Chapter 98: The Top Ten Martial Arts, Xuanwu True Skills

“Kent, are you looking for me, what’s the matter?”

In Tianmen, in the extremely cold ice chamber, the self-proclaimed god Shitian sat quietly.

Because he is in the ice room, he doesn’t need to wear an ice sculpture mask to delay his aging. What is shown in front of Kent is an old face.

“Master, I have a very important piece of information here about the decisive battle between the Lord of the World and the Sword Saint disciple Lou Hang~

Kent knelt in front of Di Shitian, holding the love-reported in his hands in both hands.

“Xiong Ba? When will he be able to practice his Sanyuan Guiyi well, so that he is qualified to be highly regarded, and besides, a decisive battle with the disciples of the Sword Saint? What is the meaning of this?

Shaking his head, Di Shitian looked not interested in this information!

“Master, although Xiongba and Lou Hang are not enough to make you feel good, but it says that Lou Hang defeated Xiongba and even used a sword technique that can freeze time and space!”

Kent hurriedly picked the point of this topic.

“Huh? It can freeze the swordsmanship of time and space, and, did the disciples of the Sword Saint actually defeat the male tyrant?” Hearing this news, Di Shitian became interested, and his eyes lit up!

First of all, can the disciple of the Juggernaut actually defeat the male tyrant?

This should be regarded as a rare genius in the martial arts in a thousand years, right?

For such a genius, Di Shitian is naturally very interested!

The world is a chessboard, and all beings are their own chess pieces, and the top geniuses are the most fun chess pieces!

Moreover, the swordsmanship that can freeze time and space also made Di Shitian very interested!

“Hey hey, it’s fun, it’s fun, where did this guy named Lou Hang pop out? I’m a little bit interested!”

As if a child discovered a new and interesting toy, Di Shitian whispered in his mouth.

Lingyun Cave, looking at the fire unicorn lying on the ground with his head down, his mouth sobbing like a kitten, no matter whether he understands it or not, Lou Hang directly asked if he was willing to surrender?

If you surrender, you can spare his life.

But if you don’t surrender, Lou Hang doesn’t mind destroying it!

As one of the four great beasts, Huo Qilin didn’t know how long he had lived. His wisdom was not low, and he was obviously able to understand people’s words.

It was lying on the ground and nodded busy!

“Very well, from now on, you will be my pet!” Seeing that Huo Qilin had already surrendered to himself, Lou Hang showed a smile on his face, also very happy!

With such a fire unicorn as a pet, if you pretend to be a god in the future, it means that you can calculate the flicker in the past and the future. Well, if you point others, your credibility will be higher, right?

“Well, this fire unicorn was actually subdued?”

Nie Feng next to him watched Lou Hang actually subdued Huo Qilin, his eyes widened, and he said with a look of astonishment!

“Nie Feng, as far as my master is concerned, it is not incomprehensible to be able to subdue Huo Qilin!” Duan Lang next to him heard the words, and then interrupted, with an expression of “Don’t be six if you are a kid!”

Who is his master? A god in the sky!

What about the fire unicorn? It’s a sacred beast, right?

So, the gods can subdue the gods, isn’t this a reasonable thing?

Even in the eyes of Broken Wave, in this world, only Lou Hang is qualified to conquer this fire unicorn, right?

“Okay, your injury is very serious, so take care of your injury. Also, let me ask you, in this cave, there is a mural about you. Do you know where it is?”

Not to mention how Duanlang and Nie Feng were surprised, after conquering Huo Qilin, Lou Hang asked.

I remember that the martial arts of the top ten warriors in the original work were recorded in the Lingyun Grottoes in the form of murals.

Now I have to go to understand the martial arts left by the top ten warriors, look for murals, of course, ask Huo Qilin for this!

Sure enough, even though he couldn’t speak out, Huo Qilin could still understand it.

After nodding, Huo Qilin got up from the ground, then turned around, and walked deeper into the Lingyun Cave step by step!

When he came out, he was aggressive, but when he went back, because he was severely cut by Lou Hang’s Xuanyuan Sacred Sword, Huo Qilin was heavily injured, so he could only walk slowly!

Lou Hang was not in a hurry, and the group of three followed Huo Qilin to the depths of the cave.

After walking for about half an hour, he really came to a mural.

What is painted in this mural is the appearance of a unicorn!

“Found it!” Seeing this unicorn mural, Lou Hang’s heart was overjoyed!

The martial arts left by the top ten martial artists are all in this mural, and what kind of martial arts can be understood depends on their aptitude and good fortune!

“This mural, it looks unusual!” Nie Feng’s gaze fell on the mural, and his eyes were immediately attracted!

“Yes, this mural looks very unusual, it seems, contains endless mystery

Broken Lang’s aptitude and comprehension are not weaker than Nie Feng in all aspects.His line of sight fell on the unicorn mural, and he also felt that his line of sight was attracted like a magnet, and he whispered in his mouth!

“Go and heal your wounds!” Lou Hang said after looking at the fire unicorn next to him!

The tall Huo Qilin nodded, then turned around and left step by step!

Lou Hang turned around, looked at the Qilin mural, and said: “This mural contains the supreme martial arts. If you can understand it and benefit a lot, it depends on your own good fortune!”

Even the master said that there is a powerful martial art inside, and Duanlang naturally cheered up and devoted more concentration to the comprehension of this mural.

Needless to say, Nie Feng, his body and mind are completely immersed!

And Lou Hang? He also completely let go of his mind and carefully understood the martial arts contained in this mural.

On the surface, it seems to be a mural.

However, looking at this mural, my mind seemed to be immersed in another space.

Various martial arts such as knives, spears, swords, halberds, roots, fists, palms, legs, fingers, claws, etc., all appeared before my eyes.

The practice of external and internal strength is also unobstructed in front of Lou Hang!

Who is the top ten martial artist? It can be said that he is the first person in martial arts in the Fengyun world!

Apart from other things, look at Emperor Shitian, who has lived for more than two thousand years, using heaven and earth as chessboards and sentient beings as chess pieces for his enjoyment!

But what?

…For flowers

When the top ten warriors were still alive, they were completely crushed by Di Shitian, so that Di Shitian had to shrink up.

Until Wu Wudi of the top ten warriors died, he dared to come out again.

It can be seen that the martial arts of the top ten warriors have reached what point!

And the martial arts left by these top ten martial artists, if they can understand it, it must be a great fortune!

The mind is completely immersed in the mystery of this martial arts, Lou Hang feels like he has opened the door of truth, and the truth of all kinds of martial arts is unobstructed before his eyes!

And I have practiced all the martial arts, Beiming magical arts, Lingbo microsteps, six-channel magic sword, Yijinjing, Tianshan Zhuangmei hand, Tianshan six sun palms, holy spirit swords and so on.

Many martial arts seem to have been re-disassembled, re-analyzed, and re-assembled here!

Regarding practice, Lou Hang also has a completely different new insight.

“Brother Hang is awesome, invincible, the sword just now, oh my god, the forty-meter long sword can withstand it, who can withstand it? Even the Fire Qilin can’t withstand it!


“When Brother Hang fought with Huo Qilin last time, no one could help each other. But this time, with a sword cut down, Huo Qilin also kneeled. This visible increase in strength is simply amazing!”

“Wait, what is Hang Ge? He actually wants to subdue this fire unicorn? Oh my god, explorers can bring back martial arts secrets and weapons. Could this beast be brought back too?”

“How can this fire unicorn understand human language? He actually surrendered to Brother Hang!”

“Brother Hang, YYDS, unexpectedly subdued the divine beast Fire Qilin, so I asked who else? Who else could be as good as our Hang brother!”

“Mural? There are so-called murals in this Lingyun Grotto? I don’t know what kind of treasure this mural is!

“Zhi Nao has been mosaiced again. Needless to say, this fresco is a martial arts secret, right? Even Aohan Six Jue didn’t pay attention to it, but he came to look for this fresco specifically, and I don’t know what is recorded on the fresco. That kind of martial arts!”

Full of “a sense of anticipation!”

In Long Guo’s live broadcast room, watching Lou Hang knock Huo Qilin to his knees, all the audience clearly felt the improvement of Lou Hang’s strength.

Looking at Lou Hang, he actually subdued all the fire unicorns, and each one was even more jaw-dropping!

This is the unicorn, the legendary beast, now it has become the pet of Brother Hang?

Who can compare to such a card?

Also, in the end, under the leadership of Huo Qilin, Lou Hang and others found the Qilin mural, and they were all comprehending the supreme martial arts, which made the audience in the Longguo live broadcast a lot of discussions!

How powerful is the martial arts contained in this mural?

How powerful is this martial arts that Lou Hang can come here to find out?

So, three full days have passed.

For three days, Lou Hang and others stared at the mural closely, without eating or drinking, as if all their hearts were immersed!

This made countless people in the live broadcast room forget about it.

If you don’t eat or drink for three days, they won’t starve to death in Lingyun Cave, will they?

However, after three days of comprehension, this also made everyone look forward to it even more.

My mind has been immersed for three days, I don’t know what kind of martial arts Brother Hang can comprehend?

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