Chapter 97: I’m Back

With a thought, Lou Hang leapt up and came to the corpse.

Then, at the corpse of the suspected Emperor Xuanyuan Huangdi in front of him, he respectfully saluted!

Grasping the hanging sword in his hand, Lou Hang can immediately feel a righteous, vast and boundless breath coming out of the sword!

His own true essence was also attracted by this breath!

Ding Ding Ding!

With Lou Hang Xuanyuan Sword in his hand, the Fire Lin Sword in the arms of Broken Lang next to it shuddered!

“This, what’s the situation?” Duan Lang was a little surprised and a little puzzled looking at the Huo Lin Sword that was shaking in his arms!

However, at this moment, the Fire Lin Sword flew out of its own accord and stuck to the ground.

It feels like you are worshipping Xuanyuanjian in Lou Hang’s hands!

Master “What kind of sword is the sword in your hand?”

The Fire Lin sword in his hand can be regarded as the famous weapon of the gods on the rivers and lakes, but it is only worthy of worship here? This made Duan Lang’s heart surprised and happy!

What kind of sword can make the Fire Lin sword of his own family look like this?

The good news is that the master got such a magic weapon, it is really something to be happy about!

“This is the Xuanyuan Sword, the upright sword of the holy path!” Lou Hang can also feel the vastness of the aura contained in Xuanyuan Sword, and said with great satisfaction!

Although based on one’s own cultivation level, even if it refers to the sword, it is very powerful to use the spirit swordsmanship.

However, with the blessing of this Xuanyuan Sword, one’s own strength would increase by a huge!

Without seeing Bu Jingyun, he fell down without crying with his bare hands.

Don’t say it is a warrior, even if there are so many gods in myths and legends, don’t they rely on the power of magic weapons?

“Holy Dao Xuanyuan Sword! Is this the legendary Xuanyuan Yellow Emperor’s battle to set the Sacred Sword in the Central Plains?”

Hearing Lou Hang’s answer, whether it was Duanlang or Nie Feng, 290 looked at the sword in Lou Hang’s hand in surprise!

If it is the Snow Drinking Knife and the Fire Lin Sword, they are all well-known weapons in the rivers and lakes, and they are golden quality weapons!

Then, Xuanyuan Sword is comparable to a weapon in myths and legends.

This quality is naturally completely different!

Although I am happy to get the Xuanyuan Sword, the dragon veins next to it are also the treasures!

Lou Hang raised his hand and took off the spine directly.

Hold it in your hand! The dragon veins that contain endless divine luck are in your hand.

Lou Hang could feel that all the desires in his heart seemed to dissipate quickly under the scouring of luck.

Moreover, under the scouring of Qi Luck, his true essence has become more condensed and stronger!

“Is this forcibly letting me enter the state of sage?” Lou Hang secretly nodded his head after finding a cloth to wrap up the dragon veins, and his heart was very happy!

Qi Luck, although this is something invisible and intangible, but it is real.

In short, if you have a good luck, you will feel like you have become the protagonist from a supporting role in a TV series.

Although you can’t directly improve your own strength, the magical effect is more important than any martial arts secrets and treasures of heaven and earth!

“Master, what is this again?”

The Xuanyuan Divine Sword can still be understood, but he carried a piece of spine with him, and Duan Lang said that he couldn’t understand it!

“This is the dragon vein, which contains the luck of the entire Central Plains!” There is no concealment, Lou Hang explained!

“This, this turned out to be the dragon vein of the Central Plains?

“The luck of the entire Central Plains martial arts is actually condensed on this?”

Fetish “Ah, this is also a real fetish!”

“No wonder the master doesn’t like Xueyin Knife, nor Huo Lin sword.

Lou Hang’s answer shocked Duanlang again!

This is the second time that I and my master have come to Lingyun Grotto for treasure hunting. Whether it is the snow drink knife at the beginning or the fire lin sword at the back, the master doesn’t look down on it, and this point of breaking waves is also known!

Now, seeing the Xuanyuan sword and dragon veins that Lou Hang had harvested, Duan Lang had completely understood it.

Compared to Xuanyuan Sword and Dragon Vessel, his own Fire Lin Sword and Nie Feng’s Xueyin Knife did not seem to be a big deal!

“Okay, Nie Feng, keep walking?” With a smile on his face, Lou Hang was in a very good mood, and then asked Nie Feng!

“If you had known that you could have such luck with Nie Feng, you wouldn’t need to prepare so much food and water! Sure enough, the protagonist’s luck would be invincible, like a koi!”

At the same time, Lou Hang also secretly sighed in his heart.

“Okay, let’s continue walking!” Nie Feng nodded, left the mausoleum here, and continued to walk to other places!

It’s exploded!

At this time, the entire live broadcast room of the Dragon Kingdom completely exploded!

And Lou Hang’s gain is that all the people in the live broadcast room are dumbfounded!

This second world has only lasted more than a month, and many people are still thinking about how to gain something.

However, on Brother Hang, are all the top treasures already soft?

“Oh my God, besides Xue Yindao, Aohan Six Jue’s martial arts, Fire Lin Sword, and Blood Bodhi, are there Xuanyuan Sacred Sword and Dragon Veins?”

“It’s no wonder that Brother Hang has hunted for treasure once, and will come again for the second time. The harvest this second time is even greater!”

“What exactly is this Lingyun Cave? Are all kinds of treasures emerging in an endless stream?

“Sacred Sword Xuanyuan, with this top-notch weapon, our Hang brother’s strength will immediately have a qualitative overflight, right?”

“There is also dragon veins, and luck is added, it is invincible, right?”

“This Nie Feng is really amazing, isn’t it? With him leading the way, how long has it taken to have such a big gain?”

This kind of “If people are brought around, the effect is hard to measure. No wonder Duanlangbu Jingyun and the two have become rivals in love in order to compete for Nie Feng!”

“Wait, the point you are paying attention to, shouldn’t it be Brother Hang who wants Nie Feng to go on?”

“Yeah, I have harvested the Xuanyuan Sword and Dragon Veins, but Brother Hang still wants Nie Feng to continue walking? Could it be that there are (bdcj) other treasures in Lingyun Cave?”

In the live broadcast room, I watched Nie Feng’s leadership, first stepped on the Fire Lin sword, and soon found the Blood Bodhi, then found the Dragon Vessel and the Xuanyuan Sacred Sword, all the audience was dumbfounded!

One is that he was shocked by Nie Feng’s lead, and he actually gained so much? No wonder Hang Ge wants him to lead the way!

On the other hand, it is actually joy in my heart.

Lou Hang has gained such a big gain, he is stronger, right?

Watching Lou Hang’s live broadcast, it really is a lot of surprises!

This is just over a month, and the skill has improved for a hundred years! The spirit of the sword, especially the power of Sword Twenty-Three, has been seen by everyone!

Now, there are Dragon Veins and Xuanyuan Sacred Sword again!

Originally, the first adventure world made people feel like Tianhu started.

But now?

It seems that the harvest of the second adventure world is much greater than the harvest of the first adventure world!


The dull and majestic roar sounded again. Fire Qilin guarded countless treasures in this Lingyun Grotto. The three Lou Hang had just walked out of the tomb and immediately heard Huo Qilin’s roar.

Immediately afterwards, under a hot fire, the fire unicorn burning with blazing flames ran over from the bottom of the passage of Lingyun Cave again!

“The fire unicorn is coming!” Holding the Fire Lin sword, Duan Lang walked forward directly!

Although you already know how powerful the master is, but when you encounter danger, there is no reason to let the master take action every time?

Then what right do you have to follow the master?

“It’s this monster!” Seeing Huo Qilin rushing over, Nie Feng’s face sank!

Of course he also remembered that his father, King Nie, was killed by this fire Qilin.

Now that goodbye to this monster, Nie Feng’s heart is also full of hatred!

Coupled with the blood bodhi not long ago, both of them have increased their skills for about a hundred years.

For a while, both Xueyin Knife and Huo Lin had their swords out of their sheaths, and they rushed towards Huo Qilin!

Speaking of which, the Huolin Sword and the Xueyin Sword are both famous weapons in the arena.

Coupled with the martial arts of Nie Feng and Duanlang, the two teamed up to fight the Huo Qilin, and for a time, they were able to fight the Huo Qilin in a situation that was incomparable!

“Well, it’s not bad. When something happens, someone can solve it. It’s pretty good!”

Seeing that Nie Feng and Duanlang were enough to stop Huo Qilin, Lou Hang nodded in satisfaction.

In this way, I can be regarded as having two powerful hands to serve myself, right?

However, although it is difficult for Huo Qilin to defeat the joint efforts of Nie Feng and Duanlang, it is also not so easy for the two to join forces to defeat Huo Qilin!

“You all push away!” After watching for a while, Lou Hang said, when they didn’t know how long they would have to wait until they decided the winner!

The words fell, and the Xuanyuan sword in his hand was raised!

Listening to what Lou Hang said, Duanlang and Nie Feng naturally jumped away in a hurry!

Then, the Xuanyuan sword in Lou Hang’s hand went down!

The forty-meter big sword slashed directly in the direction of Huo Qilin!

The fire Qilin, which is three meters away, is very huge, but under the 40-meter big sword, it looks a bit small.

This sword slashed on Huo Qilin’s body, and immediately caused it to kneel to the ground, and a huge sword mark appeared on his body.

Fire Qilin’s blood, which looked like lava, spewed out directly.

Oh oh oh!

The originally aggressive Fire Qilin, under this Xuanyuan Sword, immediately looked like a poor little cat, bowed his head, and made a pitiful whimper in his mouth!

A look of bowing his head begging for mercy!

“Ye? This fire unicorn would actually beg for mercy?” Lou Hang was taken aback when he saw the appearance of the fire unicorn lowering his head!

I have never seen such a situation in Huo Qilin in the original work.

Could it?” Lou Hang looked at the Xuanyuan Sacred Sword in his hand again in amazement.

Could it?

Is it the Xuanyuan Sacred Sword in his hand that can make Huo Qilin surrender?

“I said, if you are willing to surrender to me, you will spare your life, how about? If you agree, you will nod?”

Regardless of whether Huo Qilin can understand it, Lou Hang asked.

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