"You don't want Moria to die either, right?"

When the scary man in front of Perona said this, she covered her red lips and a little hope appeared in her beautiful eyes.

"You...can you let Master Moria go?"

Perona's pretty face full of tears looked at Ace in silence.

Moria also opened her mouth full of fangs.

It’s true that he wants to fight to the death to keep his dignity as the great pirate Shichibukai before he dies.

He believes that ‘because you are alive, it is right to lose the regiment.

But only when you really face death can you understand the preciousness of life.

And the mentality of wanting to hold on tightly when seeing a glimmer of hope for life.

If he could live, Moria would naturally not want to die.

But why does Portgas·D·Ace’s words sound weird?

"It's impossible to let nature go. Moria's shadow fruit is what I must get."

Ace smiled lightly.

Although I am very optimistic about the potential of Perona’s ghost fruit, and I also admire Perona in the original novel,

Taking Perona aboard the Mellie is also an interesting thing.

But compared to Merry's Shadow Fruit, it seems not worth mentioning.

The Shadow Fruit is related to Merry's future, and Ace will naturally not be soft-hearted just for the sake of Perona, whom he just met.


Ace's words immediately extinguished the light of hope in Perona's eyes.

Moria's eyes once again had a fierce and desperate look.

Is this bastard playing tricks on them?

"However, for the sake of your ghost fruit, there is a possibility that you can try it.

If Moria doesn’t die in the end, how about you get on my ship?”

Ace looked at Perona and smiled lightly.


Perona covered her red lips and looked at Ace with disbelief.

"Do you want to threaten Perona with my life? Portgas·D·Ace!

Do you think I would agree to this kind of thing?!"

Moria screamed.

How could he agree to trading Perona's freedom for his life?

"Promise? Do you think I'm giving you a choice? You think too highly of yourself, Moria."

The smile on Ace's face slowly disappeared, and the purple-black flashes in his eyes made Moria's whole body begin to tremble faintly.

"This opportunity is a reward for her courage to take action against me just now for you, whom she regards as her father."

"Facing my Haki, she dared to use the power of the ghost fruit on me for you, whom she regarded as her father.

It is already stronger than many so-called big pirates in this sea.

That's why you get this opportunity. "

"Furthermore, you only have one option to accept the opportunity I gave you!


As Ace finished speaking, black and purple lightning remained in the atmosphere, and it suddenly began to roar wildly.

The opportunity given by the king is not the choice given.

Those who are given the opportunity can only accept this path.


Ace's words made Moria's expression distorted.

Then, he lowered his head feebly.

Facing a man with this level of Conqueror's Haki, indeed, there is no choice.

Plus, Alona.

Moria looked at Perona, her fierce eyes becoming a little complicated.

This girl whom he had picked up since she was a child and had been raising by his side, truly regarded him as her father.

Facing a Conqueror's Haki of Portcas D. Ace's level, he was actually able to activate the power of the ghost fruit.

Moria, who has fought against Kaido, knows very well how much obstacles need to be overcome in her heart.

Only with that level of Conqueror's Haki can the Devil Fruit ability be activated.

"Because alive, the group will expand.

But after death, can I still have this emotion?"

Moria opened her eyes suddenly, and on her right hand, a touch of black that was different from the Shadow Fruit began to gather.

"My Haki is back because of you, Perona."

"If I could understand this earlier, maybe I can still protect you today, right? Perona, hehehehe."

Moria laughed shrilly.

"Lord Moria!"

Perona covered her red lips, tears streaming down her fingertips.

"Call me Moria daddy. I never thought that I, Moria, would have such emotions, hehehehe."

Moria laughed shrilly.

"Father Moria!"

Perona howled.

"What a surprise, found a new meaning in life? Moria.

Ace looked at the Armament Haki condensed on Moria and was a little surprised.

Although unlike Haki who was back to almost his peak at Crocodile,

Moria's Haki is not very strong.

After all, although Crocodile is immersed in the obsession of finding the "King of Hades" and does not believe in himself, coupled with the fear of Whitebeard hidden in his heart,

But Crocodile hardly stopped training itself.

Moria, on the other hand, has given up on herself for more than twenty years. Her body, which was originally extremely strong and capable of fighting Kaido head-on with her sword skills, has become bloated.

In this situation, Moria, although at this time because of Perona, broke the twisted mentality of "losing because you are alive" and regained Haki.

But the strength, compared to other Shichibukai, is really appalling.

"Come on! Portgas·D·Ace, take this shadow fruit, I don't need this power anymore.

Even if I die, I will not resent you. Because of you, I have found something more important, hehehehe. "

Moria gritted her fangs, and with the help of Armament Haki, she straightened up her bloated body with difficulty and laughed loudly.

"Father Moria."

Perona bit her red lips and shed tears.

"Very good, it still looks like a Shichibukai.

Ace laughed.

Then he looked back.


Ace called.


Brook was nervously watching the fight with Ryoma, relying on Tashigi who Haki had the upper hand.

Hearing Ace's call, he immediately ran over lightly. He even encountered a break in the Thriller barque on the way and ran directly through the sea water.

"Are you curious? Because there is only a handful of bones left, which are light enough to run on the sea, yo ho ho ho."

Brook told Moria, who was looking at him, his bones joke,

Moria's cheeks twitched as she listened.

Who the hell asked you?!

"Let me borrow your underworld fruit."

Ace's mouth curled up slightly, and he waved his right hand violently, wrapping around Rook.


"This, this is!!!"

Brook opened his mouth wide and roared in disbelief.

"call out!"

Brook's soul floated out from his bones, and the surrounding deck and atmosphere began to freeze, exuding a chill that was different from Frozen Fruit, which made people feel a biting chill in their souls.

Huangquan fruit comes from the cold air of Huangquan.


Perona saw Brook's soul and screamed in panic.

"The power of Devil Fruit? And this weird Devil Fruit ability."

Moria screamed.

There is some enlightenment in his eyes, probably because he wants to use the power of the Devil Fruit.

"We'll capture Moria's soul later, Brook."

Ace looked at Brook's soul that was shrouded in the field of understanding, and his eyes suddenly condensed.


Brook yelled.

At this time, Brook felt that his control over the Underworld Fruit had reached an incredible level.


Moria opened her mouth, and her huge body was suddenly pierced by Conqueror's Haki's violent black and purple lightning.

His eyes quickly dimmed.

"Stop, soul!"

Brook roared, the power of the underworld fruit, under the influence of the field of understanding, reached the ultimate level.


Moria's soul flew out of Moria's huge body and was fixed in mid-air by the power of the underworld fruit under the influence of the field of understanding.

"I, my soul, really feel the lightness I haven't seen for a long time, hehehehe.

Moria looked at his soul hands and let out a sinister laugh.


The violent black and purple lightning flashed, causing Moria to scream.

"Don't laugh like that, Moria."

Ace looked at Moria and said calmly.

Originally, Moria's voice was shrill and uncomfortable, but Moria's laughter in her soul state,

It even made Ace feel a little uncomfortable.

"Yes, I'm sorry, I just haven't had this light feeling for too long, and I'm a little excited.

Moria obeyed obediently.


He had never even heard of this power that could directly increase other people's Devil Fruit abilities!

Coupled with Conqueror's Haki, which can even directly block Devil Fruit's ability,

And the Conqueror's Haki-Tangle, which is completely mastered and can kill him with one blow.

And that, the power that can directly hunt Devil Fruit.

Portcas D. Ace, this man is simply scarier than Kaido!

After all, Kaido doesn't have so many terrifying abilities.

If it wasn't for being too excited, he wouldn't have laughed so wantonly in front of such a terrifying man.

Ever since he lost to Kaido, he has completely given up on himself and his body. It’s also getting bloated day by day,

Until now, even running is a bit strenuous.

I haven't experienced such a light feeling for a long time.

"Mr. Ace, you have to hurry up, otherwise I can't guarantee that I can get Moria's soul back into his body."

Brook's soul showed a devilish smile.

"Hey! Although I have cut off your shadow, please don't mess around at this time!"

When Moria heard this, she suddenly became anxious and kept shouting.

If the underworld fruit didn't capture his soul, he would really be dead.

"Ai, Master Ace, please, please hurry up."

When Perona heard this, she became a little anxious, and looked at Ace pitifully with her beautiful eyes still filled with tears.

"For the sake of my future crew, I'll just speed up."

Ace looked at Perona and smiled.

Perona looked at Ace's smile, her beautiful eyes froze, and she bit her red lips.

"Ship, captain, please, please hurry up."

Perona shouted.


Ace laughed, and the field of understanding wrapped around the apple.

"Gulu! Gulu!"

The demonic factor in Moria's body was quickly captured by an apple.

With a burst of squirming and expansion, a Devil Fruit covered in patterns and made up of shadows slowly appeared.


Looking at this familiar Devil Fruit, Moria also had a complicated look in her eyes.

This Devil Fruit, which has been with him for many years, is now

After that, he left him completely.

But, he also got more.

Looking at Perona, Moria's somewhat gloomy soul began to soften.

Got it, a daughter.

It’s nothing without the Shadow Fruit!

I am the man who once challenged Kaido with my physical strength and Haki!

Shadow Fruit, on the contrary, limits his determination because he relies too much on Devil Fruit and others.

I will definitely be able to return to my former peak!

Moria's soul was squirming at this moment.

"`[Huh? Haki is enhanced."

Ace's eyes were slightly focused, and the corners of his mouth were slightly raised.

Interestingly, after losing the Shadow Fruit, did Moria start to completely believe in her own power?

"Let his soul go back, Brook."

Ace's eyes condensed, and the field of understanding around Brook's soul shone brightly.

The realm of understanding is fully opened!

"Follow Mr. Ace's instructions, ho ho ho ho!"

Brook laughed.

The power of the Underworld Fruit has reached Ultimate.

"call out!"

Moria's soul instantly returned to the huge body.

Brook's soul also returned to his bones.

"Father Moria."

Perona clasped her hands together and looked at Moria nervously.


In Perona's surprised eyes, Moria spit out two mouthfuls of blood.

"Really, what a wonderful experience. Is this death? Is this the true feeling of living? Hehehehe!"

Moria opened her eyes, bared her fangs, and laughed.

"Worrying you, Perona."

Moria looked at Perona, and her high-pitched voice became gentle.

"Father Moria! That's great, that's great."

Perona's beautiful eyes trembled and she cried loudly.

Although this title is a bit hard to express, your inner thoughts will not be known, right?

Stupid daughter.

Moria's smile became gentler.


Ace called to Merry in the distance.

"call out!"


Melly floated over and looked at Ace obediently.


Perona looked at Merry in shock.

"This is my ship spirit, Merry."

Ace looked at Mellie and smiled.

"Merry, say hello, she will also be my crew member from now on, Perona.

Ace introduced.

“Perona, please give me more advice in the future.

Melly said very politely.


Perona pursed her red lips and slept with the little monster.

Her beautiful eyes were full of curiosity.

What a magical pirate group.

"The reason you took away my Shadow Fruit wasn't to let her eat it, right?"

Moria looked at Merry, her mouth wide open.

Moria naturally knows the legend of the Ship Elf (Zhao Ma).

But isn’t it incredible to let the Ship Elf eat Devil Fruit?

"Of course, come on, Merry, your Devil Fruit, I found it for you."

Ace looked at Merry and handed the Shadow Fruit to Merry.

Because it was the Ship Elf who ate the Devil Fruit, it did not affect the Merry's sailing on the sea.

This is also the result that Ace guessed using the field of understanding.


Mellie took the Devil Fruit in surprise.


Wrapped in the realm of understanding, Melly opened her small mouth, took one bite, and ate the Shadow Fruit.

"call out!"

The shadow of the Merry stopped at the break of the Thriller barque suddenly turned into a phantom.

"call out!"

The shadows of Merry and Merry merged into one.

"Ace, Ace!"

Merry clenched his fists vigorously and hugged Ace in surprise.

"I, I can touch you, I can touch you, Ace!"

Melly's face was full of surprise.

"Well, you will fight with us from now on, Merry."

Touched Melly's little head,

Looking at this little elf who was born from his ship and looked like his own daughter, Ace smiled gently.


Mellie nodded heavily.

"What an incredible man."

Moria looked at Merry who really ate the Shadow Fruit, with disbelief on his face.

Even the Ship Elves can eat Devil Fruit. It would be hard to believe it unless you see it with your own eyes.

"Let's go, Tashigi's battle is about to end."

Ace laughed loudly.

Melly, gotta sell it.

The transparent fruit of Tashigi is also obtained, and the autumn water is also in the bag.

Perona, also got on his ship.

This trip to the Devil's Triangle was essentially a complete success.

"Besides, there is an uninvited guest."

Ace looked into the distance, and saw a huge body looking at this place from afar on a ruins.

"That, that is!"

Moria looked at it and her pupils shrank.

"Bartholomew Bear!"

Moria screamed. .

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