Moria's high-pitched voice attracted everyone's attention.

"Bartholomew Bear! Isn't that the name?"

Nami, who was watching Tashigi and Ryoma fighting, her beautiful eyes narrowed.

"One of the Seven Warlords of the Sea, the tyrant with a bounty of 296 million Baileys, Bartholomew Bear!

Why are you here?"

Perona exclaimed.


Ace looked at the tall figure in the distance, his eyes twinkling slightly.

Possessing a bug-level Devil Fruit, a user with the flesh ball fruit ability,

Because of the ability of the Meat Ball Fruit, his strength is at the top level among all Shichibukai.

Underneath the roughest appearance, he has the gentlest heart in this sea.

In order to save Jewelry·Bonney, who suffers from sapphire scale and is not her biological child but treats her as her own,

He was willing to become a humanoid weapon studied by the world government, and finally lost his sense of self.

But even so, when Bonney encountered a crisis, the unconscious Bartholomew Bear still went to Egg Head Island.

Ace admires bears very much.

Such people are the real men in this sea.

"Has it been discovered?"

Xiong Yaoyuan looked at Ace, his eyes slightly condensed under his glasses.

Not surprised by this either.

Even if Haki came here using the meat ball fruit and wanted to hide it from such a man, it would be fanciful.

Haki of this level is already above the leader of their revolutionary army, Dorag.

He is worthy of being called the fifth emperor in this sea.

Just by being stared at by his eyes, even from such a long distance, I felt waves of terrifying pressure rushing towards me.

There was sweat on the bear's forehead.

If it weren't for his actual identity as an undercover agent of the Revolutionary Army, and that he came here to pass information to this man,

Faced with this terrifying pressure at this time, he might have used the power of the meat ball fruit to escape from here.

"Tashigi, let's settle the battle."

Ace smiled lightly.

"Although I am happy to be able to fight the legendary swordsman, my captain's matter is more important."

Tashigi placed Xiaoye Shigure in front of him, and in his eyes, the jet black color representing Armament Haki flashed fiercely.

"Buzz! Clang!"

Xiaoye Shigure was wrapped in thick Armament Haki, and as the lucky charm given by Ace flashed around Tashigi's neck,

Xiaoye Shigure was actually undergoing some strange changes.

"It's such a familiar feeling."

Ryoma looked at Saya Shigure.

"Your knife seems to be changing to the state of the knife in my hand, because it is the rear bandit of Penultimate.

I am very happy to be able to compete with you today, yo ho ho ho!"

Ryoma laughed.

"No, you are wrong about this."

Tashigi raised his pretty face with a confident smile.

"My talent can bloom like this because of my captain."


The Saya Shigure in her hand made an astonishing sound of swords.

"I see. It's an honor for me to fight against a swordsman who has been influenced by a man of that level."

Ryoma's voice became more serious.

"Junior of Penultimate, can you tell me the names of you and your captain?"

The autumn water in Longma's hand exudes an astonishing chill.

"Tashigi! My captain's name is,

Entei, Portgas·D·Ace!”

Tashigi shouted loudly, and slashed off Xiaoya Shigure in his hand.

"Ye Ming Song·True Thorn!"

Ryoma shouted loudly, and Qiu Shui thrust out fiercely.

"Qiang! Phew!"

The figures of Ryoma and Tashigi quickly intertwined and landed on both sides.


Tashigi exhaled heavily.

"Having been dead for so many years, he still possesses such amazing strength.

It's such a pity that I can't see your true swordsmanship. "

Tashigi turned around, looked at Ryoma with a shocking scar in front of his heart, and said regretfully.

"Ah, I'm sorry too. If only I could find my former strength and have the courage to face that man,

Portgas·D·Ace, swing your sword, yo ho ho ho!”

Ryoma looked at Ace from a distance and burst into laughter.

"Junior, your sword is very good, but it is not enough to become a truly top swordsman.

It will gradually be unable to carry your strength.

Although this knife has been marked with my mark, it is not absolutely suitable for you.

However, until you find a sword that is truly strong enough to handle your kendo, it will be enough for you to use.

Ryoma threw the autumn water in his hand towards Tashigi.

"A sharp sword with twenty-one skills, the famous sword Qiu Shui."

Put the autumn water in front of you, its beautiful eyes will keep shining.

"I will find a sword that is truly famous enough to carry my sword skills!"

Tashigi looked at Ryoma, a confident smile appeared on his pretty face.

My swordsmanship is to follow Ace and let Ace become the king of the world!

I want to see that wonderful world that Ace said!

This is my Tashigi's kendo!

"It is not a shame for a samurai to be defeated by a swordsman who has been influenced by a man of this level!

Yo ho ho ho!”

Amidst the laughter, Ryoma slowly lowered his head.

"Shadow, get rid of it!"

Merry, who maintained Ryoma's movements, said softly.

The reason why Ryoma was still able to move when Moliya became a soul just now.

It's because Ace wants Ryoma to continue to sharpen Tashigi and maintain the power of the Shadow Fruit with the field of understanding.

After that, after Merry ate the shadow fruit, it was Merry who maintained him.

Now, the shadow is lifted!

"call out!"

A shadow returned from Ryoma's body to Brook's feet.

"My shadow is back! Yo ho ho ho!"

Looking at the shadow at his feet, Brook looked at Ace.

"Mr. Ace, thank you so much."

Brook said sincerely.

"Not only did you get my shadow back, but in your mysterious realm just now,

My control over the power of the Underworld Fruit has become too much stronger.

I also have a lot of insights into my swordsmanship, how to proceed in the future, and how to develop my fruit abilities.

Brook was filled with emotion.

"You're welcome, just the friendship between you and Laboon is enough for me to take action.

and. "

Ace looked at Brook, the corners of his mouth raised slightly.

"My brother, Monkey D. Luffy, loves musicians like you.

Ever since I was a kid, I have always wanted to find a ghost or a skeleton musician in my dreams. "

Ace's eyes were filled with confusion.

When I was in Windmill Village, I once said that there might be musicians in the world who only have a handful of bones and can still sing.

Luffy was so excited that he almost wanted to go to sea on the spot.

What my idiot brother likes most is this kind of novel things and people.

"Mr. Ace's brother? Monkey D. Luffy."

Brook's eyes widened, looking at his hands with only bones left.

"Really, would anyone dream of me [being his musician]?"

Brook's hand bones were shaking.

Although he is optimistic, even though he keeps telling jokes about his bones,

But there was only a handful of bones left in his body, and Brook knew very well that he was an anomaly to everyone.

Become someone else's musician? Regain a precious companion?

I have never even thought about such a luxurious thing.

"Of course, my brother, he dreams of having a musician like you, Brook.

Ace affirmed. .

"Is this like this? Is there really such a person? I really want to take a look at him.

Brook's hands were shaking, and tears were slowly flowing down his face.

"My younger brother will also go to sea in the future, but it will probably take another two years."

Ace looked at Brook.

"It's only been two years, and I've been drifting alone in this sea for almost 5,000 times!

Thank you, Mr. Ace, for giving me hope again.

Yo ho ho ho!”

Brook smiled wildly.

"Then, I'm looking forward to our next encounter.

My brother will become my important right hand in the future.

The next time we meet, maybe it will be at Twin Heads, Laboon. "

Ace laughed.

"If it is Mr. Ace's brother, I believe there will be one day.

Yes, it's exciting. "

Brook's empty eye bones were actually shining with light.

Will Mr. Ace's younger brother become Mr. Ace's right hand?

Then, as a musician who is Ace's younger brother, I can not only regain a precious partner, but also

Can you also do your part for Mr. Ace?

It's really exciting.

"Bartholomew Bear! Shouldn't you come over?"

Ace turned his head and shouted towards the bear in the distance.


The bear's huge body disappeared instantly.

The next moment, he appeared in front of Ace.

"What is Devil Fruit's ability?"

The Nami girls came behind Ace and looked at the sudden appearance of the bear, their beautiful eyes slightly suspicious.

During the detection of the girls Observation Haki, this person came here in a way of ejection.

The power of ejection comes from this person's palm.

"That's right, the Meatball Man of the Meatball Fruit, who can bounce away anything that comes into contact with the meat pads, has been Suratuneng!

Shichibukai, what are you doing here! Bear!"

Moria screamed.

The bear's flesh ball fruit can be said to have extremely powerful abilities even among the Devil Fruit that can give people magical powers on the sea.

The degree of weirdness is definitely higher than the shadow fruit ability he had before.

"Emperor Yan, it's an honor to meet you."

The bear bowed to show respect to the emperor-like strong man in this sea.

"On behalf of Sabo, I say hello to you."

Xiong said solemnly.

"My brother, Sa?"

The corners of Ace's mouth curled up slightly, and in the end, it turned into bursts of wanton laughter.

"Hahaha, have you recovered your memory? My brother, Sabo!

Is he doing well in the revolutionary army?"

Ace's eyes were full of nostalgia.


The bear's pupils shrank sharply.

It seems that I have never said the words "revolutionary army".

"What's so surprising? When Sabo was rescued by Drago, my Observation Haki could see it clearly.

Ace looked at the bear and raised the corners of his mouth slightly.

"I see."

Although Xiong felt that there were still things he didn't know, it was obviously not his place to ask.

At the same time, Xie was filled with emotion in her heart.

Dorag was only ten years old when he rescued Sabo, right?

At that age, were you able to use Observation Haki freely?

As expected of a man with this level of Conqueror's Haki.

"Revolutionary Army? Xiong, you guy, is

An undercover agent of the Revolutionary Army?"

Moria's eyes widened and she screamed.

"Isn't your current state similar? 'Moonlight' Moria."

The bear looked at Moria and said calmly.

Moria was about to say something when she was interrupted by Ace.

"Don't get me wrong, the current Moria is not qualified to join my Entei pirate fleet.

My crew, just Perona. "

Ace smiled lightly.

Ace's words made Moria feel as if a knife had been stabbed in the heart, and she covered her heart with pain.

Although, although it is true, after losing the Shadow Fruit and neglecting to exercise for a long time, Haki and his physical strength have dropped to the lowest point in history.

However, I still feel heartbroken.

Immediately afterwards, Moria's eyes showed bursts of high spirits.

So what if he has been training for a long time? His talent is still there!

Moreover, just now, his soul was slightly affected by the mysterious light, and it felt like he had also undergone some changes.

Moria looked at his hands, stunned.

"Sabo is doing well and is now the second-in-command of our revolutionary army.

Xiong briefly introduced Sabo’s situation.

"Hahaha, he is indeed my Ace's younger brother."

Ace laughed.

Sabo, who has been training with him since childhood, is much stronger than he was at the same time in the original work.

It is natural to become the second-in-command of the revolutionary army in advance.

"After hearing your name spread across the sea, Sabo regained his memory,

They also talked a lot with Dorag. After the conversation, Dorag seemed to have thought a lot.

In words, I admire you very much, Emperor Yan. "

The bear looked at Ace and said.

Dolag is a person that Xiong admires very much.

Not only Dolag’s strength, but also Dolag’s ideals,

Someone who can make even Dorag admire...

What a mysterious man, Portgas·D·Ace.

"Tell Sabo that I received his greetings and I look forward to meeting him in the future."

Upon hearing this, Ace raised the corners of his mouth slightly and said slowly.

Between brothers, there is no need to say too much.

In just a few words, you can understand what each other is thinking.

Just like the greeting from Sabo, Ace can clearly know, Sabo, he should not continue to be fishy!

Becoming so strong that he can become one of his right hands who will attack the throne of heaven in the future.

And Sabo will definitely understand what he said.

Myself, wait for that day to come!

This is it, bro.

"I will bring it, there are very important things."

The bear's face became extremely serious.

"Four Emperors, red-haired Shanks, suddenly left New World's station and were heading towards the first half of the Grand Line.

"Four Emperors, Kaido of the Beasts, transformed into the form of Azure Dragon Beast, left the Beasts Pirates base camp, and headed towards the first half of the Grand Line."

"Their target is you, minister."

"According to the navigation calculations of the three of you, it is likely that you will meet at the Sabaody Archipelago.

"Naval Headquarters, in order to deal with the possible war between you three emperors in the Sabaody Archipelago, almost all high-end combat power has been assembled.

The World government even authorized the Naval Headquarters to issue a compulsory summons order for Shichibukai!"

"It can be said that the second of the three major forces on the sea, Naval Headquarters, Shichibukai, is ready for war!"

"Whether this war will break out depends on you, the fifth emperor of the sea, Emperor Yan."

Xiong said seriously.

"Oops! You forgot such an important thing!"

Moria held her head and screamed repeatedly.

Hikari is immersed in the joy of Haki's recovery and finding the emotion that is most important to him.

Forgot such an important thing!

Perona, is going to join the Entei Pirates.

If this trend continues, wouldn't Perona be trapped in that terrible war?!

"Four Emperors, red hair? Kaido?"

The Nami girls exclaimed.

Two Four Emperors, coming towards Ace?!

Perona was trembling all over.

How could she forget about this!

Doesn't this mean that once she joins the Entei Pirates, she will have to face two Four Emperors?!

"Hehehehe, don't worry, Perona.

Now that this information is known to Portgas·D·Ace, you can of course avoid this encounter.

Those are two Four Emperors, as well as Naval Headquarters and Shichibukai, who would be so stupid as to bump into them?"

Moria screamed to comfort Perona.


Nami, Vivi pointed at Ace with tears in her eyes.


Moria turned her head mechanically, and when she saw Ace's eyes shining with stars, her eyes and tongue popped out in shock.

"What an interesting war, Sabaody Archipelago, I'll order it, hahahaha!"

Ace laughed loudly.

"Ace, I'm so excited."

Nami, Vivi, the timid duo of the Emperor Pirates burst into tears. .

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