Under the sea.


The assistant woke up again.

She opened her eyes and found that she was surrounded by sea water. She was very panicked.

But the next moment, she was surprised to find that she could breathe freely in the water.


"Ah, I can talk in the water?

She was stunned that she could not only breathe but also talk.

At this time, two female mermaids swam over.

""Your Highness, you are finally awake~"

These two mermaids were the maids assigned to the assistant by the elders.

They swam to the assistant and began to help him dress, wash, and comb his hair.

The assistant had never experienced such treatment before, so he stood up in a panic.

"Ah! No, don’t bother you, I can do it myself, I can dress myself~"

In the past, she served others and did all the rough and tiring work by herself.

Now that she is served so meticulously, the little assistant is flattered, like a frightened little rabbit.

The little assistant asked to dress herself, and the two mermaid maids did not dare to refuse and quickly stepped aside.

But their eyes were full of curiosity.

His Highness has a good personality. His

Highness can even braid his own hair, so amazing.

His Highness’ hair combing skills are so proficient~

His Highness can even mend clothes, so amazing.

The two mermaid maids were really eye-opening.

They used to... , where have they seen such a prince who can do all kinds of rough work.

In their hearts, they admired the little assistant very much.

The little assistant did not have the airs of a prince at all, which made them feel very kind.

After a while.

The little assistant finished packing by herself.

The two mermaid maids led the little assistant outside.

After leaving this room, the little assistant found that the place where he had just slept was actually an exquisite dome house.

The sea water flows quietly around, and the colors of corals and seaweed are also very beautiful.

There are also groups of small sea creatures, swimming around the little assistant curiously, which is very strange.

The fantasy scene around made the little assistant feel as if he was in a dream.

"Excuse me, where is this place?"

The assistant's kind tone startled the two mermaid maids, who quickly replied,"Your Highness, this is the living area of our tribe. The place you were just in is the living area of the elite tribesmen.""

"Also, also……"

The two mermaid maids said carefully,"Also, if Your Highness needs anything, just tell us directly. If we do something wrong, it's okay to scold us."

"You, you are so polite. We are very honored.……"

The assistant quickly apologized:"I'm sorry, I've caused you trouble."

Hearing that His Highness actually took the initiative to say sorry, the two mermaid maids were so scared that they knelt down directly:"Your Highness... You've troubled us."

They were so scared that they didn't dare to look up.

His Highness's talent is rare in a thousand years!

The elders have already strictly instructed that we must take good care of His Highness, and His Highness is the hope for the rise of our tribe.

As a result, His Highness apologizes to us maids at every turn. If the elders and the strong men in the tribe find out and say that we bully His Highness, we will be finished.

The assistant was so polite that the two mermaid maids were really scared.

After communicating for a while, the two mermaid maids kept instilling in the assistant that"You are His Highness" and"You don't have to be so polite to us", and the assistant slowly accepted his new identity.

Under the leadership of the two mermaid maids.

The assistant began to familiarize himself with the layout of the entire mermaid tribe.

On the way, the assistant found that there were many beautiful buildings deep in the sea.

The styles of these buildings are very strange, but they are all very beautiful.

There is a small sign at the door of every household.

Some of the roofs were blue, and some were red spherical roofs.

Seeing the assistant so fascinated, two maids introduced:"Your Highness, these are the architectural skills passed down from the ancestors of our mermaid clan from ancient times."

""Your Highness, look, this is the Friendship Store, that is the Pokémon Center, that is the battle tent, and the tallest building in the distance is the gym. Unfortunately, no one can open the door of the gym now~"

The two mermaid maids introduced everything about the mermaid tribe to the assistant.

The assistant was amazed.

Although he didn't know what the buildings mentioned were used for, he felt that they were very impressive just by hearing the names.

""Your Highness, we have arrived at the battle tent~"

Two mermaid maids took the assistant to a building with a white roof.

Before entering, they heard shouts coming from inside. There should be many mermaids training inside.

The assistant was a little nervous and asked,"Well, Xiuxiu, what is this battle tent for? Why did you bring me here?"

Xiuxiu was the name of one of the maids.

Hearing the assistant's question, the other party immediately replied,"Your Highness, I don't know much about the function of the battle tent in ancient times, but in our mermaid tribe, it is equivalent to a martial arts arena. All kinds of warriors of our tribe train here every day."

Another maid also replied,"Your Highness, the high priest asked us to bring you here. The high priest said before that he would help your Highness activate the sacred guardian inheritance."

The assistant hurriedly shook his hand and said,"I, I can't do it. I'm not very good at fighting. Let's find someone else~"

At this time, the people inside seemed to have heard the assistant's voice.

A beautiful female mermaid lifted the curtain of the tent and swam out.

"Your Highness!"

""Your Highness, please come to the battle tent!!!"

The female mermaid immediately bowed and saluted the assistant.

The other mermaids in the battle tent also bowed together:"Your Highness, please come to the battle tent, Your Highness, please come to the battle tent!!!"

The voice frightened the assistant.

"Everyone, everyone, please don't be like this, I am not some prince, my name is Shanshan~"

"Thank you for saving me. If possible, I want to go back to land. Is that ok?……"

After hearing what the assistant said, the leading female mermaid said with a sad look on her face:"Your Highness, are we stupid enough to disturb Your Highness?"��"

"That's right, His Highness is extremely talented and is about to learn the art of great protection. We are stupid and practicing here will indeed affect His Highness's studies."

""I'm sorry! Your Highness, we made a mistake. We will leave the battle tent right now. Please don't abandon our people!"

As she said this, the female mermaid in the lead bowed her head deeply.

The other mermaids behind her also bowed their heads and pleaded in unison:"Your Highness, please don't abandon our people, please don't abandon our people!"

The young assistant was even more flustered in this situation and had no idea how to deal with it. She was just an assistant to the young lady before, and although she had seen all kinds of people, she was never like this.

In the mermaid clan, these people would kneel down to the young assistant at any time, and the young assistant was really a little scared.


The movement here alarmed the high priest inside.

A solemn voice came from the depths of the battle tent.

"Everyone, step back and don't disturb His Highness!"

"Your Highness is the hope of our clan, please don't cause trouble for Him!"

"Everyone, continue to practice, don't gather here!"

As the voice sounded, a majestic female mermaid swam out.

Her figure was very mature.

She was the high priest.

The high priest waved away all the mermaids, took the little assistant's hand, and led the little assistant into the battle tent.

"Your Highness, the battle tent is where our tribe performs martial arts. It is divided into three levels."

"The bottom layer is a place for ordinary tribesmen to practice."

"The second floor is a variety of training rooms, dedicated to the training of elite warriors in the tribe."

"As for the third floor we are going to now, it is the core inheritance place"

"Your Highness, your talent is too amazing. It is the sacred guardian bloodline that is rarely seen in our clan for thousands of years."

"Your Highness, today I will awaken the sacred guardian inheritance of the mermaid clan for you!!!"

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