Battle tent.

Third floor.

A bright green light enveloped the little assistant.

In addition, there was an aqua blue light mixed in.

Bright green is the grass system!

Aqua blue is the water system!

The sacred guardian inheritance of the mermaid clan is actually a dual-system mixed ability.

At this moment.

The little assistant felt numb and tingling.

It felt as if something was drilling into his body from the bottom up.

In fact, those were two energies that kept seeping in from the soles of his feet, transforming the little assistant's body.

It felt as if the petite body was accommodating a huge existence and was almost bursting.

The human body's capacity limit is too small.

Every time the energy flushed, it was expanding the little assistant's capacity limit.

After more than half an hour.


The energy baptism was over.

The little assistant had no strength left and was almost fainting.

"Your Highness!"

""Your willpower is so strong!"

On the side, the high priest gave a heartfelt compliment.

When she was young, she also had the experience of energy flushing.

At that time, she only lasted two or three waves before she completely fainted.

Energy flushing, like a tide, comes in waves.

It is said that there are up to nine waves.

At that time, the high priest only lasted three waves.

But the little assistant actually lasted a full seven waves!

How could such a gap not amaze the high priest?

"Your Highness!"

"Come, eat it!"

The high priest took out a small pill.

"This is a special medicine developed using the ancient magic medicine, vitality fragments."

"Your Highness, eating this can help you recover quickly."

After saying that, without waiting for the assistant to say anything, he stuffed it directly into the assistant's mouth.

The next moment, a strong medicinal power burst out.

The assistant was surprised to find that the fatigue in his body was really swept away.

""Wow, so magical!"

Even the introverted assistant couldn't help but exclaimed.

It can be seen that the effect of this medicine is really amazing.

The high priest also exclaimed:"Yes, this medicine is too rare. We finally found it from the realm of God. It's a pity that the manufacturing formula has been lost.……"

Then he added:"Your Highness, your sacred guardian inheritance requires three consecutive days of guidance to be completed!"

""Your guidance for today is finished, come back tomorrow!"

As he said that, he helped the little assistant up and walked downstairs.

The little assistant took the opportunity to emphasize again that she was not a princess, but just an ordinary human girl, and asked everyone not to kneel down to her at every turn.

The high priest smiled and shook his head:"No, princess, your talent and bloodline are correct, you are the princess of our mermaid clan!"


Leaving the battle tent.

Accompanied by two maids, the young assistant once again toured the mermaid clan.

The task assigned to the two maids was simple: do their best to help His Highness adapt to the life of the clan.

This task was assigned by the elders themselves.

In order to facilitate them to help the young assistants adapt to the new environment, the elders also gave the two maids very high access rights.

Under the leadership of the two maids, the young assistant had unimpeded access to various places in the mermaid clan.

Swimming and swimming.


The young assistant swam to the edge of a layer of light curtain.


"Xiuxiu, what is that?"

The assistant discovered that there was another huge building complex outside the light curtain.

Hearing the assistant's question, the maid Xiuxiu immediately replied:"Your Highness, that is the realm of God."

"God's Realm? What is God's Realm?"

"Your Highness, the God's Domain is said to be the remains of a city from ancient times, and it is also the place that our clan is trying to protect~"

Another maid also added:"Your Highness, you will also be the guardian of this area in the future. Look over there, from there to there, it is all the sea where the God's Domain crashed."

The little assistant looked around and saw that it was indeed very vast.

"The ancient buildings are so spectacular!"

It was the first time for the assistant to see such a large ancient city.

Especially such a large ancient city, which was completely submerged in the sea.

This shocking scene would be amazing to anyone who saw it.

"Ah, what's that over there?"

Suddenly, the assistant exclaimed.

She seemed to have discovered a human figure in the layers of ancient cities.

""Xiu Xiu, look, there seems to be someone over there!"

The assistant was surprised to find that in the center of the ancient city, on the top of the building that looked like a high tower, there seemed to be a human being who was being burned by the raging flames.

She shouted, and the two mermaid maids immediately looked over.

The fire was too conspicuous, and the two mermaid maids saw it at a glance.

However, they could not see it as clearly as the assistant.

The assistant's bloodline was transformed, and her vision, hearing and other perception abilities were greatly improved.

The two mermaid maids could only see the bright fire.

But the assistant could clearly see the seriously injured and dying birds and beasts, and the human girl who was constantly vomiting blood in the fire.



Especially the cries of birds and animals.

She could hear them even from such a distance.

That kind of cries made her heart ache.

"It, it seems like it’s about to be burned to death!"

""That girl seems to be dying too soon, I want to go check it out!"

The little assistant was too defenseless.

In this situation, she actually wanted to check it out!

If it was Wang Xuan, he would never look at a stranger who was about to be burned to death.

With an unknown identity and an unknown friend or foe, how could Wang Xuan approach rashly?

But the little assistant was different.

Wang Xuan had no sense of belonging to this world, but the little assistant did.

The wailing of the white bird and beast tugged at her heart.

She couldn't help but think of her heart-wrenching cry when her mother and father fell in the flames of war when she was a child.

This white bird and beast was so similar to her childhood self.

At that time, she was also so helpless that she almost fainted from crying.

How nice it would be if someone could help her at that time.

Touched by the scene, the little assistant's eyes were slightly red, and she thought of her father and mother.

She suddenly swam hard and actually swam into the transparent light curtain.

She was going to help the white bird and beast and the human girl.

""Your Highness, Your Highness!!!"

Seeing the assistant actually jump into the light curtain, the two maids were horrified.

"You can’t go, Your Highness!"

""Your Highness, please come back quickly, please, the God's Domain is very dangerous!"

The two maids were almost crying.

They also wanted to chase after him and pull His Highness back.

But they couldn't get through the transparent light curtain.

It was a barrier left by the gods. They were just ordinary mermaids, how could they break through the barrier of the gods?

"Quickly, quickly notify the elders!"

In a hurry, they could only contact the elders quickly.

His Highness is the hope of the mermaids, and nothing can happen to him!!!

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