Chapter 53: Lou Hang is famous

The restaurant, Lou Hang, Duan Yu, and Qiao Feng are chatting here.

During the period, Lou Hang naturally asked what Qiao Feng’s purpose was.

After all, his identity as a Khitan came out by himself, he couldn’t have come for the position of the leader of the martial arts, right?

“Luo Sect, you came right in time, I happen to have something I don’t understand, I want to ask you!”

Listening to Lou Hang’s initiative to ask himself, Qiao Feng didn’t talk nonsense. He followed up and explained to Lou Hang the situation that he had encountered Li Yanzong who would make the star change in Xixia Yipintang!

“This situation, specifically, can let Xuan Ci come to give you an accurate explanation!”

Looking at Qiao Feng, I also realized that there was something wrong with this martial arts conference, so I came to have a look, and Lou Hang winked at Xuanci next to him!

Xuan Ci stepped forward and explained to Qiao Feng the truth about the tragedy of Qiao Feng’s family. He was also played with by Murong Bo!

“That’s it!” Qiao Feng’s face showed a sudden look after hearing this!

Although Xiao Feng, I am not a member of the Great Song Dynasty, I cannot seize the position of the leader of the martial arts.

However, Na Murong’s family is also from Xianbei, and he is also not from the Song Dynasty. Why can he seize the position of the leader of the martial arts?

It turned out that Murong Fu’s purpose of holding the martial arts conference was to provoke a national war between the Song Dynasty, Xixia and the Liao Dynasty, so as to take the opportunity to do something?

This is simply for one’s own selfish desires and disregarding the people of the world!

“Hey, the son-in-law…”

A Zhu, who was next to him, listened to the conversation between Qiao Feng and Lou Hang. In a few words, all of Murong Fu’s situation was exposed. A Zhu sighed helplessly in his heart, and shook his head secretly!

“Azhu, we are brothers and sisters, you and Miss Wang are even half sisters…”

Duan Yu next to him said to Azhu.

Diverted her attention from Murong Fu’s body!

In the restaurant, Lou Hang and his party are talking about what, let’s not say anything.

Kumachi, who was sitting in the corner, has quietly left!

Lou Hang, met Lou Hang again, Kumazhi’s heart was solemn.

If he also shot, this central plains martial arts leader, he would have no hope at all!

However, I am the Tubo national teacher, so this martial arts leader, I have no chance at all!

“It seems that at the martial arts tournament tomorrow, I have to play early. Before Lou Hang will play, I will make my reputation known first!”

Defeat Lou Hang? There is no such idea.

But taking advantage of this martial arts conference, the opportunity to become famous, of course Kumazhi would not let it go.

Therefore, he quickly worked out the next battle plan in his heart!

On the top of Mount Tai.

The arena of the martial arts conference has already been set up, Murong Fu is extraordinary, looking at the huge venue in front of him, nodded with satisfaction!

Tomorrow is the brightest moment in my life.

At the time of the martial arts conference, once he has won the position of the central plains martial arts leader, then the goal of recovering Dayan will be half achieved.

Have you finally had a chance to realize the ambition that you have been thinking about for many years?

“Master, something has happened!”

Just when Murong Fu looked at the venue in front of him and was secretly satisfied, Bao ran to Murong Fu hurriedly with a different expression!

“What’s the matter?” Murong asked, frowning slightly!

“Master, according to inquiries, a mysterious person has arrived at the largest restaurant at the foot of the mountain!” Baodi replied!

“Mysterious man? Now this martial arts conference is about to begin, there are a few people who have never heard of the name, is it not surprising?”

Murong Fu didn’t care about it, and shook his head, feeling that the package was different!

“No, Lord Master, that mysterious guy, it is indeed very exaggerated to appear on the stage, four martial arts high-powered beauties carry him a sedan chair!” Bao said differently.

“Using a woman to carry the sedan chair? Or four beautiful women?”

Hearing this, Murong Fu was also stunned. Why didn’t he expect to appear in this way?

“Huh, it’s just grandstanding!”

Although he was secretly envious in his heart, Murong Fu didn’t show any intentions. He just snorted and said with a snort.

“Master, it’s not just that, Shaolin’s former abbot, Master Xuanci is still with him as a servant!”

“By the way, there is also the mysterious person who shot, a few light silver tickets, but like steel, they were directly nailed into the pillars of the restaurant!”

The bag is different and followed!

“Can you use a silver ticket to nail it into the pillar? What kind of skill is needed?” Hearing this, Murong Fu’s expression couldn’t help but change.

Not only Murong Fu, but the entire Mount Tai, news about Lou Hang quickly spread out like a hurricane!

One is that Lou Hang’s appearance is indeed high style, which is hard to compare with others!

The second is that Lou Hang’s silver ticket is nailed to the pillar. The skill displayed by this is shocking the world!

In the end, it was a big box with hundreds of martial arts secrets, which shocked countless people!

In short.

The martial arts conference has not yet started, but Lou Hang’s name is very loud! *

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