Back to the real world,

Wang Xuan found that the entire Stone City seemed to have changed.

There were more people.

There were many more than usual!

Some adventurers who were obviously wearing foreign clothes were walking out of the light gate in twos and threes.

"Holy shit! Is Shicheng so hot?"

"Awesome, it's a southern city, the temperature must be at least 30 degrees"

"Holy shit! I am done for. If I come here wearing a fur coat, will people laugh at me to death?"

"Hahahaha, take it off quickly and change into a short-sleeved shirt!"

"I didn't bring a short-sleeved shirt. Who knew it would be so hot in the south?"

"Hahaha, then let's go shirtless first. Let's go to the commercial center to buy some southern clothes. I wonder if there is a Takumi Commercial Center here."

"Of course there is, it's a national chain"

"Let's go buy some clothes first, then go to the Battle Axe Auction House. I heard that this auction has many extremely precious materials, and there is also a Glittering Stone as the finale. You must take a good look at it."

"Well, let's go. If we go too late, the short-sleeved shirts might be sold out!"

Many adventurers from other places have come to Shicheng.

Some rich people teleport directly through the ocean world. Those who can't afford the teleportation fee come here by airship.

This suburban town is a teleportation town.

Every place with a light gate will have a teleportation town.

Shicheng, where Wang Xuan is located, belongs to Jiangnan Province and is one of the countless teleportation towns.

The surroundings are extremely noisy, and adventurers are in groups. No one recognizes Wang Xuan.

Before, the ocean will only announced Wang Xuan's name, but not his appearance.

At this moment, countless people are talking about the auction and the dark floating island.

But they don't know that an ordinary boy walking beside them is the initiator of this event.

【Beep, beep~~~~~】

After walking out of the light gate,

Wang Xuan immediately contacted his assistant.

"Which hotel are you in?"

"Ah! Island Master Wang Xuan, you're back? I'm at the June Flower Hotel, my room number is 7001, I'm taking a shower, can you wait for me for a moment?"

"Well, hurry up, I won't go up, I'll wait for you in the hotel lobby"

"OK, OK, I'll be right down.~~~"

After finishing the call, Wang Xuan walked directly to the hotel in front.

Kabutops was stuck at level 49 and had not evolved into Tyrannosaurus, so it couldn't fly. It was a bit depressing.

Otherwise, it could have flown away in style.

As for the gull... forget it, the gull doesn't look very impressive.

If I flew on a gull, I would probably be laughed at.


Hotel lobby.

After a while, the assistant came running down.

Her hair was not even completely dry.

She changed into her hip-hugging outfit again.

"Island Master Wang Xuan, I'm sorry to have kept you waiting for so long.~"

"It doesn't matter, let's go."

Wang Xuan was talking to the assistant. Suddenly, a short-haired young man looked over on the sofa.

"Wang Xuan?"

"Are you Wang Xuan?"

He obviously heard the assistant calling Wang Xuan's name, so he responded.

Wang Xuan glanced at the young man and found that he was dressed luxuriously, with diamond earrings, and was obviously a rich second-generation from a wealthy family.

He was sitting on the sofa, with two hot women kneeling beside his legs, massaging his legs.

Wang Xuan glanced at him and said indifferently:"Who are you? Is there something wrong?"

The other party laughed and said:"Haha, there is something wrong! Wang Xuan, I thought I would see you in Tomahawk, but I didn't expect to meet you in advance!"

"Let me introduce myself, my name is Ma Long and I’m from Deep Blue City!"

"Wang Xuan, do you know me?"

The young man's tone was extremely confident, as if the whole world should know him.

Wang Xuan was stunned. Ma Long? Never heard of him, really don't know him.

At this time, the assistant at the side quickly came to Wang Xuan's ear and introduced in a low voice:"Island Master Wang Xuan, he, he is the one who made an appointment with the young lady to prepare the sea beast soul for you in advance."

"He is Prince Long, the Prince Long of Deep Blue City……"

Wang Xuan was stunned again.

Deep Blue City?

Wang Xuan knew about Deep Blue City, a very famous city.

Its reputation was even greater than the province it was in.

Most people would say that they were from a certain province, a certain family, or a certain group when introducing themselves.

Few people would directly skip the province and mention the name of the city.

Only Deep Blue City was an exception!

Deep Blue City, which belonged to the East Thunder Province, was a city in the East Thunder Province, close to the Endless Sea.

But in the eyes of outsiders, the reputation of Deep Blue City was much greater than the entire East Thunder Province.

Some people even directly called the East Thunder Province the Deep Blue Province!

This shows how famous Deep Blue City is.

The reason why Deep Blue City is so famous... is because this city gave birth to the famous Ma family!

The head of the Ma family, Ma Teng.

The controller of the Deep Blue Group, the 7-star island owner!

Although his strength is 7 stars on the surface, his actual combat power is comparable to that of an ordinary 8-star island owner.

Why is this so?

It's very simple!

His Deep Blue Ma family has superb beast taming abilities!

Remember what I mentioned before, that most of the provinces in Southern Xinjiang are proficient in beast taming?

This situation is all influenced by the Deep Blue Ma family!

It is said that Ma Teng, the president of the Deep Blue Group, has a large number of sea beasts submitting to him!

There are even 8th-order sea beasts!

With the power of the 7th order, he can actually tame 8th-order sea beasts!

His strength is evident.

Moreover, the Deep Blue Group he founded is also a behemoth.

He has both strength and money.

So Ma Teng, with his own strength, has led to the beast taming craze in the entire southern province.

It is said that the 8th-order sea beast that surrendered to him is the Emperor Dragon Penguin, the offspring of dragon beasts and penguin-like sea beasts!

At this moment, the young man in front of him is called Prince Dragon by the assistant...


Wang Xuan is not stupid, and instantly guessed his identity

"Are you the son of the island owner of Deep Blue Group, Ma Teng?"

The other party laughed:"Yes! I'm Ma Long, the prince of Deep Blue City, nicknamed Prince Long! You guessed my identity correctly!"

Prince Long... a very arrogant and sensitive nickname.

But this guy dared to use this nickname, and no one has caused trouble for him.

The influence of his Deep Blue Group is really terrible!

That's right, if it were in ancient times, the Deep Blue Group would be equivalent to a local lord. No wonder Ma Long dared to use the nickname Prince Long.

Wang Xuan suddenly became solemn.

This kind of rich second generation is probably more prominent than Xu An in the Magic City.

It's probably not a good thing for such a person to find me.

Wang Xuan took a deep breath.

He had to ask——

"You look for me……"

"What’s going on?

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