"call out!"


Ace's right foot and Sengoku's right instep, which turned into a Buddha statue, collided violently in the air!


"Boom! Boom boom!!!"

Countless violent black and purple lightnings roared crazily in the atmosphere.

The black-purple lightning flashing crazily in the atmosphere was divided into two camps, constantly biting and roaring at each other.

The terrifying collision caused the terrifying high-temperature steam that filled the Sabaody Archipelago to instantly roll back.

Sky, sea, islands…………!

Everything began to tremble crazily under this collision.


The sky seemed to be torn open by a pair of invisible hands, and countless air currents were rewinding crazily.

The sea set off waves of terrifying waves. The warships coming from the Naval Headquarters were like small boats in the huge waves, struggling feebly in the face of these waves.

This is the Sabaody Archipelago formed by the world's largest mangrove, "Archican mangrove", whose roots are always exposed above the water.

It was also trembling constantly, and countless giant branches and leaves were scattered.

The sky is rolling back, the sea is trembling, and the islands are shaking!

These are the two top kings on this sea,

Naval Headquarters Marshal, Buddha Sengoku,

Collision with the Emperor of Fire, the fifth emperor of the sea, the Flame Emperor Potcas.D). Ace's dominant color!

"Conqueror's collision, I haven't experienced it in a long time."

Rayleigh stood at the front, facing the terrible fluctuations caused by this collision,

In his eyes, the black-purple color representing Conqueror's Haki flashed crazily.

The corner of his mouth curled up, Haki's curvature.

This kind of collision is no less than the Conqueror's collision between Roger and Whitebeard!

Rayleigh's eyes are full of yearning and recollection,

Once upon a time, because of the words of my old friend Roger, 'Come with me and turn the sea upside down, Rayleigh!', I embarked on the Grand Line journey.

They indeed turned the sea upside down,

Following Roger, I conquered the entire Grand Line journey, which is still vivid in my mind.

Now, the entire sea is turned upside down because of Roger's bloodline, Portgas·D·Ace!

This may be fate, Roger!!!

Rayleigh looked at Conqueror's Haki, who was roaring and colliding wildly, because of the relationship.

After living in seclusion for many years, the blood in his body was completely boiling at this moment.

"Mr. Ace......"

Smiling as he felt the terrifying collision of Conqueror's, the color gradually became lighter.

He has completely learned the ins and outs of Alabasta from Vivi.

Shichibukai, this world government, is a force that has been deliberately created,

It is indeed the most ridiculous, ironic product that should not exist in this sea.

Pirates, or pirates with a notorious reputation, are simply ridiculous to be given the power to legally plunder.

Completely disregarding the life and death of the people!

How can such a world government call itself the guardian of justice?

It's time to make a decision, right?

Yixiao tightened his grip on the staff and knife, his expression silent.


After an unknown amount of time, the violent black and purple lightning that kept biting and roaring in the atmosphere gradually disappeared.

"It seems that you are not willing to let me crush Yan's head?"

Ace looked at Sengoku, who was wrapped around his body with Conqueror's Haki, and combined with the Renren Fruit-Phantom Beast Species-Big Buddha Form Fruit ability, to isolate all high temperatures, the corners of Ace's mouth slightly raised.

It is indeed the most powerful Buddha form among the phantom beasts.

Each species of fantasy beast has unique abilities.

For example, Kaido's fish fruit-phantom beast species-blue dragon form can gain the power to control all nature.

Luffy's Human Fruit - Phantasmal Beast Species - Nika form is the ability to obtain the concrete form of "imagination" that "whatever you want to do, you can achieve it".

And Sengoku's Renren Fruit - Phantasmal Beast Species - Big Buddha form can allow the esper to send out shock waves.

But the real power is that those who eat it will gain the power, wisdom and spirit like Buddha!

Combining a terrifying body like a giant Buddha with a smart mind and perfect skills, Sengoku becomes the ultimate person with both mind and body skills.

Sengoku, who has the qualifications to be a king himself and possesses Conqueror's Haki, after eating this Devil Fruit, truly became an Ultimate person whose combination of strength, wisdom, spirit and skills is almost unmatched.

Conqueror's Haki becomes stronger because of this!

This is The Resourceful General, Buddha’s Sengoku!

"How can it be possible for you to get your wish, Portcas.D Ace...""

Sengoku also showed a hint of Haki's smile.

"Sengoku, Marshal."

Akainu looked at Sengoku who appeared and delivered a fatal blow to Portgas·D·Ace, and his heart was extremely complicated.

But what is even more complicated is the appearance of another figure.



"Whoo! Click! Click!"

His whole body and even his eyes turned into ice exuding astonishing freezing air.

Frozen Fruit's terrifying freezing energy was fully utilized by Aokiji,

Using all his strength, the terrible lava surrounding Akainu began to cool down.

The continuous high temperature of Ace's Sun Prison Clothes has been blocked by Marshal Sengoku's Conqueror's Haki and the Great Buddha form ability.

What he needs to do is to cool down the magma, which is exuding terrifying high temperatures, to a temperature that is not much different from that of the elemental magma body of Akainu Lava-Lava Fruit.

Just like ordinary people, whose body temperature is around 36.5 degrees Celsius, they can also move around in an environment of 60 or 70 degrees Celsius.

Lowering the temperature of the surrounding lava to several times the temperature of Akainu's magma body can help Akainu get out of trouble.


Aokiji exhaled a breath of extremely cold air, and Frozen Fruit's freezing air was fully activated under Aokiji's urging regardless of physical strength!

"Gulu! Gulu!"

The terrifying lava that is constantly boiling and is comparable to the temperature of the earth's core, after losing the continuous heating of the scorching sun's prison clothes,

Under the terrifying freezing air released by Aokiji, the temperature began to gradually cool down.

Ten thousand degrees Celsius, nine thousand degrees Celsius... four thousand degrees Celsius...

"Whoo! Bang!"

Akainu's magmatized right hand suddenly grabbed the flowing lava, gritted his teeth, and separated his body from the surrounding lava.

"Ah la la, it's more laborious than the freezing sea. It's such a terrible temperature."

Aokiji took a few deep breaths and looked a little tired.

To lower such a terrifying high temperature requires more physical energy than freezing the sea during the Ice Age.


Akainu looked at this colleague whose ideas were completely different from his, with a complicated expression on his face.

I never thought that one day I would be saved by Aokiji.

"Well, don't worry, me too, Marine."

Aokiji looked at Akainu's complex expression and scratched his cheek unaccustomedly.

Akainu's expression is really something Aokiji is not used to.

"Is that so? I don't know how to say thank you, Aokiji."

Akainu murmured, and then revealed a fruitful smile.

Then, he turned around and said calmly.

"Well, if you say thank you, I won't be used to it.

And Sakazuki......"

Aokiji scratched his cheek, causing Akainu's ears to move unconsciously.

"The gloomy expression suits you better."

Aokiji shrugged.

Akainu turned his back to Aokiji and started shaking like crazy.

Is my normal expression the same as the haze?!

That is the expression that a qualified Marine leader should have!

Sure enough, he and this guy Aokiji can't get along at all!

"Aokiji, it's been a while since I last saw you."

Ace looked at Aokiji, the corners of his mouth raised slightly.

Regarding Aokiji saving Akainu, Ace had no psychological fluctuations at all.

Just like in the original work, after Akainu and Aokiji won the battle for ten days and ten nights because of their position as marshals,

Akainu, who has always shown no mercy to his opponents and was extremely ruthless, still did not kill Aokiji, but just let him live.

There is no surprise that Aokiji will save Akainu.

Moreover, Ace has no regrets about Akainu being rescued,

Just like Ace said to Akainu just now, from the moment he understood the residual fire style, Akainu completely withdrew from the center stage he had built.

From now on, Akainu, there will be no threats.

Moreover, if Akainu is rescued, he can compete with Aokiji for the position of marshal.

This dark and iron-blooded man who insists on extreme justice will not give up the competition for the position of marshal just because he was saved by Aokiji.

As for the impact of this failure?

With the support of the Five Elders, Akainu is still the World Government's most hopeful candidate for the next Far Master.

After being defeated in front of the whole world, he still obtained the position of marshal. It was almost a certainty that Aokiji would come under his command.

An inexplicable smile appeared at the corner of Ace's mouth.

Of course, if Sengoku had not appeared just now, Ace would not have shown any mercy and would have completely buried Akainu under the heat.

It's just that Akainu is worthy of being a blood-cow-level character in the original work. In a short period of time, even with the power that completely restrains his Devil Fruit ability, he cannot be killed.

After all, Akainu also has the powerful Haki.

Naval Headquarters is really a bit too close to the Sabaody Archipelago.

However, this is still part of Ace's plan.

It's worth trading Akainu's life for the future captain of his Entei pirate fleet.

The way Ace looked at Aokiji made Aokiji, who had eaten the Frozen Fruit, shudder.

"Well, it's been a long time since we last met."

Aokiji scratched his cheek unnaturally,

At the same time, he breathed a sigh of relief.

Fortunately, Ace did not mention the matter of joining the Entei Pirates in front of the whole world.

Otherwise, even if he does not agree, under the watchful eyes of all Marines, his points will be greatly reduced, and he may lose the qualification to compete for Marine Marshal.

Are you upright and upright, without any means, just relying on your confidence and ideas, waiting for you to join?

Looking at Ace's eyes, Aokiji seemed to feel something.

What a charming man, Portgas·D·Ace.

Aokiji sighed inwardly.

.So, next, will it be a one-on-one match between you and me?"

Ace looked at Sengoku and Aokiji, with a hint of Haki's curve on his lips.

"It's one-on-three! You brat!"


A figure appeared in mid-air.

"Fist bone! Impact!"

Garp looked at Ace below and shouted.

The iron fist wrapped with violent black and purple lightning suddenly fell down.

Ace, on the other hand, looked at Garp's arrival, slightly raised the corners of his mouth, and moved his mouth, but his eyes were not as sharp as any.



A long knife entwined with the violent Conqueror's Haki suddenly slashed out,

Space, and Garp's Iron Fist,

A violent collision.


The violent fluctuations completely tore the sky apart!

"Long time no see, Yubo!"

Rayleigh raised his head, flicked the long knife in his hand, looked at Garp and laughed.

"Wouldn't you rather just be your legend? Rayleigh."

Garp looked at Rayleigh's familiar face, and the corners of his mouth curved.

"You haven't retired yet? A Marine veteran."

Rayleigh laughed, and in his eyes, the violent black and purple lightning began to roar.

"Then, let's stand and fight!"

Garp squeezed his iron fist until it made a crunching sound, and laughed.

As a Marine, he must take action at this moment.

Ace, brat, you understand me very well.

Garp looked at Ace out of the corner of his eye, his eyes a little moist.

The moment he punched, Ace's mouth moved.

His Observation Haki can of course know (Li Wang Zhao) what Ace said.

"Thank you for your hard work, old man."

This is what Ace said.

Family, Marine, these two are the most important things in Garp's life.

When it comes to going in opposite directions, even Garp, a tough guy who has been crossing the sea for decades, doesn't know how to choose.

But Ace said to him, thank you for your hard work, grandpa.

Well, for the word old man, the husband can just think of it as grandpa.

The corners of Garp's mouth curled up slightly.

The family's emotions allowed Garp to immediately understand what Ace meant.

Just do what a sailor should do. Even so, I will still become the leader of the world.

This is what Ace conveyed to Garp.

But, you stupid brat.

It’s because I know that Rayleigh will take action. Grandpa, I, the group will take action.

Grandpa, how could I hurt my family?

Garp looked at Rayleigh and laughed.

Waving his iron fist, he rushed forward with thunder.

Marine heroes vs. Pluton!

Legend, versus legend!


"Gravity Knife!"

"call out!"

A sword pressure with terrifying gravity roared violently.

"Click! Click!"

Aokiji's right fist quickly became elemental, wrapped around Haki, and hit hard under the pressure of the sword with terrifying gravity.

"Ah la la."

Aokiji, exhaled a breath of cold air and looked at the blind middle-aged man in the distance.

"Just let me, smile, and understand the clever trick of the Admiral of Headquarters."

Smiling, holding a staff and knife, he said in a deep voice.

Admiral of Headquarters Aokiji, vs. Ranger, smile!


Ace, laugh loudly.

Look at Sengoku opposite.

His eyes, terrifying black and purple, roared violently.

King versus King!.

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