"Ah! Lord Snake Princess!"

"It's so beautiful, Lady Snake!"

At the port of Amazon Lily, all the citizens of Kuji came to welcome the return of the Kuji Pirates.

This is the tradition of Nine Snakes. As a pirate group formed by successive emperors of Amazon Lily, members of the Nine Snakes Pirate Group are the most powerful existences among the entire Amazon Lily warriors.

At a fixed time, the Nine Snakes Pirates, led by the emperor, would go out to plunder.

And when they return, they will also show the loot to all the people and enjoy the cheers and admiration of all the people.

In this way, all citizens are encouraged to continue to grow stronger, to be proud to join the Nine Snakes Pirates, and to promote the iteration of the Nine Snakes Pirates.

However, this tradition has changed somewhat in Hancock.

"Lord Snake Princess! So beautiful!"

"I am willing to die for Lady Snake!"

The eyes of all the citizens turned into the shape of hearts, looking at Hancock infatuatedly, and screaming.

"Hancock's popularity as an emperor should be the highest among Amazon and Lily emperors in history, right?"

Rayleigh screamed as she watched, only Hancock's Amazon was in her eyes. Lily, all the citizens, laughed.

"Because little Hancock, the number five is so beautiful."

Shakky also raised the corners of his mouth slightly and said.

Hancock's beauty is the best in the world, even compared with the legendary mermaid princess.

Coupled with the sweet fruit ability, Hancock's beauty and charm are even more magnified.

And Hancock joins the Seven Warlords of the Sea to protect the entire Amazon Lily from Marine and other pirates.

In the past, Amazon Lily, although the safety of the island could be guaranteed because of the natural barrier of the Calm Belt.

However, the Nine Snakes Pirates who go out to plunder will still be attacked by other pirates and Marines.

Amazon Lily, also known as Daughter Island in the outside world, has a great reputation.

And because of the Calm Belt, it was almost impossible for outsiders to reach the main island of Amazon Lily before the invention of seastone ships.

The price of Amazon Lily's woman at the human auction is extremely high.

Therefore, the Nine Snakes Pirates who go out to plunder and hunt will become fat in the eyes of other pirates and human traffickers.

Casualties, injuries, and missing persons are things that the Nine Snakes Pirates must face every time they go out to hunt and plunder.

But after Hancock became emperor and joined the Seven Warlords of the Sea with his powerful power, none of this happened again.

Boya. Hancock, has the qualifications of a king! Conqueror's Haki!

Coupled with the ability of the sweet fruit, even among all the Seven Warlords of the Sea, the strength is extremely high.

Before the rise of the Entei Pirates, Hancock was known as the most powerful woman on the sea, second only to BIG-MOM!

The name of the Pirate Empress is powerful throughout the sea.

When they go out hunting and plundering, only the Nine Snakes Pirates can plunder other pirates. No one else dares to touch the bad luck of the Nine Snakes Pirates.

Hancock's reputation in the West has reached the highest peak among Amazon Lily's previous emperors.


Looking at all the citizens, screaming and admiring her, Hancock, who had been very cold in the past, was now blushing.

Covering her red lips, she carefully turned her pretty face and looked in Ace's direction.

With such a concubine, Ace would think that as the emperor of Amazon Lily, I am not as cute as other girls.

Or do you think this concubine will be more attractive?

Love and jail make people careful.

Hancock, who loves Ace so much that he can't help himself, cares about Ace's thoughts even in the smallest things.

Carefully turning her beautiful eyes, she looked at Ace.


Hancock's beautiful eyes were full of waves, and he looked at Ace blankly.

Ace looked at Hancock who turned his head cautiously to look at him, and gave Hancock a thumbs up, with a gentle smile on his face.

"Oh! I, I have no regrets."

Hancock suddenly fell to the ground, covering his pretty red face and murmuring.

"Lord Snake Princess?!"

"What's wrong with Lady Snake?"

Seeing Hancock suddenly fall to the ground, many Amazon Lily citizens suddenly panicked.

Enemy attack?

But this is Amazon Lily’s main island. Except for Marine’s seastone ships, no one can invade here.

And as a Seven Warlords of the Sea, it is impossible for Marine to attack Lady Snake.

What is this...

The somewhat panicked citizens and many soldiers' eyes narrowed, and Observation Haki came out of their bodies.

"Hey?! Who are you?!"

Several female warriors looked at Ace and others and exclaimed.

"Have you finally noticed us? Isn't Hancock's charm too great?"

Nami covered her forehead with helplessness on her face.

Since going to sea, because of Ace's trouble-making attributes, the Entei Pirates have always attracted the most attention wherever they go.

Even after just entering the Grand Line, Ace's bounty is as high as 85 million Baileys!

After that, the bounty quickly exceeded one billion, and he was called the fifth emperor on the sea.

Nowadays, he is even called the man who is above the Four Emperors, standing at the top of this sea.

As Ace's first crew member, it can be said that Ace has always been the one who attracted the most attention since he started following Ace.

Wherever he goes, he will receive the looks of fear and panic from other pirates.

Nami, who has never wanted to cause trouble and wanted to be a little transparent, has attracted much attention because of Ace. Until now, she has become the second-in-command of the Entei Pirates, a super pirate with a bounty of 2 billion!

The dream of being a little transparent, starting from following Ace, was destined to miss Nami.

But she didn't expect that she would feel it in Amazon Lily.

The citizens of Amazon Lily, until now, had only seen Hancock, and they didn't even notice the arrival of their Entei pirate fleet.

"After all, little Hancock is so beautiful."

Shakky laughed.


At this time, some young citizens looked at Shakky in shock.

"Long time no see, Tubit."

Shakky looked at these young citizens and showed a nostalgic smile.

"Former emperor, you are still the same as before."

These young citizens suddenly burst into tears and were excited to see Xia Qi.

"Hey?! Former emperor?"

The young warriors, who had never seen Shakky before, looked at Shakky in shock, who looked the same age as their sister.

"They are all very good seedlings. Why do they all have enough energy?"

Ace Observation Haki suddenly released, knowing the situation of all the citizens here...

Haki, in the first half of the Grand Line, only a handful of people can master it.

One is because Haki also needs good teachers to teach, and the strong people who can use Haki, except for Marine, are basically in the New World.

The second reason is that because we have not yet reached New World and completed the first half of the Grand Line voyage, the capacity is simply not enough to use Haki.

But even with the Naval Headquarters, which has a dedicated training base, former Marine Admiral, Zephyr as Instructor, and one of the strongest forces on the sea, not everyone can use Haki.

If you can fully master Armament Haki, you can become Naval Headquarters Rear Admiral,

Completely master Armament Haki and Observation Haki to become the Naval Headquarters Vice Admiral.

It can be seen that there are very few powerful Haki users in Marine.

But almost all of Amazon Lily's adult warriors can use Haki.

This has nothing to do with the teaching method, because no matter how strong Amazon Lily's teaching method is, it cannot be better than Marine.

This should be related to Amazon Lily's special physique.

Amazon Lily's reproduction method is that adult female warriors will choose to leave Nine Snakes, get pregnant outside, and then return to Nine Snakes.

And the children born in Nine Snakes will only be girls.

Is it the physical constitution or the environment that causes this phenomenon.

It seems ok, let's do some research.

Ace took Observation Haki back into his body and thought to himself.

"Man, it's a man!"

At this time, several elderly citizens noticed Ace, Rayleigh and Yixiao, and looked at Ace and the others in shock.


The young female warriors who had not left Nine Snakes suddenly looked at Ace and the others in shock.

"Indeed, it's a little different from us."

"Men, you cannot step into the territory of Nine Snakes, otherwise you will be wiped out."

"But they were brought by Lady She Ji."

The citizens were talking a lot.

"Shut up, Ace is a guest invited by me. He is not someone that ordinary men can compare to.

Hancock raised his eyebrows, looked at the many citizens, and shouted coldly.

Hancock will never tolerate being rude to Ace.

And if I marry Ace in the future, Ace will be the future king here.

Hancock, fell into his own fantasy again.

"Hey! If you are Lady Snake, no rules matter!"

"The indifferent Lady Snake is so beautiful!"

The citizens were immediately filled with love.

Ace looked at Hancock and smiled gently.

Hancock, who had looked cold just now, suddenly blushed horribly.

Ace, smiled at me.

"Strange, why does this man look familiar? Ace, this name sounds familiar too.

Suddenly, some sharp-eyed citizens held their chins and began to think.

Suddenly, his eyes glanced at the flying pirate flag, his pupils shrank suddenly, and his back was covered with cold sweat.

"Yan, Emperor Yan?!"

"This man is Emperor Yan!!!"

Shocked exclamations resounded throughout Amazon Lily.

"Hello you all."

Ace, smiled and greeted the citizens of Amazon Lily.

These will all be the forces under his command from now on. .

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