Chapter 502: The most sleek Son Goku in history

For Lou Hang, Son Goku is naturally trusted.

Although he is a brother, he is the elder brother, but in the final analysis, it seems that the virtuous brother Lou Hang is more helpful to his elder brother, right?

For example, at the beginning, he defeated the Hunshi Demon King and helped the entire Huaguo Mountain.

For another example, the acquisition of Dinghai Shenzhen was also taken by Lou Hang!

Therefore, for Lou Hang, Son Goku is very trusted.

Since he had taught himself not to serve in the Heavenly Court early, naturally, Son Goku refused!

“You, what are you talking about? Your lord, are you not going?”

Taibaijinxing was stunned, looked at Son Goku in disbelief, and could hardly believe his ears!

The Jade Emperor personally recruited him to take up the post, what kind of honor is this?

But, Son Goku actually refused?

“Oh, Lao Bai, it’s not that my grandson doesn’t want to go, it’s really the monkey grandsons of Huaguoshan who can’t worry about it!

“Lao Bai, don’t you know. In the past few years when my grandson went to sea to study art, I was not at home. What happened to my monkey grandchildren being bullied? This makes my grandson feel distressed even now Now!”

“So, you thank the Jade Emperor for my kindness.”

“By the way, the Jade Emperor is rich in the Three Realms, and my grandson has nothing to do with it. Just some monkey wine brewed by the children is a specialty of my Huaguoshan. You take two altars, how much more Shao, it can be regarded as a little apology from my grandson!”

Son Goku said these words, making Taibai Jinxing open his mouth, and he couldn’t say it at all when he wanted to reprimand it!

How do you say this?

It’s like someone is pulling outside to make a lot of money, but they can’t let go of their children.

It is said that when I left home before, the children were very pitiful.

In terms of work and family, others just choose family.

Can this be said that others are wrong? I can only say that 540 people have their own ambitions!?

Besides, in order to apologize, Son Goku also took out two jars of monkey wine.

Although the value is indeed not worth a lot of money, this attitude is really hard to fault!

“My lord, are you really sure? Don’t think about it anymore!?”

A little helpless, after a moment of silence, Taibai Jinxing could only ask one more question without giving up!

“My old grandson has already figured it out clearly, Lao Bai, I’m so embarrassed to let you run for nothing!” Son Goku nodded and said to Taibai Jinxing!

“So, then I won’t force it anymore!”

With a long sigh, in the end, Taibai Jinxing took the two jars of monkey wine from Son Goku, turned and left Huaguoshan!

However, when flying into the air, Taibai Jinxing couldn’t help but look back at Huaguo Mountain!

Well, it is worthy of the Jade Emperor’s fancy person. Although it is a demon monkey in the lower realm, it really makes people unable to fault it in all aspects of dealing with people and things.

With such ability and means, if nothing else, this monkey named Son Goku, surely his future achievements will never be bad, right!?

Slightly shook his head. This was the first time Taibai Jinxing sent a decree to send someone to serve as an official in the heavenly court. Some people actually refused.

After clearing up his emotions, Taibai Jinxing turned and went to Revolving Heaven!

At this time, in the heavenly court, the Jade Emperor also closed the image on his Clear Sky Mirror, his face was very weird!

Regarding the situation of Son Goku, the Jade Emperor also knows a little bit.

And Son Goku’s character is also roughly understood!

However, when Taibai Jinxing went to Huaguo Mountain, he actually hit a wall?

This made the Jade Emperor feel very strange.

Logically (bddc), if he ordered Son Goku to go to heaven, he should be happy, right?

Unexpectedly, I refused, and what I didn’t expect is that Son Goku’s life is so smooth?

Is this still Son Goku?

There is really a wave of doubt in the heart of the Jade Emperor!

However, the same situation is still true.Although Son Goku’s situation is unexpected, but these things, let Buddhism go to the headache, just watch the drama by yourself!

“Well, not bad, this Goku’s comprehension ability is not bad!”

Hiding in the dark, Lou Hang watched with his own eyes how Son Goku sent Taibai Jinxing away, and nodded silently in his heart.

It seems that it is still useful to force Son Goku to do exercises these days.

Isn’t this? At the critical moment, he made the right choice, even better than he thought!

That sincere reason is hard to refute.

Especially in the end, he even took out two jars of monkey wine as a compensation, which is even more of a stroke of God!

To be honest, the unruly monkey in the original book was actually taught so smoothly by himself, Lou Hang still has a sense of accomplishment in his heart!

“Damn, is this still Son Goku? It’s blinding my 24K titanium alloy dog ​​eyes!”

“Yeah, isn’t this Son Goku’s temperament all straightforward? Now, it is actually more sleek than the people who have been in the society for decades, can you believe this!?”

“Your focus, isn’t it right? The most important thing is that Hang Ge gave Son Goku the exercises. Did you expect someone to invite Son Goku to become an official?”

“Oh, yes, I originally thought that these exercises were just teaching Son Goku how to behave in the world, but now it seems that it really seems that Hangge has predicted what will happen in advance!?”

“Well, this is a bit scary to think about it, is it possible that in the future flat peach festivals, such as the palm of the Buddha, these things will also happen!?”

“What’s even more terrifying is that Hang’s calculation ability has long been the world’s best. That’s right, but, Hang, can even calculate the things of the gods in the sky?”

“That’s right, even the gods in the sky, even the Buddha, can’t escape Brother Hang’s calculation? This is indeed a bit scary!

In the Long Guo live broadcast room, because Lou Hang was hiding in secret watching the contact between Son Goku and Taibai Jinxing.

Therefore, through Lou Hang’s perspective, these Dragon Kingdom audiences also know how Son Goku responds.

This made the atmosphere of the audience in the live broadcast room a little blown up!

Of course, the more important thing is that Lou Hang had expected this matter a long time ago?

Lou Hang’s ability to calculate the future can even be calculated by a big man like Tathagata Buddha?

If this is the case, then his calculation ability is simply a super bug!

Let’s not say what the audience thinks of the Dragon Kingdom!

After Lou Hang looked at the specific situation, he felt that Son Goku’s performance was quite good.

Immediately, Lou Hang returned to the water curtain cave and continued his practice!

Nowadays, the difference between the development of things and the original work written by Saiyu has become bigger.

I don’t know, what will the next Jade Emperor do?

Lou Hang is a little curious!

At the Great Leiyin Temple, the Tathagata Buddha sits on the lotus platform, wandering beyond the sky.

Suddenly, there was a slight movement in my heart, and I felt something in my heart, and opened his eyes.

Immediately, concentrate on the calculation!

In my own situation, since my heart is touched, then something must have happened!?

In this way, after spending a while, Tathagata Buddha understood it in his heart.

Turns out, it was Son Goku who had a deviation!?

This makes Buddha Tathagata feel puzzled!

It stands to reason that, according to the original plan, the main responsibility for Son Goku’s situation is still the heavenly court, right?

However, something went wrong with Son Goku?

So, after a long period of time, Tathagata Buddha was a little dumbfounded!

It turned out that it was Son Goku who actually rejected God’s appointment not long ago!?

How is it possible? As a monster, Son Goku doesn’t want to be a fairy?

This should be the identity that all monsters want!?

It seems that the situation has really changed!

The mind moved slightly, a ray of mind of the Buddha, left the Daleiyin Temple, and came to the heaven.

There is not too much nonsense, the divine mind and the jade emperor’s divine mind intersect.

Soon, Tathagata Buddha understood the situation!

The plan is indeed proceeding according to the original plan, but Son Goku is very different from what was originally expected!

In addition, these differences, bright or dark, all point to a mysterious guy, a mysterious guy named Lou Hang!

What’s even more frightening is that this Lou Hang is a god in the heavens, and there is even an elixir that can prove his identity.

However, the Jade Emperor said that he did not recognize Lou Hang.

This is indeed a matter of extreme contemplation!

“Could it be that there are really god-tier experts, do you want to intervene in this westward thing!?”

I calculated it for a while, and in the end, I couldn’t calculate anything about the situation of Lou Hang, which made the Tathagata Buddha’s heart also muttered secretly!

If this is the case, then this matter is more troublesome than I thought!

“Amitabha, please come to Da Lei Yin Temple!”

In this way, after a moment of silence, the Tathagata Buddha directly transmitted his voice to the South Blue Zizhu Forest!

Obtaining the Tathagata Buddha’s transmission, Guanyin got up for the first time and came to Da Leiyin Temple!

“I have seen the World-Honored One!” In front of Tathagata Buddha, Guanyin bowed his head slightly to show respect!

“Avalokitesvara, this westward journey to learn the scriptures is mainly planned by you. Now, there is something wrong with Son Goku!”

If I look at Xiang Guanyin, I immediately speak and tell Guanyin Bodhisattva everything that happened to Son Goku!

“Lou Hang? Son Goku actually refused God’s appointment!? Even the East Blue Dragon King voluntarily gave the Dinghai Shenzhen needle to Son Goku? “After hearing this, the face of Guanyin Bodhisattva also showed a solemn color!

“Avalokitesvara, so, please go to Huaguoshan and see how sacred this is called Lou Hang!”

After telling some questions about Son Goku, Tathagata Buddha followed!

“Yes, Buddha!”

Although I also know that this situation is very difficult.

However, dealing with problems is not an escape.

Guanyin nodded, got up and went to Huaguo Mountain!

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