Naval Headquarters, Marshal's Office.

Marshal of the Naval Headquarters, Buddha of Sengoku, known as The Resourceful General, looked at Marineford outside the window and sighed.

Although it looks the same as before,

But Sengoku can feel that there is a shadow called failure hanging over Marineford.

And what brings the shadow of failure to Naval Headquarters is,

The man who launched the Yan Emperor Incident that shocked the world, and whose power was greater than that of the Four Emperors,

Entei, Portcas.D. Ace!

Facing the Entei Pirate Ship Group led by Entei, their Naval Headquarters experienced the biggest failure since its establishment!

Admiral of Headquarters, Kizaru was captured in front of the world, Admiral of Headquarters, Akainu was crushed and defeated by Entei, Portgas·D·Ace in front of the world.

He, the marshal known as The Resourceful General, was also defeated by Emperor Yan in a battle of wits.

If the World Government hadn't intervened and the Five Elders had personally ended their lives, it's unclear how many of the elite Marines gathered in the Sabaody Archipelago would have returned.

But even if the World government intervenes, the Five Elders will all end,

Still under the influence of Emperor Yan, Portgas·D·Ace, he chose to compromise.

Even the Buster Call, which represents the absolute justice of the world government and sends out all signals to erase everything on the earth, was forced to suspend in an unprecedented manner.

The absolute justice preached by the World Government was completely broken at this moment by Emperor Yan, Portgas·D·Ace.

This was an unprecedented failure. Although most of the elites were able to return to Marineford due to the agreement reached between the Five Elders and Entei,

But the scary thing is that the justice in the hearts of all the officers and soldiers of Naval Headquarters has begun to waver.

Regardless of whether it was Entei or Portgas·D·Ace, they showed the ugly appearance of the Celestial Dragons maintained by their Marines in front of the whole world.

Or the Five Elders, in Sabaody Archipelago, launched a Buster Call in anger,

Or maybe Entei, who used his powerful skills to completely control the war situation, made a deal with the compromise between Admiral of Headquarters Kizaru and the world's highest power holder, the Five Elders, to stop the Buster Call and protect all the people of Sabaody Archipelago.

This was like a heavy hammer that hit the righteous hearts of all the officers and soldiers of Naval Headquarters.

They, the Marines who represent justice, at the end of the Entei Incident, due to the launch of the Buster Call, undoubtedly became the killing tools used by the World Government to massacre people.

But the great pirate, Portgas·D·Ace, the Entei who was called "extremely evil" by the world government, became the savior of the people.

This objective fact cannot be denied even by the hawkish generals at Naval Headquarters.

Marine has become a killing machine that massacres people, and pirates have become heroes who save people.

Killing people and killing people is nothing more than this!


Sengoku looked out the window, which represented the righteous Marineford, and sighed deeply.

It's not that Naval Headquarters is weak. As the strongest of the three major forces on the sea, Naval Headquarters has an absolute advantage against any Four Emperors pirate group.

It is true that that man, Emperor Yan, is too strong.

Strength, wisdom, and Republicanism.

They all stand at the pinnacle of this sea.

Compared with that man, Marshal Marine, who ate the Human Fruit - Phantom Beast Species - the Great Buddha form, obtained the Buddha's wisdom, strength and spirit, and was known as the ultimate man, was completely at an absolute disadvantage.

Regardless of strength, spirit or wisdom, they were all ruthlessly suppressed by that man.

That man is the real ultimate man of this era!

Faced with such a man, Marine must also make changes.

Sengoku looked at the paper on the table with a gloomy expression.

No matter what the reason is, it’s Entei, Portgas·D·Ace is too strong,

It may be the intervention of the Four Emperors, Red Hair Pirates, Four Emperors Kaido, Four Emperors, and Whitebeard Pirates.

Naval Headquarters, under the leadership of his marshal, suffered this major defeat.

This is an ironclad objective fact that cannot be changed.

He, the Marine Marshal, has also become part of the shadow of failure that hangs over Marineford.

The first step to change the current despondency of Naval Headquarters and regain the confidence of all Marine personnel is to change the coaching staff.

Only a coaching change can give Marine the possibility of regaining confidence and justice.

Sengoku smoothed the paper and prepared to start writing his resignation letter and recommendations for the next Marine Marshal.

What Sengoku recommends is Admiral of Headquarters.

For a long time, as the top doves and hawks, Aokiji and Akainu, both of them have been regarded as candidates for Marine Marshal.

Sengoku and Garp, have always supported Aokiji to become Marine Marshal.

But the World Government, Five Elders, is more optimistic about Zhiyan.

Akainu's strength is indeed superior to Aokiji, and because the hawks act more wantonly,

And Aokiji, because of the Ohara incident and before the Seven Waters Capital incident, had always believed in lazy justice.

Therefore, within Naval Headquarters, the hawks headed by Akainu actually outweigh the doves headed by Aokiji.

But now, Sengoku has a good reason to recommend Aokiji.

That is, during the Entei incident, Aokiji was the only one among the three Admirals of Naval Headquarters who was not defeated in front of the world.

If we want to clear away the shadow of the failure of Naval Headquarters, Aokiji, who has never been defeated, is naturally the most suitable candidate.

Maybe, this failure can actually be a good thing.

Sengoku's eyes flashed and he began to write.



The office door was opened in panic.

"What's wrong?"

Looking at the visitor, veins began to appear on Sengoku's forehead.

The Naval Headquarters Rear Admiral, who specializes in reporting intelligence to him, brings terrible bad news every time.

Now, the last thing Sengoku wants to see is this Naval Headquarters Rear Admiral.

"Marshal, Entei, Portcas D. Ace, sailed from the Sabaody Archipelago.

Pluton, Silver‧ Rayleigh, used Conqueror's Haki to defeat all surrounding guard ships.

And he calls himself the Captain of the Entei Pirate Ship Group!

Pluton Rayleigh, officially joins the service of Emperor Yan, Portcas D. Ace!!!"

The Naval Headquarters Rear Admiral, covered in cold sweat, stood at attention and shouted.


Sengoku's pupils shrank suddenly.

Pluton, Silver Rayleigh, became the captain of the Entei Pirate Ship, Team Zero?!

Although in the great incident of Emperor Yan, Rayleigh chose to come out of the mountain and stood in the camp of Emperor Yan.

But unlike Yixiao who publicly announced that he would become the captain of the second division of the Entei Pirates' Grand Fleet,

Pluton, Silver‧ Rayleigh, just took action and did not express his intention to join the Entei Pirates' fleet.

Sengoku, Nishi knows this old rival very well.

I have been to the final island, Rayleigh of Raftel, but I am afraid that I am still hesitant because of the big secret treasure I saw in Raftel.

The reason for taking action was because of the blood of Emperor Yan, Portcas D. Ace, and the so-called "D" will seen in that man.

But now, on the day when the Entei Pirates' fleet set sail, he announced that he would join and become the captain of the Zero Division!

On the Sabaody Archipelago, what happened at the subsequent banquet?

What prompted Rayleigh, who had arrived at Raftel, to immediately make the decision to join the Entei Pirate Ship?

Sengoku's forehead was covered with sweat.

That man, Portgas·D·Ace, and their secrets that Naval Headquarters and even the World Government don’t know!

That secret prompted Rayleigh to join!

Buddha-like wisdom helped Sengoku analyze this, but what the secret is, Sengoku still doesn't know.

But Sengoku is certain that it is definitely a secret that can cause the sea to shake and change the era of the sea.

0……Please give me flowers…………

Otherwise, Rayleigh would not have been able to join the Xi Pirate Ship Group so decisively.

What's even more frightening is whether the old members of the Roger Pirates will choose to leave after learning the news.

Join that, the so-called Zero Division?

Sengoku’s forehead is full of veins, “Complacency is a haze.

"Immediately summon all Naval Headquarters Vice Admiral and above generals!"

Sengoku said solemnly.


The Naval Headquarters Rear Admiral in charge of intelligence work left in a panic.


Sengoku stood up and his face regained its composure.

Turning the resignation letter on the table upside down, Sengoku walked towards the conference room with firm steps.

Now, he is still Marshal of the Naval Headquarters!

Let him, for Naval Headquarters, make the final splash.

In the conference room.

All generals above Naval Headquarters Vice Admiral sit on both sides.

But unlike the previous murderous aura, the Naval Headquarters Vice Admirals at this time seemed to be missing something.

The aura is a bit sluggish.

"Everyone! The latest information is that 'Pluton' Silver Rayleigh has joined the Entei Pirate Ship and became the captain of the Zero Division."

Sengoku looked at the somewhat sluggish Naval Headquarters Vice Admirals, his eyes flashed slightly, and he said in a deep voice.


Sengoku's words made many generals above the Naval Headquarters Vice Admiral tremble.

The legendary pirate, the right hand of the Pirate King, Pluton, Silver‧ Rayleigh, joined the Entei Pirate Ship?!

Doesn't this mean that the man who brought them the most terrible failure in Naval Headquarters, Entei, Portgas·D·Ace,

Not only does he have the blood of the Pirate King, but he also has the right hand of the Pirate King. It is even possible to gather the old members of the Roger Pirates?!

In that case, with the guidance of these people, who else can stop Entei and Portcas D. Ace from going to the Final Island?

Could it be said that a new Pirate King is about to be born?!

Many generals above the Naval Headquarters Vice Admiral level looked gloomy and their momentum became even more depressed.

Pluton Rayleigh, have you joined?

Aokiji sits at the head and shines.

Captain of Team Zero?

It seems that the position of captain of the first team is still reserved for him.

After allowing Marine to make a smooth transition and placing those dovish generals in place, he will leave here,

Became the captain of the first team of the Yandi pirate fleet.

"Now, announce the latest reward for the Entei Pirate Ship!"

Sengoku looked at the sluggish backbone of Naval Headquarters and drank out loud.


Hearing Sengoku's loud shout, many Naval Headquarters Vice Admirals were shocked.

Bounty? A new bounty on the man who defeated their Naval Headquarters, Entei?

Didn't the Marine executives, and even the World Government executives, give up the pursuit of Entei?

"We did experience failure, but that was because of my wrong decision-making and the intervention of the Red Hair Pirates, Whitebeard Pirates, and Kaido of the Beasts!

We will still hunt down Emperor Yan, Portcas D. Ace!

We at Naval Headquarters still have the strength to hunt down the Entei pirate fleet!

The justice we protect is not over yet!

Our war against all pirates has not yet failed!

We are still alive!

Still, keep fighting!

Justice will win!"

Sengoku looked at the many Naval Headquarters generals and roared angrily.

"Justice will prevail!"

Infected by Sengoku, these Naval Headquarters generals were slightly shaken and roared with tears in their eyes.

That's right! As long as they are alive, it is not over!

Justice cannot end in their hands!

They are still the pursuers of pirates!

"Announced, the latest bounty for the Entei Pirates' fleet is announced!".

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