Nan Ci really wanted to ask, how did these people meet the big chicken and the big goose?

Why did she and Mu Qianqian run outside for so long without encountering one?

Could it be because the two of them can't fight to death?

Nan Ci was still thinking about this problem seriously when his arm was grabbed hard by Mu Qianqian.

"Nan Ci, there are too many of these big geese, and they look too fierce. Let's avoid them first!"

Those people drove several cars, but they didn't dare to go head-to-head with these geese.

There were only two of them, so it was better to avoid them as soon as possible.

Even if you really want to eat goose stewed in an iron pot, it depends on the situation.

It is the most correct choice to plan before acting.

Nan Ci was not a reckless person. Hearing Mu Qianqian's words, he immediately agreed.

"Let's go down first and make Zaizai smaller so that we can hide it better."

Mu Qianqian had no objection to this and jumped off Zaizai's back.

Nan Ci followed closely, followed by the other three cats.

Zaizai had been listening to their conversation, and immediately shrank his body after they all went down.

Without the huge and conspicuous Zai Zai, the group of them looked small in this vast world.

Just find a collapsed building, find an opening that you can crawl into, and you can hide in it perfectly.

Not long after they hid, several cars from over there drove over.

I don’t know what these people were thinking, but when they got closer, they parked their cars, got out of the car, and started to dig into the ruins of the building.

Mu Qianqian frowned, "They—"

As soon as the words came out, Mu Qianqian quickly covered her mouth, fearing that the loud voice she had just spoken would attract these people.

Although Mu Qianqian didn't finish her words, her eyes looked like those of those people with complaints.

She always felt that some people might have discovered her and Nan Ci and hid here on purpose.

The purpose is not to divert misfortune.

I just want to drag them into the water so that they can deal with these big geese.

Everything that Mu Qianqian could think of, Nan Ci could also think of.

Nanci's eyes were slightly dark, and his eyes were full of coldness.

No matter what these people's plans are, they can't succeed.

It was impossible for her to be taken advantage of, let alone allow these people to enjoy their gains.

The more she thought about it, could these people find her?

The worst case scenario would be to knock Mu Qianqian unconscious and bring her into the space, then wait for a while before bringing her out.

By that time, things outside must have been resolved.

But this is a last resort.

If it weren't for the fact that there was really no other way, Nan Ci wouldn't do this.

After all, no matter how well you plan, accidents will happen.

Even if there is only a slight risk of exposing the space, Nan Ci is not willing to try it easily.

Just as Nan Ci was thinking about it, he felt the broken walls around him shaking more violently.

It's those big geese that are chasing us!

Big geese only have two legs, and there is no engine inside their bodies. However, they are huge and can cover several meters in one step. It is normal for them to be able to catch up in such a short period of time.

When you look at them from a distance, you feel that these geese are huge.

But because it was far away, I just felt shocked when I looked at it.

Now that the distance is so close, looking up again, I just feel horrible.

If those big feet were to step on someone, they would definitely crush them.

There is also a big goose beak, which can eat a person in one bite, no problem at all.

It's not like Nan Ci has never seen huge animals before.

Things like elephants, whales, and sharks have all been seen in Nanjing.

But they can grow so big on their own. It is a well-known and common thing, and it doesn't feel strange at all.

But these geese are different.

In human cognition, they are just a small one.

Even if some are better raised and grow taller, at most they are just the same. As tall as a one-year-old baby.

But now, each of them is two stories high. Every time I look at them, my heart will tremble.

Maybe it's because their heads have been magnified countless times, and their eyes have also been magnified countless times. Nanci can even clearly see their expressions and eyes.

At this time, the eyes of these big geese were full of anger, and their expressions were also very angry.

The goose's beak opened and closed, and the cry came one after another, which was very sharp and deafening.

Nan Ci subconsciously covered her ears, feeling strange in her heart.

What on earth did those people do to make these geese so angry?

The doubt in Nan Ci's mind was quickly answered.

When the geese reached the car, they all stopped.

Several geese opened their mouths and pecked at the car.

Their mouths look like they are made of titanium alloy, and every blow can leave a big hole in the car.

The sturdy car seemed to have turned into a toy, and after a few uses, it was pecked to pieces.

As the car was pecked apart, a bluish-white egg was revealed inside.

Each car contained an egg, each as big as a one-year-old child.

Nan Ci was stunned for a moment and then realized that these eggs should be goose eggs.

The reason why these big geese are chasing these people so angrily is because these people have stolen their eggs.

After understanding the whole story, Nan Ci suddenly wanted to give these people a thumbs up.

No wonder they can attract so many geese to chase them, they can really seek death!

But from another perspective, they are quite capable.

Being able to find a goose's egg and successfully steal it is not something that ordinary people can do.

If they were lucky enough to survive, this experience would be enough for them to brag about for a while.

After finding the egg, the goose's anger obviously dissipated a lot.

They opened their mouths again and took the goose eggs out of the car with their mouths.

The mouth that could directly dismantle a car just now is now holding a fragile goose egg in its mouth without harming the egg in the slightest. It can be said that the control of strength is at its peak.

The more Nan Ci watched, the more frightened he became, and he became more vigilant and cautious, even less daring to take action easily.

If it was just a big goose, she would be able to give it a try since she had thermal weapons and the help of four cats.

But now there are dozens of big geese, their fighting power is very important, and they must not act rashly.

You can eat goose stewed in an iron pot at any time, but she, Mu Qianqian, and the four cats only have one life, and they must not be willful.

Nan Ci was ready to wait quietly for these geese to leave, but the people who had just got out of the car obviously didn't think so.

Two people suddenly appeared on top of an abandoned building, each holding a large goose egg in their arms.

As soon as they appeared, they attracted the big goose's attention. When the big goose looked towards them, they let go of their hands at the same time, and the goose eggs in their hands fell directly.

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