"Fire Emperor?!"

"The Entei who led the Entei incident and defeated Naval Headquarters?!"

All Amazon Lily citizens looked at Ace in horror.

The great incident of Emperor Yan spread throughout the world by affecting the telephone bug.

Even Amazon Lily, whose communications were almost cut off from the outside world due to the Calm Belt, received the signal.

The entire nation watched the battle that shocked the world.

During the Yandi Incident, Naval Headquarters, the strongest overlord among the three major forces on the sea,

This developed the seastone outer ship, which caused the natural barrier of the Calm Belt to fail, exposing Amazon Lily to the Marine's conquest range.

In order to protect Amazon Lily, Lady Snake responded to the call of the World government and became the Seven Warlords of the Sea.

The reason is not to be conquered by the overlord force of Naval Headquarters.

But that overlord-level force fell into an unprecedented rout in the hands of Emperor Yan and in front of the whole world!

It can be said that Yandi defeated the behemoth Naval Headquarters from the front!

Admiral of Headquarters Akainu was defeated, and Marine Marshal Sengoku, the supreme commander of the Naval Headquarters who came to the rescue, was defeated in a battle of wits.

Entei, single-handedly defeated two of the three strongest combat forces in Marine.

He also executed three world nobles, Celestial Dragons,

In front of the whole world, smash the heads of the Five Elders, the world's highest power holders.

This is the man who truly stands at the pinnacle of this sea.

A man who could easily destroy the entire Amazon Lily.

He is the big man who truly stands at the top of this sea.

All the citizens of Amazon Lily really can't believe that this young man with a gentle smile on his face is actually the one who led the Yan Emperor incident, 12

Yandi defeated the entire Naval Headquarters head-on!

In fact, the Yan Emperor's temperament and eyes at this moment are completely different from when the Yan Emperor event was broadcast live to the whole world.

During the Entei incident, when the Entei was broadcast live to the whole world, Haki was unparalleled, even if it was just the picture from the signal,

Haki's fierce and stern eyes made people dare not look directly at him.

After showing off his demon-god-like body in the form of residual fire, the whole world was shocked and impressed.

And Emperor Yan, who was smiling and greeting them,

Gentle, kind and approachable.

They didn't recognize Emperor Yan at all the first time.

When they swept past the pirate flag, which was enough to shake the entire sea just by fluttering, they realized that,

This handsome young man who looks extremely gentle is the big shot standing at the top of this sea, Xi.

"Ace, you are so gentle. Is it because of my concubine? You have left such a gentle impression on the people.

Sure enough, Ace wants to marry my concubine. "

Hancock covered his pretty red face, not daring to look at Ace.

"Hey! Emperor Yan didn't say anything at all."

Grandma Ze looked at Hancock who was completely in love and covered her forehead helplessly.

"Well, well, mother-in-law, it's good that Sister Ru's lovesickness has eased."

The green-haired Sandersonia looked at her mother-in-law with a smile.

"Hey, Hancock's lovesickness is much more serious than mine at that time. Fortunately..."

Grandma Ze looked at Hancock and sighed, but there was also joy in her eyes.

Fortunately, the person Hancock fell in love with was Emperor Yan.

The power of Emperor Yan is enough to clear away all the forces that hinder Hancock from running towards Emperor Yan.

Including the seastone outer steamship invented by Naval Headquarters, this important factor makes the Calm Belt no longer natural.

Joining Yan Emperor's command, Yan Emperor's current reputation is even more resounding than the name of Seven Warlords of the Sea.

That is a terrifying man who can defeat Naval Headquarters head-on.

Also, a crazy man who publicly executed three Celestial Dragons.

No one or force in this sea is willing to provoke such a man.

At this time, Grandma Ye already understood the future direction of Amazon Lily.

That is, joining the command of Emperor Yan.

Needless to say, Hancock was completely in love with Ace. As long as Ace said a word, Hancock would definitely join the Entei Pirates.

And Amazon Lily, under the choice of Emperor Hancock, will naturally join Emperor Yan's command.

Most importantly, Shakky's return to Amazon Lily also highlighted the attitude of the former emperor.

She and Rayleigh found an overlord for Amazon Lily who could protect Amazon Lily and make Nine Snakes more prosperous.

Hancock joined the Seven Warlords of the Sea to protect Amazon Lily from Marines and pirates, allowing the Nine Snakes Pirates to go out to sea to plunder and hunt without any casualties.

And the beauty combined with the sweet fruits exudes amazing charm,

He can be called the most popular emperor of Amazon Lily in history.

The younger generation of soldiers are extremely obsessed with Hancock. It can be said that they blindly worship Hancock.

Although Shakky is the former emperor, his status in the minds of these elderly citizens is also very high.

Both emperors made the same decision. It was a sure thing for Amazon and Lily to join the Yan Emperor.

And Emperor Yan's reputation and power are enough to protect Amazon Lily.

So my mother-in-law was extremely lucky that the man Hancock fell in love with was Ace.

However, she has already regarded Hancock as her granddaughter.

"Hurry and prepare for the banquet, clean up the dust for Ace, and prepare all the best ingredients!"

Hancock waved his hand and said.


All the citizens responded quickly.

"Ace, let me go to the kitchen and take a look."

Laki's red lips raised slightly and smiled.

Amazon Lily is located in the Calm Belt and has almost no contact with the outside world. What kind of ingredients are there is really interesting.

Most importantly, Ace said, he was used to her cooking.

With a happy face on his face, Laki headed towards Amazon Lily's palace kitchen under the leadership of a citizen.

"Hey, Ace, I can also cook, would you like to have a try?"

Hancock looked at Ace with a blushing face, slender fingers circling in front of him, and his tone was full of anticipation.

Cooking for your lover is simply the happiest thing in the world.


Sandersonia and Marigold stared at Hancock dumbfounded.

Sister, you are the emperor of Amazon Lily.

You actually have to cook by yourself?

But such a sister is so beautiful.

Sandersonia and Marigold looked at the happy Hancock, and their eyes turned into the shape of hearts.

Is this the power of love?

"Thank you for that, Hancock.

Ace looked at Hancock, who was covering his pretty face and not daring to look at him, but his tone was full of expectation, and took Hancock's hand.

Looking at Hancock's breathtakingly beautiful face, he said warmly.

"No, it's not hard. I, I am so happy now."

Hancock's beautiful eyes turned in circles, his pretty face turned frighteningly red, and his body was completely weak.

If Ace hadn't caught Hancock with skill, she would have fallen to the ground immediately.

Ace, held my hand and looked at me so tenderly.

Concubine, I have no regrets.

Hancock's brain had stopped thinking. Because of the sweet fruit's ability, pink hearts rose all over his body.

"Then, I'll go to the kitchen first, Ace."

Hancock stammered.

She also wanted to be held by Ace for a while longer, but now, even holding hands would be too damaging to her.

"Well, I'm looking forward to it, Hancock."

Ace smiled.

The party started soon.

Amazon Lily's most famous ingredient is, of course, the giant Sea Kings that exist in the Calm Belt.

These huge Sea Kings are dozens or even hundreds of times the size of other places.

The terrifying power is enough to overturn the toughest warship in Naval Headquarters.

The taste and nutrition are also far better than ordinary Sea Kings.

Ace stuffed huge pieces of meat from Sea Kings into his mouth and drank in pleasure.

This huge Sea Kings is the most nutritious of all the meat Ace has ever eaten.

Under the effect of complete absorption, even Ace's current physique can feel that it is slowly increasing.

No wonder, the women of Amazon Lily are all born warriors. When they reach adulthood, they all have powerful bodies that can freely use Armament Haki.

Feeding on the giant Sea Kings laid a strong foundation for Amazon Lily's strength.

In the palace, except for the 303 large ships of the Entei Pirates, only Hancock, Grandma Ze, Sandersonia and Marigold were able to attend the palace banquet.

The rest of the cadres of the Nine Snakes Pirates are in the hall outside the palace,

The ordinary warriors were in the open space of the palace,

Ordinary citizens are outside the palace.

Amazon Lily is a country with orderly hierarchy.

If you want to survive in the Calm Belt, you must divide classes by strength.

This is to stimulate the citizens and work hard to become stronger.

Even if it is a banquet, this rule must be followed.

"Ai, Ace, this, this is my body..."

Hancock carefully placed a cooked fish soup in front of Ace, looking at Ace expectantly with a pretty face.

"I'll try it."

Ace immediately understood that this was the fish soup prepared by Hancock himself, and smiled gently.

Different from the previous wolfing down, I slowly drank the fish soup into my mouth gracefully.

"It's delicious, this taste..."

Ace's eyes lit up.

This taste is beyond Ace's expectation.

Unexpectedly, it was not under Laki's cooking at all.

But Laki, with the help of his own understanding field, his cooking skills are said to be the best in this sea.

Hancock, as the emperor of Amazon Lily, can't cook as well as Laki?

"It's the power of love, little Ace.

Shakky looked at Ace, Min said.

"Lovesickness will make the emperor of Amazon Lily fall in love, which will be life-threatening.

But as long as you can be with the one you love, even the food you cook will have the power of love. "

Shakky laughed.

"I see."

Ace suddenly realized.

No wonder the feeling after drinking it is completely different from the previous dishes.

"Hancock, thank you for your hard work."

Ace looked at Hancock and smiled.

"I don't have to work hard, I am very happy."

Hancock's pretty face turned red.

"Can I go to your room tonight? I'll give you a gift too."

Ace looked at Hancock and said gently.


Hancock was stunned for a moment, and then, covering his frighteningly red face, he exclaimed. .

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