Navigation: Comprehension Heaven-Defying, The Opening Deduces Cremation With A Knife

Chapter 148: The Ultimate Man! Enjoy The Joy Of The Battlefield!

"Vice Admiral Garp!"

"Aokiji Admiral!"

Watching the phone bug live broadcast automatically split the screen, countless Marines burst into tears.

The hero of their Marine, the legendary marine, Vice Admiral Garp, who once forced the Pirate King Gol D. Roger into desperate situations several times, takes action!

Even if he is facing the once legendary pirate, the right hand of the Pirate King, ‘Pluton’ Rayleigh,

They are still confident that Vice Admiral Garp will win the final victory!

Garp, for countless Marines, is like a spiritual pillar.

To a certain extent, Garp symbolizes justice!

This is also related to the fact that the World Government, in order to dilute the impact of the great pirate era started by Roger, has pushed the reputation of the Garp hero to the highest peak.

After all, Garp is actually known as the Marine Hero because of the Valley of the Gods incident in Rocks Pirate.

In the Valley of the Gods, Garp and Roger joined forces to stop Rocks D. Xebec and defeat the Rocks Pirate.

But the Valley of the Gods incident was related to the hunting of the Celestial Dragons, and, after all, he and Roger were the ones who stopped the Rocks Pirate.

World government, of course, will not let this kind of thing spread among the people of the sea,

By completely hiding the incident in the Valley of Gods and vigorously publicizing it, Marine hero Garp forced the Pirate King Gol D. Roger into desperate situations several times.

In this way, Garp's personal hero reputation will be improved, Roger's reputation will be suppressed, and the great pirate era created by Roger will be suppressed to achieve the so-called balance of the sea.

And there are naturally side effects.

That's Garp's hero reputation. It's really too high.

So much so that Garp's son, Monkey.D. Dorag, became the leader of the revolutionary army and was recognized by the World government as "the most vicious criminal in the world."

And Ace, who was adopted by Garp, became the fifth emperor of the sea, turning the sea upside down.

World government can only separate the two from Garp, but it cannot shake Garp's heroic status at all.

Because of Garp’s heroic status, the world government has continuously used public opinion to push it to an unprecedented level.

In a way, Garp symbolizes Marine's justice.

Once something goes wrong with Garp, the justice of Marine in this era will be overturned, and the balance of the sea will be completely broken.

Everything is world government, in order to maintain the so-called balance of the sea.

Therefore, once Garp takes action, it means that Marine has activated its final line of defense!

Looking at the terrifying scene on the screen, fighting with ‘Pluton’ Rayleigh, violent black and purple lightning, making the world tremble,

Many strong men on the sea looked extremely solemn.

Naval Headquarters, launches an all-out war with the Entei Pirates, the fifth emperor, Portgas·D·Ace!

And, Garp, absolutely cannot be defeated!

In front of the world, this Marine hero can never be defeated!

Countless Marines around the world have pinned their hopes on this legendary marine.

Sengoku certainly understands this.

Looking at Potcas D. Ace who was laughing with Haki across from him, Sengoku transformed into the form of a giant Buddha - a human-animal form, with his eyes shining with golden light.

Their speed is already extremely fast.

But unexpectedly, when they arrived, Akainu and Kizaru were already defeated.

Kizaru was captured, Akainu was seriously injured,

Their Marines lost two important combat capabilities in one fell swoop.

The current situation is not advantageous.

Sengoku looked at the fight with Rayleigh. Although he had a certain advantage, it was impossible for Garp to decide the winner in a short time.

And that blind middle-aged man who suppressed Aokiji faintly, Haki, whose fruit ability and kendo are all top-notch,

Sengoku's expression became even more ugly.

Where did this blind middle-aged man come from?

Aokiji, now understanding Marine's situation, has tried his best.

He used his strongest fighting state, Frozen Fruit's ability, Armament Haki, and the Ice Gloves that were inherited from Garp's Iron Fist.

But the middle-aged blind man named Yixiao was still suppressing Aokiji in this state.

Sure enough, in order to save Akainu just now, he spent too much energy on cooling down the terrifying lava that was ten times the temperature of Akainu Lava-Lava Fruit?

At this moment, Sabaody Archipelago, because of Portcas D. Ace's ability, turned into a burning hell.

At this temperature, even if Aokiji develops Frozen Fruit's ability to Ultimate, he will not be able to use the awakened power of Frozen Fruit to transform natural elements [and then use them to restore the West].

After Logia Devil Fruit awakened, an important ability, the physical strength blessing of natural elements, was completely deprived of Portcas D. Ace's current ability.

Because Logia Devil Fruit cannot complete natural transformation in this completely non-normal natural environment.

Portcas D. Ace's current Devil Fruit ability is already completely one dimension higher than other Logia Devil Fruit!

Damn it! Logia's ability is no longer a match for Portcas D. Ace?

Sengoku gritted his teeth secretly.

As the ultimate person who ate the Human Fruit - Phantom Beast Species - the Great Buddha Form, and gained Buddha-like power, Sengoku immediately analyzed the most troublesome aspect of Portgas·D·Ace's ability.

That's them. Naval Headquarters, the strongest class in history. Marine Three Admiral, three major Logia elements. Marine Admiral,

Already, it is completely impossible to be Portkas D. Ace's opponent.

Even if Aokiji, Kizaru, and Akainu join forces, there is probably nothing they can do against the current Portgas·D·Ace.

Needless to say, Akainu's Lava-Lava Fruit has completely become the Devil Fruit ability that is the lower level of Portcas D. Ace's ability.

In front of Portcas D. Ace, Akainu's ability may not be as good as Zephyr's at his peak.

Kizaru, on the other hand, relies too much on Sparkling Fruit ability, and Haki, among the three Admirals, is at the bottom.

However, Portcas D. Ace's current Devil Fruit ability has completely surpassed the power of other Logia by one dimension.

Other Logia's power cannot affect Portcas D. Ace,

However, Portcas D. Ace's Devil Fruit ability can suppress all Logia Devil Fruit abilities.

Portcas D. Ace can arbitrarily turn the surrounding natural environment into a lava hell that is more terrifying than the center of the earth.

Then from the extremely terrifying flames, he absorbed the power of nature and strengthened himself.

However, other Logia users cannot even transform into nature when faced with Portgas·D·Ace's ability.

Logia's ability was completely restrained by Portcas D. Ace!

It can be said that from today on, in this sea, as long as the person with the ability to eat the Logia Devil Fruit will

No matter how powerful it is.

In front of Portcas D. Ace, he can never be his opponent.

Portcas D. Ace is no longer the emperor of flames.

Yes, in Logia, Sui Dui Emperor!

But that’s exactly why!

Sengoku's whole body was flashing with golden light crazily.


Incomparably dazzling golden light shines in the sky!

Sengoku's body expanded rapidly and grew taller!

In an instant, it became a golden Buddha statue that was taller than an ordinary giant, just like a real Buddha.

Renren Fruit - Phantom Beast Species - Big Buddha Form, Beast Form!

Ability, fully activated!


The air wave unique to the Buddha form instantly enveloped Sengoku's right fist.


All around Sengoku, violent purple-black lightning roared crazily,

Immediately, the air wave on the right fist was violently entangled!

"Buddha Fist!"

Sengoku roared angrily, and Conqueror's Haki's Ultimate punch, which was combined with the ability of the Buddha form, fell suddenly.


Ace watched Sengoku punch with all his strength, and his eyes suddenly froze.

The right fist came out violently.


The terrifying power suddenly exploded in the atmosphere.

"Sure enough! With such a terrifying temperature, even you can't perfectly combine the power of Conqueror's Haki with this kind of flame that exceeds the natural limit right away!

It seems that you have only just mastered this power!


Sengoku looked like he was able to use his pure fire ability to entangle himself with Conqueror's Haki, and combine it with the full power of the Great Buddha (cbai) form ability to hit with overwhelming power.

Although he was amazed, his eyes also shone with the ultimate wisdom.

Conqueror's Haki - Entanglement, as the most terrifying power in this sea, is extremely difficult to master.

It is already extremely difficult to wrap the extremely violent Conqueror's Haki around fists, swords and other physical objects. Only a handful of people in this sea can do it.

Portgas·D·Ace is able to perfectly wrap Conqueror's Haki around Logia's Mera-mera Fruit ability, which is extremely amazing.

This is also the reason why Naval Headquarters calls him the Emperor of Fire.

However, Portgas·D·Ace is now using terrifying flames that exceed the Mera-mera Fruit's own flame temperature limit by more than ten times!

If you want to perfectly wrap Conqueror's Haki around this terrifying flame, even Portgas·D·Ace cannot do it perfectly when he has just developed this ability.

Sengoku's eyes sparkled with Ultimate wisdom.

Just now, Portcas D. Ace said in front of the whole world that he would turn Akainu's Lava-Lava Fruit ability into the nourishment for his own Mera-mera Fruit ability advancement.

Advanced abilities are abilities that transcend the limits of natural flames!

This also proves that Portgas·D·Ace has just developed this terrifying ability.

If Portcas D. Ace is given time, Sengoku believes that with this man's heaven-defying talent, it is only a matter of time before Conqueror's Haki can be perfectly combined with this flame.

However, they, Marine, only need to win this current war!

And, it’s not over yet!

"Go! Take advantage of Marshal Sengoku to block Emperor Yan and capture the execution platform!"

Naval Headquarters Vice Admiral, Admiral candidate, there was no obscenity on his face at this moment, he pointed at the execution platform in the distance and shouted angrily.


Naval Headquarters Vice Admirals, including several Marine giant Vice Admirals, landed on Sabaody ArchipelagoGR-1.

The Naval Headquarters Vice Admirals are all covered with powerful Armament Haki to resist the terrifying high temperature that permeates the atmosphere of GR-1 at this time.

This method will consume their physical strength rapidly.

However, what Marine needs at this time is a quick victory!

There are also Naval Headquarters Rear Admirals who are able to cover their entire body with Armament Haki, and they have all landed on Sabaody ArchipelagoGR-1.

Regardless of the physical exertion, he rushed towards the execution platform quickly.

"Damn it!"

The girls of Nami gathered together at this time

Seeing the Naval Headquarters general covered with powerful Armament Haki rushing towards the execution platform, his expression suddenly changed.

"How?! All powers in this sea are fair!

Even if you obtain such a powerful power that exceeds the limit of natural flames!

The terrifying high temperature you caused is not the only one who is affected by the terrible heat! We, the Marines, are not the only ones affected!

The Entei Pirates under your command are also affected!

Even if you intentionally control the temperature at the execution platform so that the members of the Entei Pirates under your command are minimally affected, only a small amount of Haki is needed to isolate the temperature there.

However, as long as we Marine Haki masters use Haki to pass through the high-temperature zone you created, we can resist the temperature there without too much Haki.

Moreover, the ‘Little Thieving Cat’ and ‘Desert Princess’ who have completed the awakening of Devil Fruit’s abilities

At this time, in the terrible environment you created, like Aokiji and others, they can't use the power awakened by the Logia Devil Fruit to assist in the attack, right?

The power of our Logia Devil Fruit here is restricted, and the power of the two Logia Demon Fruit under your command is also restricted!

Now, the one who really decides the outcome is Haki!

Your Entei Pirates are a strange pirate group.

I don’t know what method you used, but the little thieving cat, Desert Princess, actually completed the awakening of the top Devil Fruit ability of Thunder Fruit Sand-Sand Fruit even when Haki’s level is not strong.

But I don't need to know how you do it,

I just need to use this to complete the strategic layout of your pirate group!

This sea is always fair! Portcas.D[ Ace!"

Sengoku, who transformed into a Buddha, looked at Ace and said solemnly.

“So that’s it, The Resourceful General, the Buddha’s Sengoku.

No wonder that in that era, countless pirate groups were able to outwit them to death.

After eating the Renren Fruit - Phantom Beast Species - the form of the Great Buddha, he gained the wisdom, strength and spirit of the Buddha.

Is he the ultimate person who combines a terrifying body like a giant Buddha with a clever mind and perfect skills?"

Upon hearing this, Ace looked at Sengoku, who was transformed into the Buddha, and nodded.

The terrifying purgatory environment created by his newly acquired ability and residual fire style was also used as part of the layout.

This wisdom and decisiveness are truly amazing.

"However, it is nothing but useless work."

The corners of Ace's mouth suddenly raised.

"Don't try to use Conqueror's Haki to rescue, Portgas·D·Ace! I will hold you back!"

Sengoku's body exudes the terrifying Conqueror's Haki.

"Did I say that I wanted to go to the rescue myself?"

The scorching sun prison clothes around Ace roared violently,

With his right hand, he slapped the sky and the earth violently.


The terrifying flames instantly disappeared into the earth.

"Crack! Click! Bang!"

The next moment, countless lands were shattered in an instant!

The entire space turned into a strange dark red.

Just like Chen Yue in the real underworld!

"Whoo! Bang! Bang! Bang!"

Under Sengoku's unbelievable gaze, countless charred bodies crawled out of the broken earth.

Like an evil ghost returning from purgatory!

"The souls of the dead who died at my hands.

Ace raised his head suddenly, and the corners of his mouth curled up.

"Enjoy the joy of the battlefield!"

"Remnant Fire Style-South-Fire Fire Ten Trillions Death Burial Formation!"

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