The banquet sponsored by the Entei Pirates and attended by the Four Emperors Red Hair Pirates, Four Emperors Whitebeard Pirates, Four Emperors, and Kaido of the Beasts came to an end.

Kaido of the Beasts, who came from the New World to obtain Ace's ability to hunt demons, came in the form of a blue dragon. At this time, because of Ace, he transformed into a blue dragon and left.

But the purpose is completely different.

Kaido of the Beasts, at this time, is going to prepare for a crusade from the man who stands at the pinnacle of the ocean in this era, the Entei Portakas D. Ace!

Although Kaido is arrogant and often relies on his immortality to do whatever he wants among various forces alone,

But he who was able to capture Wanokuni was not just a reckless man.

Judging from the strength displayed by the Entei Pirates during the Entei Incident, when his Beasts Pirates faced off against the Entei Pirates alone, "the odds of winning were infinitely close to zero.

Even the Naval Headquarters, the strongest among the three major forces, was defeated from the front by the Entei pirate ship group headed by Entei, Portgas·D·Ace before the World Government Five Elders came to an end, and fell into an unprecedented rout.

If the World Government hadn't personally come to an end and the Five Elders had arrived, the casualties at Naval Headquarters would have been extremely heavy.

Even Naval Headquarters is no match for the Entei Pirates' fleet. His Beasts Pirates cannot compete with the Entei Pirates' fleet.

But Kaido didn't have the slightest fear, but was even more excited.

Unexpectedly, Entei, Portgas·D·Ace, actually possesses the power of ‘Ka’.

Although different from the legendary Joeyboy with a rubber body, Portcas D. Ace himself denied that he was Joeyboy.

But being able to fight against 'Nika' in this era is Kaido's greatest luck.

Kaido will not let go of this opportunity to start a war with 'Nika'!

So, he needs a helper!

Kaido of the Beasts, the direction he is going at this time is,

New World! Totto Land Kingdom!

Also known as, the sea area of ​​​​all nations.

The core there is Cake Island, and what occupies it is,

Four Emperors, BIG-MOM Pirates!

And the Four Emperors, the Red Hair Pirates, and the Four Emperors, the Whitebeard Pirates, came because of Entei, Portgas·D·Ace,

He also left Sabaody Island Group 753 Island and returned to the New World.

The red-haired Shanks came from the New World to confirm things with Emperor Yan, Portgas D. Ace. Compared with the new information he got here, it was nothing to mention.

Not only did I know that Ace is Luffy’s brother,

I also know that Ace also has the power of ‘Nika’!

The Renren Fruit-Phantom Beast Species-Nika form is still in Luffy's body at this time.

Although at this moment, the Devil Fruit, one of the most powerful in the sea, has not yet awakened and exists in Luffy's body in the form of a Rubber Fruit.

But Shanks, who pressed his arms on Luffy, was sure that Nika would awaken in Luffy's body.

Because Luffy is the choice of Renren Fruit-Phantom Beast Species-Nika form.

For this reason, the World Government and their Red Hair Pirates were all invisibly affected by the power of the human fruit-the phantom beast-Nika form, and sent this phantom beast Devil Fruit to Luffy.

In other words, on the sea of ​​this era, two Nikas will appear at the same time!

One was chosen by the human fruit-phantom beast species-Nika form, and it was also the one he pressed his arm on, Monkey.D. Luffy.

The other one is already standing at the pinnacle of the sea, and his strength exceeds that of the Four Emperors. After 'Pluton' Silver Rayleigh announced his full participation, the Yandi Pirate Ship Group under his command has become the only one on this sea who can defeat the Naval Headquarters head-on. The most controversial pirate group!

Luffy’s brother, Entei, Portcas.D. Ace!

For such a major event, even if the red-haired Shanks know many secrets due to special reasons, they need to return to the New World and carefully think about where their Red Hair Pirates will go in this era.

But there is one thing redhead Shanks is sure of,

That is this sea, which will usher in a new era because of Portgas·D·Ace!

The new era he has been waiting for has arrived ahead of schedule!

And the name of this era is, Chen!

Even if Luffy awakens to the Nika form in the future, it will not change the fact that in this era, he is called the Flame Emperor.

Where to go in the era of Emperor Yan is something that the Red Hair Pirates need to think about seriously.

In this regard, his former deputy captain, ‘Pluton’ Silver Rayleigh, had already placed an early bet.

He joined the Entei Pirate Fleet and became the captain of the Zero Division.

And he put his arm on Luffy's body,

But how to get rid of the remaining chips is something the red-haired Shanks is thinking about seriously.

And at this banquet, Shanks also completely figured out the true identity of Marshall.D. Teach.

The most vicious bloodline with the ability to eat multiple Devil Fruits.

Its purpose is what can be called one of the strongest Devil Fruit abilities, Dark Fruit!

Fortunately, under the influence of Entei Ace's Nika power, this Dark Fruit, which is called the most vicious ability and is also opposed to Nika's power, was hidden and was not obtained by Teach.

Although he was not sure where the hidden Dark Fruit had gone, Shanks didn't pay too much attention.

To find one of the strongest Devil Fruits hidden in this huge ocean is something that not even the World Government can do.

The Renren Fruit-Phantom Beast Species-Nika form has not been obtained by the World Government for 800 years despite the World Government using various means.

This Dark Fruit, which is opposite to the Renren Fruit-Phantom Beast Species-Nika form, also has this ability.

Even if I want to find it, there is no place to get my money back.

The most important thing is that this Devil Fruit came into Ace's sight.

Ace's sphere of influence is not as good as World government,

But in the field of Devil Fruit, Ace is the best in this ocean.

In the long history of this sea, there has never been a character like Ace who can use Devil Fruit beyond its own limits.

There has never been a person who is a Mera-mera Fruit capable person, but also has the power of Nika, and with his hidden methods, he can use all the Devil Fruit abilities.

Unprecedented, perfect Demon fruit power!

Although Dark Fruit is side by side with Renren Fruit-Phantom Beast Species-Nika form, Shanks believes that in the face of the strongest Demon fruit power in history, Ace,

This Devil Fruit will be obtained by Ace sooner or later.

What Shanks needs to consider now is how to bet in the new era and where they, Red Hair Pirates, go from here.

Among the three Four Emperors, the one with the least psychological burden is the Four Emperors Whitebeard Pirates.

The Whitebeard Pirates came from the New World calmly and returned to the New World from the Sabaody Archipelago calmly.

They have no idea of ​​​​paying attention to the new era.

For the Whitebeard Pirates, the most important thing is family.

Just like Whitebeard, who continues to age and already requires continuous infusion (agbj) and various medical instruments to maintain normal vital signs,

The Four Emperors pirate group, which was once the strongest, also began to become sluggish with the aging and physical decline of the soul figure Whitebeard.

There was a time called Whitebeard.

Now this new era will only be called Emperor Yan!

On the ship of the Whitebeard Pirates, there is only one more, a somewhat lost Marshall.D. Teach.

Dark Fruit was indeed attracted to him with the help of Entei, Portgas·D·Ace.

However, under the influence of Portgas·D·Ace's Nika power, he hid himself.

This left Teach, who had been lurking in the Whitebeard Pirates and looking for Dark Fruit for more than 20 years, completely at a loss.

At this time, Teach felt that God had played a big joke on him.

Dark Fruit, was attracted to Portcas D. Ace because of his power,

In the end, because of the power of Portcas D. Ace, he went into hiding.

Is he destined not to get Dark Fruit?

Teach sat on the deck and stared at the sea, his eyes full of confusion.

"Dad, make fun of him..."

Marco looked at the lost Teach and frowned slightly.

"Don't say it, Marco."

Whitebeard looked at Marco.

"Even if Teach hides something from me, he is still my son and our family.

And, there's nothing to worry about. "

The corners of Whitebeard's mouth curled up slightly.

"Laozi, but Whitebeard!"

Ace looked at the leaving Whitebeard Pirates and Red Hair Pirates [the corners of his mouth were slightly raised.

Teach, it is no longer possible to obtain Dark Fruit.

Dark Fruit, who felt the power of Nika in Teach, would never choose Teach as the carrier of this era.

So, what will Dark Fruit, who has noticed the resurgence of Nika in this era, do?

I'm afraid, you will be a little anxious to find a new carrier, right?

After all, Dark Fruit is a completely opposite force to Nika.

Destined to compete with Chenka's power.

That's fine, let's lay a trap for this point.

Dark Fruit is destined to be obtained by oneself.

As for Whitebeard.

Ace has already seen through his fate.

Even without Teach's rebellion, Whitebeard's character would sooner or later die in this era because of his son.

A late king with a weakness that everyone knows,

The outcome has already been determined.

"It's sailing!"

Ace stood on the Merry and laughed out loud.


The girls stood on the deck of the Mellie, looking at Ace, smiling and raising their little hands.

"Hahaha, I haven't heard the words "going sailing" for a long time.

Got it, Captain. "

On another ship, the captain of the Entei Pirate Ship Group Zero, Pluton, Silver Rayleigh, and Shakky stood on the deck,

Rayleigh laughed, her eyes flashing thick purple-black.

"Little Ace, if you want to go to Amazon Lily, let me show you the way.'

Shakky exhaled a puff of smoke and smiled.

"Going on a voyage? It would be best if the captain can use his old body.

On the other ship, the captain of the second division of the Entei Pirate Ship Group smiled and stood on the deck, also showing a smile.

"Let me, for the captain, announce the departure of the Entei Pirates' fleet."

Under the power of Merry's Shadow Fruit, the three ships with Merry as the core began to set sail at the same speed.

Rayleigh stood on the deck, laughing loudly as he looked at the Marine warship that began to panic and flee as they set sail.

These are Marine surveillance ships monitoring their movements.

Although defeated, although not on the Sabaody Archipelago, the four emperor opponents who started the banquet,

However, the Naval Headquarters will not completely give up the vigilance here and the investigation of the movements of the four emperors.

Even if they are discovered, the entire army will be wiped out

risk, they must do the same.

"The man whose strength surpasses the Four Emperors, Entei, Portgas·D·Ace, sets sail!

Report to headquarters quickly!"

A Naval Headquarters Rear Admiral lied and shouted at the messenger.

"Buzz! Boom!"

The next moment, violent black and purple lightning flashed in the sky!

"I'm the Entei Pirate Grand Fleet, Captain of the Zero Squadron, Silbaz Rayleigh!"

Along with Haki's loud laughter, countless sailors on the Marine warship suddenly fell into coma.

Pluton, Silver Rayleigh, declares to the world.

He is now the captain of the Fire Emperor Pirates' fleet!

Also announced on behalf of his current captain, Emperor Yan, Portkas D. Ace,

The man whose strength surpasses the Four Emperors, Entei, Portcas.D. Ace, sets sail!

Destination, Amazon Lily!.

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