

The destructive power is definitely much higher than the power of Armament Haki combined with Lava-Lava Fruit!

Such a long-range attack, even if it's Four Emperors, can cause serious injuries if you're not careful.

If Ace's residual fire style hadn't evolved the Mera-mera Fruit ability towards Sun 4.0,

Nami is the strong man with the most destructive power and attack power in the sea of ​​this era!

Next, just keep asking Nami to increase the strength of Conqueror's Haki.

And this, Ace is not worried about at all.

Because in terms of Conqueror's Haki, Ace has never seen anyone with higher talent than Nami.

As soon as he awakens, he masters Conqueror's Haki - Entanglement. Not even the Four Emperors have such a talent.

In the future, Nami will definitely become one of the three most powerful people in this ocean.

Hearing Ace's words, Nami's pretty face suddenly burst into a bright smile.


Nami focused her little head.

"There seems to be some chaos outside. Is it affected by Conqueror's Haki just now?"

The warm atmosphere lasted for a long time, and things started to get a little noisy outside the palace of Nine Snakes City.

Nami left Ace's arms, Observation Haki unfolded, and smiled.

"After all, it's Conqueror's Haki, and there are two of them, so the movement is really quite loud."

Ace looked at the look of pride on Nami's pretty face and thought it was very cute, and smiled.

This girl has awakened Conqueror's Haki and can become a stronger supporter for herself. She is really happy.

"Let's go, Hancock, let them feel at ease, and then let your two sisters get rid of their psychological shadow."

Ace stretched out his right hand towards Hancock and smiled softly.


Ace felt the tenderness on his lips, looked at the beautiful face that was so close and could be called the best in the world, and responded vigorously. .

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