Chapter 54: The polite Kumachi

Nearly two hundred explorers entered this martial arts world to explore. Among them, more than 60 entered the territory of the Song Dynasty, scattered throughout the territory of the Song Dynasty.

Although most explorers are still trying to collect martial arts secrets and practice hard.

However, this martial arts conference is now the most lively event.

Therefore, on the day when the martial arts conference started, a dozen explorers came here!

Explorers from other countries also stared at the live broadcast room curiously.

A different world, comparable to a large-scale event like the Olympic Games?

I don’t know what the situation will be.

“Hey, not just our players, but even Dragon Kingdom players are here at this grand event!”

“Dragon Country player? Is that the player who claims to be open?”

“I heard that Dragon Kingdom players have already practiced their martial arts to the top? Is he here to participate in this conference?”

“This is really a gap. Our players are just watching the excitement, but the Dragon Kingdom players are here to participate?”

Every country has explorers to enter. Naturally, Lou Hang, as the biggest gainer among all explorers in the past six months, coupled with the national strength of the Dragon Kingdom, has attracted the attention of many crooked nuts.

Now that the martial arts conference is unfolding, many explorers have come together, and more people have turned their attention to Lou Hang.

Even, there are many viewers from various countries, spontaneously entering the live broadcast room of Longguo!

No way, such a martial arts event can only be seen from Lou Hang’s perspective.

The gazes of other explorers can only be regarded as the perspective of the spectator, just seeing the tip of the iceberg, right?

One after another, there are many celebrities from the rivers and lakes, reaching the top of Mount Tai.

Then, each sat down to find his place.

By noon, this is considered full of personnel, and almost everything should come!

Then, on a ring with a radius of six or seven feet, Murong Fu, who is about twenty-seven or eighty-year-old, jumped and landed on the ring, looking penultimate and extraordinary.

“Everyone, first of all, Murong Fu would like to thank you all for coming to participate in this martial arts conference!”

“For this martial arts conference, Murong Fu also came to hold the World Hero(es)’s wishes!”

“The purpose is to recommend a martial arts, virtuous, and resourceful person to be the leader of the martial arts, command the Central Plains martial arts, and fight against the raging Xixia, and even against the big Liao iron cavalry who is ready to move and want to go south!”

Murong Fu spoke, and what he said was not leaking.

Obviously, I want to host this martial arts conference, I want to be the leader of the martial arts, but it happens to be held at the will of Hero(es) in the world!

After the scenes were finished, everyone remembered the hatred of the country and the family that many sects on the rivers and lakes had been destroyed by Yipintang recently.

In a few words, they once again mobilized the minds of the same enemy!

“Well, let’s not talk too much nonsense…”

Seeing the current situation, Murong Fu smiled and said, “Now, I don’t know which Hero(es) is on stage and is starting to compete for the position of the leader of the martial arts?”

“Master, you know me. Fighting is my favorite thing. Let me start a discussion!”

As Murong Fu’s voice fell, Feng Bo E was the first to jump onto the stage, holding a single knife.

“Amitabha…” After the storm came to power, a Buddha horn sounded.

Immediately afterwards, Kumachi jumped onto the stage.

“You Zhongyuan Hero(es), the little monk knows that he is not a member of the Central Plains, so he is not qualified to compete for the leader of the martial arts.

After getting on stage, Kumachi looked humble and polite, and first opened his mouth to express his attitude.

The ambition is not the leader of the martial arts, but the attitude of learning martial arts!

“Kumachi is very polite!”

Glancing at Kumachi on the ring, Lou Hang was surprised in secret!

In the original work, Kumozhi arrived at Juxianzhuang and shouted unceremoniously: There are few people in the world who can beat the little monk!

When you arrive at Shaolin Temple, you are even more arrogant and domineering: The little monk will challenge you Shaolin with 72 Shaolin skills!

Also, you should disband the Shaolin Temple!

Look, how arrogant Haki is this?

But, at this martial arts conference, so polite? Is the posture so low?

Standing on the ring, Kumachi glanced at Lou Hang in the crowd without a trace.

No way, Lou Hang’s appearance is still full, he is regarded as the most beautiful boy in this martial arts tournament, it is impossible not to be noticed.

And it is precisely because of the existence of Lou Hang that Kuma is so polite!

Today I am destined to be invincible, so I have to be polite.

Moreover, in the spirit of the greatest degree of fame, Kumachi was the first to take the stage, hoping to maintain his undefeated record before Lou Hang shot…*

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