After replying to the assistant,

Wang Xuan looked at the Kabutosaurus again.

In the field, more than 2,000 magic ear hyenas had been killed.

But the Kabutosaurus' level was stuck at level 47.

"3 levels left……"

Wang Xuan is in pain

"I didn't expect that the experience required to upgrade to a quasi-god level would be so much."

"There is no other choice but to go to the nearby seas and look for other sea beasts."

"Toucan, small mahjong, and dart turtle!"

"You split up and search for sea beast nests in nearby waters!"

"Other Pokémon, help me clear the water on the island!"

Wang Xuan immediately assigned tasks to the Pokémon.

The auction will not start for two days, and Wang Xuan is not in a hurry to go out.

He hopes that in these two days, he can make Kabutosaurus evolve into Flying Dragon.


In the next two days, the gulls kept sending news.

They discovered sea beast nests one after another.

Every time they found one, Wang Xuan would let Kabutosaurus go to gain experience alone.

In the busy rush, Kabutosaurus' level was raised by 1 level again, reaching level 48.

It actually learned a new skill, the Mind Hammer.

Wang Xuan, with the caterpillars and electric bugs, transplanted trees, dug canals, and reclaimed fields on the island.

Although these little guys are not very powerful, they are quite efficient at work.

In order to praise them, Wang Xuan gave them a lot of fruit.

Leafeon and Mimikyu, relying on their familiarity with the island, helped Wang Xuan find various fruit seedlings and berries.

After finding them, they all came to Wang Xuan.

Wang Xuan selected some of the materials that could be transformed, and transformed a lot of fruit, and also transformed some Poké Balls.

With everyone's hard work, the accumulated water on the island was gradually integrated and gathered into a stream surrounding the fruit forest.

The number of fruit trees has reached more than 30, all of which are planted in their corresponding areas according to the type of fruit.

In the past two days, Wang Xuan finally made a decision to evolve Chansey into Bliss Egg.

Although it is not very good at fighting, its healing effect is really good.

After evolving into Bliss Egg, its healing ability is stronger.

More importantly, the cooling time for laying eggs has also been reduced.

Before, only two could be laid a day.

After evolution, three can be laid directly.

Moreover, Chansey Egg's special attack is actually not bad.

Its special attack racial value is 75 points.

When it comes to the critical moment, it can actually fight.

If it learns Magic Shine, it will really be a pink devil, the nemesis of the dragon clan.


In a blink of an eye, three days passed.

With the efforts of Wang Xuan and Pokémon, the island has changed a lot.

Not only have many fields been reclaimed on the island, but a house has also been built.

The various materials snatched from the rich second generation have come in handy in this major construction.

It's just that the Kabutosaurus is a bit lagging.

This kid is stuck at level 49.

Almost all the sea beasts in the nearby sea area have been killed by it.

This kid's experience value is not full.

Seeing that there is still 5% of experience points to advance, Kabutosaurus is anxious.

Wang Xuan is also anxious.

This is really too painful.

Its 5% experience, converted into ordinary Pokémon of the same level, is at least 30% difference.

A direct 6-fold difference is outrageous!

After thinking about it, Wang Xuan decided to find Tang Xue.

Tang Xue has killed countless people, and Wang Xuan plans to ask her if there are any treasures that can quickly upgrade the baby dragon.

It just so happens that Jigglypuff has also accumulated a wave of eggs in the past few days, so he can give her some.

She helped so much in capturing the Dark Floating Island last time, I must thank her.

【Didi, you are calling the adventurer"Tang Xue", please wait……】

【Didi, target lost contact, please try again later~】


Wang Xuan was stunned.

Tang Xue, she actually lost contact?


"Could she have found a place of origin?"

If the target is out of contact, there is only one possibility: the area where the other party is located has even blocked the will of the ocean.

In the entire ocean world, the only place that can block the will of the ocean is the place of origin.

It is said that there are many gods in this world.

Every god will leave his own legacy.

The places where the legacy is located are collectively called the places of origin.

Some are gods of fire, some are gods of earth, and some are gods of thunder and lightning.

It is said that there are various gods who control ocean currents, control the sea, control the weather, and even control space.

This knowledge is what Wang Xuan learned in his three years of high school.

Now, Tang Xue can't be contacted. It is very likely that she has found the place of origin of a certain god.

As for the possibility of death...

No, a dead adventurer will not be prompted in this way.

It will directly tell you that the adventurer does not exist.

Just thinking about it.

The little assistant sent a message again.

【Island Master Wang Xuan, the auction will start tomorrow. Miss asked me to notify you to see if you can be there.~】

【Oh, by the way, there is another good thing, Island Master Wang Xuan, someone has already taken out the soul of a sea beast, saying that they want to meet you. I wonder what Island Master Wang Xuan’s plan is.~】

【Anyway, I will stay in the hotel in the teleportation town these days. If Island Master Wang Xuan comes back, I can rush to serve you as soon as possible.~】

【Well, bye.~】

"This efficiency... is really fast"

"Worthy of being called Battle Axe."

After turning off the message, Wang Xuan smiled.

No more waiting, just go back.

There are no sea beasts in the sea area nearby.

The 5% experience bar of the quasi-god is too damn pitfall.


"Come back with me!"

"Go, Baby Ball!"


Swoosh, swoosh, swoosh~~~

Wang Xuan took out the Poké Ball and put all the Pokémon in it.

Only Leafeon and Mimikyu held Wang Xuan's neck tightly and refused to return to the ball.

��Xuan patted their heads lovingly:"In that case, stay outside."

He activated the island owner's watch.

The light gate leading to the real world appeared immediately.


A flash of light.

Wang Xuan stepped into it.

After three days... return!!!

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