"As long as you say it Ace, I will promise you anything!"

Hancock covered his pretty face and looked at Ace with happiness on his face.

She just felt that Ace called her Hancock, and she had no regrets in her life.


Grandma Ze, Sandersonia, Marigold and many members of the Nine Snakes Pirates suddenly fell to the ground when they saw Hancock's appearance.

Before Emperor Yan even said what he wanted, Lady Snake Ji (sister) agreed.

Such a sister (Snake Princess)...

Sandersonia, Marigold and many members of the Nine Snakes Pirates looked at Hancock with a happy smile on his face, and their eyes turned into hearts.

So beautiful too!!!

"Oh, it can't be opened! Snake help!"

Grandma Ze got up from the ground, looked at Hancock who had completely fallen in love, and yelled.

After all, Snake Princess is also the emperor of Amazon Lily. Even if she is lovesick, how can she be so unreserved.

"Lou Suo, I'll be careful if I throw you down and call you Sea Kings."

Hancock turned his head and looked at his mother-in-law, regaining his cool look.

Her appearance is only shown to one person.

"Hi! Sorry!"

Grandma Ye looked at the cold and charming Hancock. Although she knew that Hancock was just scaring her, her cold aura and Hancock's qualifications as a king still made her choose to follow her heart.

"Ah, ah."

Rayleigh and Shakky looked at Hancock, covered their foreheads, and looked at each other helplessly.

Hancock's lovesickness symptoms are simply worse than Shakky's.

It can be said that the Amazon Lily Emperor suffered from the most severe lovesickness in the history.

Fortunately, Hannanke fell in love with Ace.

The power possessed by Ace can easily protect Amazon Lily.

If it weren't for Ace, I'm afraid Hancock's fate would be the same as Shakky's and the previous emperors. He could only leave Amazon Lily and suffer from 563 lovesickness in order to recover.

"I see."

Robin looked at Hancock and understood immediately.

No wonder Rayleigh wanted to tell them to give him some face,

No wonder Nami said "We will definitely accept it".

It turns out that this famous pirate queen fell in love with Ace.

Robin has also done some research on the history of Amazon lilies.

Although Amazon Lily is located in the Calm Belt, very little information has been revealed, but in the long history, there will always be some clues in the sea.

Lovesickness, even the emperor of Amazon Lily seems to be unable to escape the torture of this disease.

This time's Amazon Lily Emperor, the Pirate Empress Boa Hancock, is lovesick, that is, the person she falls in love with, is Ace.

It is indeed a disease that is serious enough to cause death. This pirate queen's love for Ace is so strong.

Robin used Observation Haki to feel the emotional fluctuations emanating from Hancock's body when he faced Ace, and sighed.

At the same time, the beautiful eyes also scanned all the members of the Nine Snakes Pirates, and the beautiful eyes also flickered slightly.

All of these women are capable of Haki and are extremely strong.

I have long heard that although Amazon and Lily are all women, it is indeed a rare country in this sea where all adult warriors can use Haki.

No wonder Ace chose Amazon Lily as the place to teach them Haki.

All are women, and they are targeted at women. They systematically learn Haki's methods, which is indeed very suitable for them.

Nami, probably wants to bring this power under Ace's command.

As expected, she is the woman closest to Ace and the second in command of our Entei Pirates.

Robin looked at Nami, her red lips slightly raised.

Nami felt Robin's gaze and raised her pretty face to look at Robin. She immediately knew that the smart Robin had deduced everything.

Then they looked at each other and smiled.

The other girls, even the most adorable Tashigi, immediately knew from Hancock's obvious performance that the pirate empress was deeply in love with Ace.

Because Observation Haki sensed that the emotional aura exuding from the pirate empress at this moment was exactly the same as when Kaya faced Ace.

Among the girls, the one who loves Ace the most blindly and submissively is Kaya.

Nami, Vivi and the others sometimes play tricks on Ace,

Robin sometimes teases Ace verbally,

But Kaya completely obeyed Ace's words and followed Ace obediently.

This does not mean that other girls do not love Ace as deeply as Kaya.

But the way they love is different.

But now the pirate empress, facing Ace, exudes an emotional aura that is almost exactly the same as Kaya's.

Even blindly, it is better than Kaya.

In Ace's words, this pirate empress is a perfect love brain!

However, the girls did not have any other emotions about this. Instead, they looked at the pirate empress very friendly.

Although I don’t know why this pirate queen, who has never met Ace before, loves Ace so deeply,

But as long as they have a good impression of Ace, they are willing to be friends with her.

Not to mention, the pirate empress who has such deep love for Ace.

Moreover, when they were on the Sabaody Archipelago, they all felt it deeply,

Although with the help of Ace's understanding field, they are considered strong even in the entire sea.

But facing the real peak fighting, they are not even qualified to participate.

On the battlefield of Sabaody Archipelago, Nami was the only one who could participate in the peak fight.

Moreover, because it relies entirely on the power of Thunder Fruit, and because Haki is not strong, Nami can only be used as a auxiliary attack candidate.

They also deeply realized that when Ace was on Sky Island and hunting for the Thunder Fruit on Enel,

The true meaning of the sentence "Only Haki, Tuanling bends over everything!"

She commands all adult warriors and can use Haki's kingdom, and her own reputation is second only to BIG-MOM's Pirate Empress in the Four Emperors among female pirates.

For such a strong man and the joining of powerful forces, the women are extremely welcome.

As long as it is beneficial to Ace, as long as Ace can become the king of the world.

They will provide unconditional support.

"Hehe (bcci)he.

Using Observation Haki to sense the emotional fluctuations of the girls, Rayleigh and Shakky looked at each other and both got up with a smile.

These girls are indeed Ace women.

The size is also good.

It seems that they don't need to worry about Hancock's problem.

"Then, let's go to Amazon Lily first, Hancock.

Ace looked at Hancock, who was looking at him with happiness on his face, and was a little surprised.

She is indeed the most beautiful woman in the pirate world.

Close contact with reality is infinitely more beautiful than the anime I watched in my previous life.

Then he raised the corners of his mouth slightly and said warmly.

"Go, go to Amazon Lily. Is it possible that Ace is going to marry me?!"

Hancock's beautiful eyes turned into the shape of love hearts, and his delicate body fell weakly to the ground, holding his pretty red face and murmuring happily.

In Hancock's mind, the wedding held by Ace and her, as well as the beautiful married life, had already appeared.

How many children will Ace have in the future?

At least ten, right? Ah! Can I give birth to so many children?

Hancock was completely immersed in her own world, covering her pretty red face with happiness on her face.

"Hey! Where did you hear the word marriage? She Ji!"

Grandma Ze looked at Hancock who was completely in love and covered her forehead helplessly.

The Nami girls looked at Hancock's appearance and felt helpless.

This powerful pirate queen, who is known as the most beautiful woman in the world, has really serious symptoms of love brain.

However, she is worthy of being called the most beautiful woman in the world. She is really beautiful.

Nami, Vivi and the others were a little envious when they looked at Hancock's pretty face and proud figure.

Well, such a woman should belong to Ace!

"Huh? Aren't you marrying me?"

Hancock looked at his mother-in-law pitifully.

"Okay, so beautiful!"

Grandma Zha covered her heart.

After eating the sweet fruit and still having such a beautiful Snake Princess, showing such an expression, the killing record is really too great.

"Hey, She Ji, if you want to follow Emperor Yan, you can't just rely on your beauty."

Grandma Ze looked at the pitiful and lovable Hancock and couldn't help it. She leaned into Hancock's ear and whispered softly.


Hancock covered his heart, looked at Ace, and bit his red lip.

Ace's posture is even more beautiful than hers.

Moreover, love can make people feel inferior. With such a dazzling Ace, even Hancock feels a little unconfident.

"In the great incident of Emperor Yan, the women around Emperor Yan all made great contributions to Emperor Yan. You must also work hard, She Ji.

Mother-in-law said softly in Hancock's ear.


Hancock bit his red lip and nodded seriously.

Although after falling in love with Ace, she only had Ace in her eyes.

But during the Entei incident, before Ace showed his body like a fire, she noticed the girls around Ace.

Especially, Nami, the ‘little thief cat’.

This girl's strength is even higher than hers.

Thunder Fruit's ability is too overbearing, and the increase in combat power is embarrassing.

Of course, Hancock is very concerned about Nami's relationship with Ace. By simply using Observation Haki, he can clearly sense that their love for Ace is not inferior to hers.

Hancock doesn't care that much.

Of course there can't be only one such dazzling Ace, woman.

As long as she can stay with Ace.

"Then let's go to Amazon Lily, Ace.

Hancock looked at Ace and said happily.

Just looking at Ace makes her feel that this life is worth it.

"Let's go, Hancock."

Ace looked at Hancock and smiled gently.

At the same time, there was also a look of expectation in his eyes.

How much progress will Nami and the others make through Amazon Lily's Haki training method, combined with her own realm of understanding?

And, as long as they reach adulthood, almost all female warriors can use Haki. What kind of regiment they can grow into under their own understanding field is also worthy of Ace's expectation.

Finally, there is Hancock.

Hancock, who has the qualifications to be a king, can definitely catch up with BIG-MOM in terms of strength as long as he can learn Conqueror's Haki, combined with the ability of the sweet fruit, and with the help of his own understanding field!

The power under his command will usher in an explosion in Amazon Lily. .

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