Rayleigh looked at Nami's cunning and cute eyes and listened to Nami's meaningful words, and the corners of her eyes suddenly twitched.

Rayleigh knows very well how smart this girl Nami is.

That was enough to make him spin around like 'Pluton', who had seen too many strong winds and waves.

Coupled with Nami and the increased Observation Haki after the Thunder Fruit awakening, it was too easy to know Hancock's emotional changes on that battlefield.

Coupled with what he said now, with Nami's ice and snow intelligence, it is too easy to analyze the truth.

But looking at Nami, Rayleigh and Shakky looked at each other and breathed a sigh of relief.

Ace is undoubtedly the soul and leader of the Entei Pirates.

Under Ace, Nami is the strongest member of the Entei Pirates and the first crew member of the Entei Pirates.

And Rayleigh and Shakky have felt very deeply these days. Nami is definitely the most special girl in Ace's heart.

So during the Entei incident, when Ace and Marine were fighting with the peak combat powers of the World Government,

The person who took command of the Entei Pirates at that time was Nami.

Nami is, without a doubt, the second in command of the Entei Pirates!

Even Nico Robin, the mature, steady and intelligent son of the devil, obeyed Nami's instructions.

As the second-in-command of the Entei Pirates, Nami is actually the second-in-command of the Entei Pirates!

Nami, who noticed Hancock's strangeness, said that she accepted Hancock, which meant that these women in the Entei Pirates would also accept Hancock.

This made Rayleigh and Shakky, who regarded Hancock as their daughter and worried about Hancock's lovesickness, breathe a sigh of relief.

They looked at each other and felt a little emotional in their hearts.

As expected of the woman beside Ace, she is now the strongest pirate group in the world and the second-in-command of the pirate ship.

Rayleigh and Shakky, who have been on the sea for many years, know very well what Nami is thinking now.

As the pirate empress, Hancock's strength is undoubted, and Amazon Lily is one of the few powerful countries in the world that can become an adult warrior and can use Haki.

With the current combat power of the Entei Pirates' fleet, even if Hancock withdraws from Shichibukai, as long as the Entei Pirates' fleet is protected,

Even the world government does not dare to attack Amazon Lily at this time.

With such powerful combat power and power, if he joins the Entei Pirate Ship, even Ace, who has the strongest pirate group in the world under his command,

It is also a considerable increase in combat power and influence.

But you know, you know, but Nami, after all, is not yet 17 years old. This age is the age when she is most yearning for love and the most possessive.

Shakky, who has also suffered from lovesickness, knows this all too well.

A little girl of this age is so thoughtful and intelligent. No wonder Ace values ​​Nami so much and carefully prepared Thunder Fruit, which is most suitable for Nami and is one of the invincible abilities in Logia.

It's no wonder that Nami can become the second-in-command of the Entei Pirates.

However, Hancock, and even the entire Amazon Lily, are happy to see Rayleigh and Shakky join the Entei Pirate Ship Group.

After Rayleigh joined the Entei Pirates' fleet, Shakky didn't make a clear statement, but boarding the Zero Squadron's ship was the best way to make a statement.

Rayleigh and Shakky both plan to follow Ace to see the new era that Ace mentioned.

But now, the original order and balance of the sea have been completely broken because of Ace!

In this era, this sea has actually started a riot.

There are only two final results. One is that the world government is completely overturned and a new era is truly ushered in.

Another thing is that the old times are still the same, and all the men from the sea have failed.

In this era of turmoil, there is no safe place in this sea!

World government, Naval Headquarters, Four Emperors, and the Entei Entei Pirate Ship Group,

There is no doubt that they are the strongest forces on the sea in this era.

If everyone on the sea does not want to be torn apart by the raging waves in this turbulent era, they must place bets on these major forces!

Only by obtaining the protection of these major forces can one be qualified to participate in the final competition.

The bet that Rayleigh and Shakky made was that the Entei Pirate Ship would become the captain and member of Team Zero under Ace.

Rayleigh, believed in his vision, and believed in Ace.

Therefore, it is natural to want Hancock to break away from the Shichibukai, that is, break away from the World Government camp, and join the Entei Pirates' fleet.

With the world's number one pirate group today, the Entei Pirate Ship, and the protection of the world's strongest man, Entei Ace,

The legal rights of plunder granted to Shichibukai by the World Government, as well as the privilege of not being hunted by Marines, are of no use at all.

Because Marine now doesn't dare to pursue the Entei Pirates' fleet!

Today's Entei Pirate Fleet is under the command of the world's strongest man, Entei Ace, and is the world's strongest pirate group!

His status is even higher than that of the Four Emperors Pirates.

He is the absolute overlord of this sea!

Faced with such an overlord, Marine has no power to pursue at will.

If you want to hunt down the members of the Yandi pirate fleet, then it means provoking the emperor of the sea, the majesty of Yandi,

That means starting a war with the Entei Pirate Fleet!

The Naval Headquarters does not have such authority at all.

If you want to start a war with the current Ace and the Entei Pirate Fleet, you must obtain the authorization from the Five Elders, the highest power in the world.

The Five Elders, on the other hand, did not dare to provoke Ace and start a war with Ace before solving the door fruit ability that Ace can use.

It can be said that the forces protected by the current Entei pirate fleet naturally enjoy the privilege of not being hunted by Marine.

Amazon Lily’s biggest problem has also been solved.

Rayleigh and Shakky came to Amazon Lily with the intention of pushing Amazon and Lily to join the Entei pirate fleet.

Now it seems that the obstacles have been basically cleared.

As for Ace...

Rayleigh and Shakky looked at each other and raised the corners of their mouths at the same time.

Ace, will definitely like little Hancock.

"Rayleigh! Why do I call you Uncle Rayleigh~!"

Perona reacted at this time, looked at Rayleigh and shouted with a red face.

The relationship between Rayleigh and Ace was already very clear to Perona after the Yan Emperor incident.

Nami and the others also call Rayleigh uncle because of their relationship with Ace.

Just now Rayleigh included her, doesn't that mean she also...

"Well, it's only a matter of time."

Rayleigh looked at this girl who was as delicate as a Barbie doll and smiled.

"What? Do you have any opinion?"

Perona's pretty face turned red and she was about to say something, when she heard a chuckle from behind.


Perona shuddered and turned her head mechanically.

Then she saw a pair of hands reaching towards her.


There were tears in the corners of Perona's eyes, and her delicate face like a Barbie doll was constantly deformed by Ace's kneading.

"Ah, it's so comfortable."

After Ace kneaded it to his satisfaction, he let go of Perona with satisfaction.

"Be polite to your elders, you know?"

Ace looked at Perona, who was holding her delicate cheek, and educated her.

"Hi, Uncle Rayleigh.

Perona covered her cheek and said obediently.

"So good."

Ace gently stroked Perona's delicate face this time.


Perona narrowed her eyes and rubbed Ace's palm with enjoyment.

Rayleigh and Shakky looked at each other.

Ace, you are really good at dealing with girls.

"The Emperor Yan is here, the Nine Snakes Pirates are honored!"

Grandma Ze looked at the Meili Horn that was getting closer, and she cheered up.

".'Hey, mother-in-law, long time no see, you are still so tough."

Shakky walked to the front of the deck, looked at Grandma Ze and laughed loudly.

"Xia, Yi Xian?! Rayleigh?!"

Seeing Rayleigh and Shakky on a boat next to the Melly, my mother-in-law's eyes almost popped out of her head.

"Ah, I am now the captain of the Entei Pirate Grand Fleet, the Zero Division."

Rayleigh looked at her mother-in-law and laughed.

"'Pluton' Rayleigh, have you also joined the Entei Pirate Ship?"

The mother-in-law opened her mouth, not knowing what to say.

The mother-in-law who once worked with Rayleigh and Shakky on the Rocks Pirate ship to guide the three Hancock sisters back to Nine Snakes,

I still know a lot about Rayleigh.

Rayleigh, who has been to the Final Island, has been waiting for something.

Joining Emperor Yan's command now is definitely not because of Emperor Yan's bloodline.

Could it be said that Emperor Yan is the person that 'Pluton' is waiting for?

Grandma Ze swallowed, and together with many members of the Nine Snakes Pirates, looked at the figure at the front on the deck of the Merry, the main ship of the Entei Pirates.

His black hair was blowing in the wind, and he had a handsome face with a gentle smile. His body seemed to contain endless terrifying power.

Although the eyes are gentle, there seems to be an extremely terrifying Haki in them, making people dare not look into them.

This is Entei! Portgas·D·Ace?!

The strongest and most haki man in the world today?!

Grandma Ze and many members of the Nine Snakes Pirates looked at this man standing at the top of the sea with awe.

"By the way, Emperor Yan, let me introduce you (Wang Haohao). This is the captain of the Nine Snakes Pirates, Snake Princess, Boa Hancock..."

Grandma Ze coughed dryly and immediately remembered the most important thing.

"Just call me, Hancock."

Before his mother-in-law could finish speaking, Hancock raised his pretty face, with an adoring smile on his breathtakingly beautiful face, looking at Ace infatuatedly.


Grandma Ze, Sandersonia and Marigold, as well as many members of the Nine Snakes Pirates, suddenly fell to the ground.

When had they ever seen Hancock look like this?

Especially my mother-in-law, she hated the iron in her heart.

As the emperor of Amazon Lily, how can he be so unreserved?!

"Hancock, I have a request from you."

Looking at Hancock's appearance, and combined with what Rayleigh said before, Ace immediately knew that Hancock was lovesick for him.

Although I don't know exactly why, Hancock fell in love with me so completely. After all, I and Hancock have never met in person.

Based on Ace's understanding of this pirate empress, just killing the Celestial Dragons would not make Hancock completely fall in love with her.

But Ace is not in a hurry. He will have plenty of time to get to know Hancock in the future.

Looking at Hancock, Ace chuckled.

"I am willing!"

Hancock held his pretty face in his hands, wearing a happy but hopeless smile.

Ace, called concubine, Hancock.

I can agree to whatever he asks for!


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