Chapter 520: In the blink of an eye, escaped from the Six Paths of the Three Realms?

At this time, the Guanyin Bodhisattva was indeed stunned!

What about Huaguo Mountain? The Huaguo Mountain that is so big has just disappeared!?

However, after a moment of astonishment, Guanyin Bodhisattva responded.

Presumably, it was Son Goku who used the magical means of moving mountains and reclaiming the sea to move the entire Huaguo Mountain away, right?

But, where can he move to such a big Huaguo Mountain?

Sink your mind, Guanyin spreads out his mind to search for the whereabouts of Son Goku!

Moving a mountain of flowers and fruits, want to escape your pursuit?

It’s even more impossible!

However, when Guanyin Bodhisattva spread out his spiritual thoughts to search for the whereabouts of Son Goku.

After searching for a long time, I was surprised to find that nothing was found.

Son Goku is gone, and even the entire Huaguo Mountain has disappeared for no reason!

This situation makes Guanyin Bodhisattva dumbfounded!

How is it possible?

With Son Goku’s cultivation base, even if it can afford to move Huaguo Mountain, it is impossible to take Huaguo Mountain away a long distance, right?

But, what about Son Goku?

Where is Huaguoshan?

Why are they all gone!?

I couldn’t find it by myself. After thinking for a while, Guanyin’s figure sank directly, and 13 came under the Jiuyou Difu!

However, the purpose of Guanyin Bodhisattva came here is not to find Yama of the Ten Temples, but to directly find the Bodhisattva of Earth Store!

“I have seen the Bodhisattva!” Both Guanyin and the Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva saluted each other, which is considered to be enough for the face!

“I don’t know Master Guanyin, why did you come here to find me?

There is no polite meaning, the Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva asked directly!

The situation “is like this” Guanyin Bodhisattva said, telling the identity of Son Goku and the disappearance of Son Goku and Huaguoshan out of thin air, to the Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva!

“Understood, Master Guanyin came here to find the whereabouts of Son Goku by borrowing the magical powers of Di Listening!?”

Hearing the words of Guanyin Bodhisattva, Ksitigarbha nodded and said!

“Yes! Son Goku’s matter is related to traveling westward to learning the scriptures, and the existence of Lou Hang is even more valuable!”

Guanyin nodded and said confessingly!

Since it is related to the rise and fall of the entire Buddhism, Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva naturally pays attention to it.

Soon, he yelled over to the truth, and at the same time, he also told the truth about the situation!?

“Understood, Bodhisattva!” Di Ting nodded, and slowly closed his eyes, as if he were listening carefully.

So, after listening carefully for a long time, Di Listening opened his eyes, and a look of surprise appeared on his face!

“How is it?” Seeing Diting’s appearance, Guanyin asked!

“Bodhisattva, I, I can’t hear the voice of Son Goku, he is not in the Six Paths of the Three Realms!”

On the face of Di Listening, there was also an incomparable look, and at the same time, his mouth replied!

Not within the Six Paths of the Three Realms!?

Hearing this answer, it is not to say that it is Guanyin Bodhisattva, even the Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva has a shocked look on his face!

For no reason, how could Son Goku leave Six Paths in the Three Realms.

Moreover, not only did he leave by himself, he even left with Huaguoshan?

How did he do that?

“This, how is this possible!?”

Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva had a look of stunned expression on his face, and at the same time, he whispered in a low voice!

Yeah, how is this possible!?

Although he was crushed by the sword, it took some time to successfully break free.

However, I didn’t spend much time in total, just that little time.

Son Goku, Lou Hang, even with Huaguoshan, disappeared?

Even left the Six Paths of the Three Realms?

“If I knew this a long time ago, I, I should pay more attention to it, I should, rush to Huaguoshan as soon as possible, instead of, I even tidied up…

In addition to shock, at this time, Guanyin Bodhisattva still regrets it!

I regret that I broke free from the divine sword, I shouldn’t go to dress up!

Next, what should I do?

People are no longer in the Six Paths of the Three Realms. Next, where should I go to find Son Goku and Lou Hang!?

I originally thought that Lou Hang, and Son Goku would not want to make waves.

Now it seems that you have capsized in the gutter?

Not to mention how eager and helpless Guanyin Bodhisattva was at this time!

At this time, in the mirror space, the monkey grandchildren of Huaguoshan are still very interested in everything in this mirror space!

Although it is hiding outside the Six Paths of the Three Realms.

However, if this mirrored space actually wants to look, there is not much difference between it and the real world.

Inside, hiding for ten or eight years, or even a hundred and eighty years, there must be nothing uncomfortable!

“My Hang Ge and Son Goku can beat Guanyin if they join forces?”

“This, I really don’t have any confidence at all, the strength gap is too big!”

“Yes, although my Hang brothers and Son Goku are both good at strength, this Guanyin is a big brother at the level of Da Luo Jinxian!”

“I can only say that Brother Hang’s card face is relatively large, right? Other explorers have stayed well in the mortal world. Even if they encounter a few monsters and ghosts by chance, they may not be able to deal with it. But I’m dealing with big guys at the level of Guanyin Bodhisattva!”

“Sure enough, the two of them are not the opponents of this Guanyin!”

“It’s here, it still feels familiar, it still smells familiar, my Hang Ge’s Xuanyuan Sword is dispatched!”

“Awesome, this Xuanyuan Sword’s special effect 633.yyds, even the Guanyin Bodhisattva was suppressed, and he couldn’t turn over!”

Sure enough, “Aren’t they worthy of being the God King of Asgard, an artifact specially made by people?

“Wait, this Guanyin’s Yang willow branch can actually lift Xuanyuanjian?”

“So? The Yang willow branches in Guanyin’s hands are not worth less than Yu Hang’s Xuanyuan sword?”

“My Hang-ge ran away, and even Xuanyuanjian lost it!”

“No way, no matter how valuable Xuanyuanjian is, it can’t match his own life!?”

“Son Goku’s magical powers of heaven and earth are even greater!”

“It’s awesome, I just picked up the entire Huaguo Mountain!”

“With such a strong strength, it was actually crushed in front of Guanyin, so the existence of Da Luo Jinxian is indeed terribly strong!”

“My Brother Hang’s mirror space was activated, and the entire Huaguo Mountain was installed in the mirror space. Now, even if the Guanyin Bodhisattva wants to find it, it won’t be that easy, right?

After all, “Magic and mythology are the power of two completely different systems!”

In the Longguo live broadcast room, many viewers also followed Lou Hang’s perspective and stared at the live broadcast!

On the one hand, it was shocked by the power of Guanyin Bodhisattva’s great Luo Jinxian!

On the one hand, it was also shocked by the ability of Son Goku!

Finally, I also look forward to the mirroring space of Lou Hang, can it play a miraculous effect?.

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