Chapter 519: I’m Sorry

“Great King, Second King, are you back!?”

On the Huaguoshan side, the old white ape watched the portal open, and then Son Goku and Lou Hang walked out and shouted with joy!

“Hurry up, gather all the monkey grandchildren, ready to move!” Lou Hang said, toward the old white ape.

“This, yes, King!”

Looking at Lou Hang’s eager look, and then at Son Goku’s injured appearance, Old White Ape’s face changed drastically, and he knew that it was not the time to ask so many questions.

He immediately nodded, and then quickly greeted all the monkey grandchildren of Huaguoshan to come home, don’t stay outside!

“Brother Xian, it will be a matter of time before the mother-in-law Guanyin breaks free from your sword. When she chases from South Blue, where are we going?”

Son Goku looked at a translucent blood hole on his monkey paw, and his heart was also solemn!

“Six Three Three”

However, these physical pains are now nothing.

The main thing is how to avoid the pursuit of Guanyin!

“Brother, do you have magical powers to move mountains?” Lou Hang asked Son Goku, looking at him!

Lou Hang remembers that Son Goku has such magical powers.

Moreover, the Five Finger Mountain in the original book could not hold down Son Goku.

What really suppresses Son Goku is actually the Buddha’s post of Tathagata Buddha.

“Move the mountain? You mean, move the entire Huaguoshan away!?”

Son Goku understood the meaning of Lou Hang, and when he heard the words, he looked at Lou Hang in surprise and asked!

“Yes, it is true!” Lou Hang nodded heavily after hearing this!

“Well, although my grandson does have the ability to move the entire Huaguo Mountain, if you move Huaguo Mountain, don’t even want to escape the pursuit of Guanyin!” Son Goku followed!

“Then it’s okay!”

Listening to what Son Goku said, Lou Hang said: “Our goal is not to move Huaguo Mountain to how far away, but to hide!”

“This, okay, my grandson understands!” Listening to Lou Hang’s words, Son Goku nodded!

Although I still don’t understand the meaning of Lou Hang, Son Goku still trusts Lou Hang very much.

Since Lou Hang said so, just do it yourself!

With the cultivation of Guanyin Bodhisattva’s great Luojing, it is possible to chase him at any time.

Therefore, Son Goku also urged the monkey grandchildren of Huaguoshan!

Seeing all the monkey grandchildren rushed back to Huaguo Mountain for the first time, Son Goku took a deep breath.

After that, the magical powers of the heavens and the earth of one’s own law were used again!

And this time, Son Goku’s law of heaven and earth has become unprecedentedly huge!

With the blue sky on top of the head and the foot on the ground, even the white clouds are only on Son Goku’s chest!

Although the increase in strength is not much compared to before.

However, this body shape alone shocked everyone!

Then, Son Goku bent over, stretched out his arms to embrace the huge Huaguo Mountain.

With a loud shout, the sound was like thunder, and then, the entire mountain range of Huaguoshan was directly moved by Son Goku!

“It’s not bad, with the eldest brother’s ability, it should be no problem to move a flower and fruit mountain!”

Looking at Son Goku’s methods, Lou Hang really felt that way!

Don’t say that it is Son Goku’s cultivation and supernatural powers. In the world of green snakes, when Bai Suzhen and Xiaoqing in the original work were about to flood the Jinshan Temple, Fahai directly wrapped the mountain range of Jinshan Temple with his own whisk.

Then, I took the whole mountain and flew together!

Although the mountain range of the Huaguo Mountain is much larger than the peak where the Jinshan Temple is located.

But in the same way, Son Goku’s cultivation base and magical powers are not comparable to Fahai!

“Virtuous brother, what’s next?” Son Goku hugged Huaguoshan under the huge magical powers, and at the same time, he asked!

A monkey paw, the wound is dripping with blood!

Brother “Just hold on and go forward!” Lou Hang shouted to Son Goku!

When the voice fell, Lou Hang also mobilized all the power in his body, raising his hand a little forward!

Then, the space in front of Son Goku shattered like a mirror!

This is Lou Hang’s trick of mirroring space!

In order to allow the entire Huaguo Mountain to enter, Lou Hang can be considered as a fight this time, and the entrance to the mirror space is very large!

Then, Son Goku hugged the huge Huaguo Mountain and walked into the mirrored space like this!

After entering the mirror space, Son Goku slowly put the Huaguoshan down!

There was a loud rumbling, and then Huaguo Mountain settled steadily on the ground.

At the same time, Lou Hang waved his hand and lifted the entrance of the mirror space!

“Brother Xian, what place is this!?”

Son Goku also released his magical powers, looked around everything in this mirrored space, and asked Lou Hang differently!

“The mirrored space can be regarded as a crack in the space, the real world can be reflected in, but the situation inside will not affect the actual display at all!”

Lou Hang spoke, and briefly introduced the situation of this mirrored space!

“So, that is to say, it is safe for us to hide here, right!?

Son Goku asked Lou Hang, seemingly understanding!

What is the situation, this is not important, the important thing is whether you are safe enough!

In the long term, “I don’t know, at least for a short time, it should be safe!” Lou Hang replied after hearing Son Goku’s words!

Although this mirrored space is in the magic system, it is not that high and deep…

However, this is a completely different force from the mythological system after all.

Lou Hang also felt that it should not be so easy for Guanyin Bodhisattva to find himself hiding in the mirror space!

At the South Blue Purple Bamboo Forest, a huge sky sword was pressed on the body of Guanyin Bodhisattva.

This kind of treasure inlaid with laws is really a valuable existence!

Even if it is his own cultivation base of Da Luo Jinxian, it is not enough to fight against the power of the law!

However, fortunately, his own willow branches are nothing ordinary.

3.2 After spending some time, Guanyin finally lifted the huge Xuanyuan Sword.

Then I looked at the Xuanyuan Sword that fell on the ground.This kind of treasure is my own trophy, so let’s stay in the Zizhu Forest first!

After tidying up his appearance, there was no problem.The Guanyin Bodhisattva erected auspicious clouds and quickly rushed towards the direction of Huaguo Mountain!

The way Lou Hang and Son Goku left was indeed amazing.

But as the saying goes, if you can run, the monk can’t run the temple!

If you go to Huaguoshan by yourself, there is nothing wrong with it!

With the cultivation of Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva’s great Luo Jinxian, naturally he will soon arrive at Huaguo Mountain!

However, after arriving at Huaguo Mountain, Guanyin Bodhisattva looked dumbfounded!

Where is Huaguoshan?

Is that big Huaguo Mountain gone?

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