
Violent black-purple lightning roared continuously over the palace of Nine Snakes City.

Rayleigh and others who were resting outside the palace immediately noticed the terrifying Conqueror's Haki.

"This is, Hancock's Conqueror's Haki?!"

Shakky looked at the Conqueror's Haki who was roaring over the palace of Nine Snakes City, and his eyes suddenly trembled.

"Well, so strong, Hancock's Conqueror's Haki is constantly getting stronger.

This Conqueror's Haki strength is no longer something Shichibukai Iku can possess. "

Shakky looked at the increasingly violent Conqueror's Haki, his eyes also filled with shock.

Among the Shichibukai, the ones who currently clearly own Conqueror's Haki are Doflaming and Hancock.

Although Shichibukai and Naval Headquarters, Four Emperors, are called the three major forces on the sea,

But the essence of Shichibukai is to use the reputation of these big pirates to intimidate other pirates.

Affiliated to the World Government, assisting the Naval Headquarters, to maintain the balance of the sea in the Age of Great Pirates.

This is Shichibukai.

Among the Shichibukai, the only one who can truly be called the pinnacle of combat power on the sea is Dracule Mihawk, the world's greatest swordsman.

Even a bear with the BUG-level Devil Fruit and Meatball Fruit abilities is still far from the peak combat power in this sea, which is the combat power at the threshold of the Admiral of Headquarters.

After all, although the ability of the meat ball fruit is buggy, it can eject everything, including ejecting the esper itself, performing super-distance "teleportation", and even memories can be ejected.

However, the increase in the ability user's combat power in frontal combat is not as direct as the top destructive Devil Fruit such as Thunder Fruit and Shock Fruit.

As for Hancock's strength, although he has awakened Conqueror's Haki, Armament Haki and Observation Haki, he is not weak.

And the ability of Tiantian Fruit is also brought into full play by Hancock's beauty.

But the shadow in Hancock's heart has always troubled her. Haki, after passing through the rapid growth period due to awakening Conqueror's Haki, has made no progress.

If he really fights the enemy to the end, then because of the huge shadow in his heart, Hancock may not be Doflamingo's opponent.

But now, it's completely different.

Hancock, who has completely shed the shadow of his past, Conqueror's Haki has enhanced so much,

Then Armament Haki and Observation Haki can also be improved accordingly.

Shakky's eyes were also filled with joy.

For Hancock, she has already regarded him as a daughter.

The increase in Hancock's strength is secondary. What makes Shakky most happy is that Hancock has finally gotten rid of the shadow of the past.

"It seems Ace, please help Hancock get rid of the shadow of the past."

Rayleigh looked at the ever-increasing Conqueror's Haki, and the corners of his mouth were slightly raised.

Although Hancock became the emperor of Amazon Lily, he always used a cold mask to disguise her as a tyrant.

But the shadow of his childhood has always haunted Hancock's heart.

Having such a huge shadow in his heart also limits the enhancement of Hancock's Conqueror's Haki.

But now, everything is no longer a problem.

Hancock getting rid of the shadow of the past is no less than a Nirvana rebirth.

Coupled with the powerful Haki and the ability of the sweet fruit, Hancock can also be among the top in this sea, right?

Rayleigh's eyes also have a kind look.

The person Hancock falls in love with is Ace, which is really great.

The smile on Rayleigh's lips couldn't be suppressed at all.

For this little girl that he, Shakky, and her mother-in-law guided back to the Amazon. Lily, Rayleigh had already regarded Hancock as her daughter.

Seeing that her daughter has found such a good home, Rayleigh is also happy from the bottom of her heart.

The next moment, Rayleigh, Shakky, and Yixiao who were resting in the next room all looked shocked.


I saw the violent black-purple lightning that roared completely irregularly above the Nine Snake City Palace, began to twist and condense.

It seems that there is a pair of invisible hands controlling these violent black and purple lightnings.

As the most violent force in this sea, the black-purple lightning that symbolized Conqueror's Haki gradually formed a black-purple film and converged towards the Nine Snakes City Palace.

This is the kind of power that Rayleigh and Shakky are all too familiar with.

"Conqueror's Haki-Tangled?!"

Shakky exclaimed, watching in disbelief as the black-purple film formed in the atmosphere gradually disappeared into the palace of Nine Snakes City.

Hancock, mastered Conqueror's Haki-Entangle?!

While Hancock shakes off its past, Conqueror's Haki has been greatly enhanced.

But there should still be a long way to go before being entangled, right?

Shakky's eyes were even a little horrified at this moment.

This is, Conqueror's Haki - entangled!

Once you fully master it, you can have a real head-on fight with the Four Emperors who rule the New World like emperors!

In an era on the sea, there are no more than ten people who can fully master this power.

They truly stand at the pinnacle of the ocean of an era, and can be called the pinnacle of combat power on the ocean!

Although Hancock is still far from being fully mastered at this time, even if he has just preliminary mastery, Hancock's combat power will immediately become one of the pinnacles of combat power on the sea!

Moreover, if it is an opponent of the same level as the previous generation Admiral of Headquarters and Black Arm Zephyr, it will not be Hank's opponent at all.

Conqueror's Haki - The power of entanglement is really too overbearing.

Once she fully masters this power, Hancock will become a powerful woman who will truly be like an emperor and rule the sea after BIG-MOM!

"It seems that Ace's power helped Hancock.

In the realm of understanding, is the power unique to Ace’s body combined with ‘Nika’?”

Rayleigh raised the corners of her mouth slightly and murmured.

Regarding the fighting talents of the other girls in the Entei Pirates, except Nami and Robin, they are actually not outstanding.

But these young girls, after following Ace, their strength began to increase horribly.

Now, all of them are powerful cadres of the famous pirates on the sea, the Entei Pirates.

The reason, in these days, Rayleigh and Shakky they have fully known.

The field of understanding! Ace's unique power, and the magical power produced by combining with the power of "Nika".

This magical power can elevate the recipient's understanding to a terrifying state, and can even attract powerful Devil Fruit.

Kaya's healing fruit, Conis's vocal fruit, and Laki's bird fruit - phantom beast species - Suzaku form, are all derived from this.

It can even act on ordinary fruits, allowing these ordinary fruits to capture the demonic factors that escape after the death of the ability user to form new Devil Fruit.

Nami's Thunder Fruit, Vivi's Sand-Sand Fruit, Tashigi's Transparent Fruit, Nokigao's Gate Fruit, and Ship Elf Merry's Shadow Fruit all come from this.

The ability to hunt Devil Fruit is also based on this.

After knowing the truth about Ace's power, Rayleigh was deeply moved.

Only with such power, Ace, can create a world where "everyone can have enough to eat and everyone can have a banquet."

This is the first time Rayleigh has heard about the relationship between productivity, resources and war in so many years of traveling across the sea.

Rayleigh, who has been to the Final Island, Raftel, seen what Joyboy left behind, and knows what the will of "D" is, has always believed that the will of "D" is the key to solving the problems in today's world.

But Ace told him from another perspective that what can truly solve problems is always objective facts, not the so-called will that can be artificially hidden.

Ace calls it "thing"

After talking to Ace, Rayleigh was shocked.

I just feel like my whole worldview has been refreshed.

This is the completely opposite method of inheritance of will.

But after thinking about it carefully, I feel that this may be the truth.

After thinking about it for countless nights, Rayleigh could only look at the sky and sigh.

If Ace's power and ideas are obtained by the revolutionary army, it will immediately set off another change in the world.

Unfortunately, although Garp's son and now the leader of the revolutionary army, Monkey.D. Dorag is very capable, leading the revolutionary army to set off waves of liberation all over the world.

But compared with Ace's realm, there is really a big gap.

Ace's realm has completely surpassed this sea.

Just like Ace said, he will stand in the sky. .....................

The throne of that day, the group is something that should belong to Ace.

At this moment, Rayleigh completely found his next path.

He wants to make Ace the king of the world! Sitting there, the throne of heaven!

Ace will definitely become the king of the world!

Rayleigh looked at the black-purple film gradually disappearing into the palace of Nine Snakes City, his eyes filled with hope.

He seems to have seen the scene of Ace sitting on the throne of heaven and becoming the king of the world.

"However, the current strength of the Entei pirate fleet is really terrifying.

The only ones who have mastered the power of Conqueror's Haki are you, Ace, and Hancock.

When Hancock fully masters this power, the Entei Pirate Ship will probably be able to directly fight against the entire Four Emperors Pirate Group, right?"

Shakky sighed.

Ace's strength is unparalleled in this era, surpassing the Four Emperors.

A single Four Emperors, even the most powerful creature in a duel today, Kaido of the Beasts, would definitely be defeated by Ace.

If you want to fight Ace head-on, you must be two and a half!

Although Rayleigh is now old and has a serious decline in physical strength, with the powerful Conqueror's Haki and kendo, as long as he cooperates with Laki or Vivi as an assistant, he can fight head-on with a Four Emperors without any disadvantage.

And if Hancock completely masters Conqueror's Haki, he will be able to fight head-on with one of the Four Emperors.

Although due to the ability of the sweet fruit, there is some disadvantage in the battle of this level of combat power, and as a woman, the physical strength cannot be compared with the monster Four Emperors,

But as long as you cooperate with the combat power of Laki or Vivi, you can definitely fight the Four Emperors on an equal footing.

And don't forget, Ace also has powerful combat powers, Yixiao and Nami.

Together, these two people are enough to fight against one of the Four Emperors without losing.

Calculated in this way, the entire peak combat power of the Four Emperors today, including the Red Hair Pirates, the only one with the combat power of two emperors,

They can all be killed on equal terms by the high-end combat power of the Entei Pirates' fleet.

Such a terrifying pirate group has never appeared in history, right?

Even the former Rocks Pirate couldn't do it.

After all, Whitebeard and others at that time were

Before he reached his peak, Kaido didn't eat the fish fruit - fantasy beast type - blue dragon form, and he was even an intern.

The most important thing is that because of Ace's understanding field, the combat power of the Entei Pirates' fleet is still increasing rapidly.

In the future, maybe it will be possible for a single pirate group to go to war with the World Government on an equal footing.

Shakky's eyes were full of emotion.

"Yes, I have already seen the scene where Ace becomes the king."

Rayleigh looked at the Nine Snakes Palace and raised the corners of his mouth slightly.

And the next moment!


A terrifying momentum erupted from the Nine Snakes Palace, thundering from the ground, roaring crazily in the atmosphere.

"Conqueror's Haki?! How beautiful is this scent?!"

Rayleigh's eyes suddenly shrank and she was shocked.

Having fought against Kizaru with Nami, Haki is already familiar with Nami's aura and Rayleigh's Observation.

"Nami, Nishi has the qualifications to be a king?!"

Shakky's eyes were also full of shock.

Another, another Conqueror's Haki!

The Entei Pirate Fleet now has four owners of Conqueror's Haki.

But before Rayleigh and Shakky could finish being shocked, the next moment, the shock in their eyes turned into horror.

I saw that the momentum of thunder on the ground suddenly began to change, turning into violent black and purple lightning.

Although it is much weaker than Hancock's Conqueror's Haki, this black-purple lightning is just like Hancock's Conqueror's Haki before.

It began to twist and converge, forming a new black-purple film, slowly falling towards the palace of Nine Snakes City.

"Conqueror's Haki-Tangled?!!!"

Rayleigh and Shakky screamed in horror.

Nami, upon awakening, learned Conqueror's Haki - Entanglement?!

What kind of monster is this?!

This is simply even more monster than the Bullet that was called a monster by both Rayleigh and Roger on Roger's pirate crew!

At this moment, Nami raised her pretty face, looked at Ace, and smiled sweetly.

"Ace, I can get closer to you."


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