Directly below them, instead of snow, there were broken walls covered with thick ice.

The goose egg fell on it and split into two halves, with the egg liquid and yolk spilling out instantly.

The white and yellow liquid slid down the ice. Before it could slide far, it was frozen solid by the low temperature.

Although the time from when the egg was broken to when the egg liquid solidified was only a few dozen seconds, and the distance was quite far, Nan Ci could still smell the fishy smell of eggs.

She could smell it, let alone the geese.

The goose, which had just lost some of its anger, seemed to have had several of its hairs plucked out. It spread its wings angrily and rushed towards the two people.

The two people obviously didn't want to die. After seeing the big goose rushing towards them, they immediately turned around and ran towards the ruins.

Although the building is in ruins and no longer inhabitable, the overall framework is still there.

No matter how hard the beaks of these geese are, it will take a certain amount of time to smash the building into pieces.

The two men shuttled through the ruins and soon disappeared.

Only then did Mu Qianqian dare to speak in a low voice, "These geese are obviously very powerful, so why do those two people still want to provoke them? Is it possible that they just have enough of life?"

Nan Ci shook his head, "I don't know."

There are always some people in this world who like to seek death, and even seek death in various ways.

The brain circuits of such people are always different from normal people. How can normal people know why they think so and why they do what they do.

As soon as Nan Ci finished speaking, he heard footsteps approaching.

At the same time, there was the sound of someone shouting.

"The two people who just sat on the back of the tiger, I know you must be here. The group of geese outside have gone crazy now. If we don't get rid of them, none of us will be able to leave here.

The only solution now is for us to work together and cooperate with each other to get rid of the big geese outside.

By then, not only will we be able to live well, but we will also be able to eat goose stewed in an iron pot. With so many goose, even if there are so many of us, it will definitely be enough for a year and a half. What do you think? "

Hearing these words, Nan Ci sneered, "No wonder you dare to anger these geese. It turns out they have an idea on our heads."

Mu Qianqian couldn't help but feel extremely angry, "Why are they so shameless! We are completely strangers to them, why do they want to drag us into this?

Besides, even if we take action, can we really deal with so many geese? They just want to kill us! How could it be so bad? ! "

Mu Qianqian was puzzled, but Nan Ci could figure out the reason.

Those people knew that they couldn't run away. Even if they returned the eggs to the geese, they couldn't calm the anger in the geese's hearts. They still had only one way to die.

Under this situation, dragging her and Mu Qianqian into it is the best solution.

If she and Mu Qianqian had outstanding abilities, everyone would be happy if they could help them get rid of these big geese.

Even if she and Mu Qianqian can't help, these people can be regarded as a back-up, which is not a loss no matter what.

Although their calculations were very good, they certainly did not think of another possibility.

Nan Ci smiled slightly, "Qianqian, have you ever played minesweeper?"

"Mine sweeper?"

Mu Qianqian subconsciously repeated these two words, and then looked at Nan Ci strangely, "I've played with it before, but why do you suddenly ask this?"

Now was the critical moment for them to escape. Why did Nan Ci suddenly say such completely irrelevant things?

Nan Ci opened his backpack and took out a mine, "Today I will take you to play a real-life version of minesweeper."

Mu Qianqian's eyes widened instantly, "Nan Ci, what exactly is in your backpack?"

Even if he pulled out a submachine gun before, why can he pull out landmines now?

Wait a moment, you won't be able to take out a bundle of bombs directly from it, right?

Nan Ci did not answer Mu Qianqian's question, but just said, "If you don't dare to play, just follow me."

With that said, Nan Ci pulled off the safety cover and threw the mine to the ground casually.

Mu Qianqian was so frightened that she almost screamed, "Nan-Nan Ci! What are you doing?"

"Those two people will come over right away. This is a gift for them. Let's see if they can sweep it out."

This space may not be large or small, it is more than ten square meters.

If two people are lucky enough, they might not be able to step on it.

But maybe they were lucky enough to get a foot in the door.

But it doesn't matter whether they can step on this one.

Because when Nan Ci walked forward, he would throw a land mine on the ground every certain distance.

If you throw so many of them, those two unlucky guys will step on them sooner or later.

What Nan Ci and Mu Qianqian need to do is to speed up and run forward.

Run as far away as possible before the mine explodes.

Nan Ci just wanted to watch others play Minesweeper, but didn't want to experience it himself.

Mu Qianqian didn't want to experience it even more. Her heart was beating like a drum now, almost jumping out of her throat. If she didn't have to wait for Nan Ci, she even wanted to run forward without looking back.

Nan Ci walked forward and threw all the way. He threw more than 20 items before stopping.

After clapping his hands, Nan Ci glanced back and said to Mu Qianqian, "That's almost it. Let's change the direction."

Because of being too nervous and scared, Mu Qianqian's mind was a little bit paralyzed. After hearing this, she looked at Nan Ci strangely, "What direction?"

"Let's run towards the goose."

After Nan Ci finished speaking, he pulled Mu Qianqian and ran towards the big goose.

Mu Qianqian screamed subconsciously.

Now the big geese are completely in a violent mood, and then let them run away, isn't it looking for a dead end?

But her screams were quickly drowned out by the explosion.

The sound of the explosion came from a distance, and the two subconsciously looked over.

Looking at that direction, it should be the place where the first mine was thrown.

I just don't know if those two unlucky guys stepped on it, or if it was poked by a big goose with its mouth.

But it doesn't matter, as long as one mine explodes, the other mines will follow.

What Nan Ci and Mu Qianqian need to do now is to run quickly.

The two of them were running wildly, and the cat also ran wildly beside them.

Fortunately, there was a certain distance between them and that side, and they were also running very fast, so the explosion did not affect them.

Even if they ran past the big goose's feet, the big goose couldn't stand up because of the violent shaking caused by the explosion, and didn't notice them at all.

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