Chapter 501: I, Son Goku, don’t go to the heaven as an official

The Jade Emperor thought things were very strange!

It stands to reason that the position of immortal official, only oneself can be entrusted!?

However, some people can bypass themselves and give others a star official!?

So, where is this person sacred!?

Since Shui De Xingjun has personally checked that the immortal is indeed true, then it is impossible to fake it!

After all, in the ages, I have never heard of anyone whose fairy medicine can be faked!

In addition, the star officer named Lou Hang has become a worship brother with Son Goku!?

He even became the second king of Huaguo Mountain!?

It seems that there is really a big boss who has intervened in the layout of the westbound learning!?

Shui Dexing looked at the jade Emperor’s contemplative look, so naturally he didn’t dare to bother him!

At the same time, Lord Shui Dexing’s head was buried very low.

Looking at the appearance of His Majesty the Jade Emperor, it seems that he doesn’t know Lou Hang.

Then this matter, you can think carefully about it!

Forget it, this matter is far from being qualified to ask about it, so Lord Shui Dexing buried his head and pretended not to know anything!

“Well, this thing, you did a good job, let’s go on!”

After thinking about it for a while, the Jade Emperor felt that since it was really a matter of god-tier practitioners intervening in the west to learn the scriptures, the person who should have a headache was Xitian Buddhism, not himself.

Therefore, if I didn’t understand it, the Jade Emperor didn’t have any more thoughts, and with an attitude of watching the changes, he waved to Lord Shui Dexing!

“Yes, Your Majesty!”

What was waiting for was the words of the Jade Emperor.When he heard that he could finally leave, Lord Shui Dexing hurriedly nodded in response, and immediately got up, and soon left the Jade Emperor’s palace!

Come, “Go and inform Taibai Jinxing to come over!” After Shui De Xingjun left, he muttered for a moment, and the Jade Emperor followed!

There is a voice from the heavenly soldiers next to him, please go and invite Taibaijinxing!

After a while, Taibai Jinxing, who was standing upstairs, came to the Jade Emperor and knelt down.

Aiqing “Flat yourself!” Before Taibai Jinxing knelt down, the Jade Emperor waved his hand, indicating that Taibai Jinxing didn’t need to kneel!

“That’s it, few people have heard that there is a mountain of flowers and fruits in the Aolai Kingdom of Dongsheng Shenzhou, and Yamanaka has a monkey king with great magical powers. Therefore, Taibai, you will go to the lower realm. Please Son Goku to go to heaven!” The emperor said!

Although the situation has changed a bit, without East Blue Dragon King and Qin Guang King suing the imperial court, it would not be considered safe.

However, you can also send him directly to heaven.

As long as the final result has not changed, other details are not too important!

“Yes, Your Majesty!”

Listening to what the Jade Emperor said, Taibai Jinxing whispered secretly in his heart, I don’t know what a fortune this is called the Monkey King, and he can actually make the Jade Emperor speak in person.

After receiving the will, Taibai Jinxing went to the lower realm!

Mortal, Huaguoshan!

Lou Hang is still practicing, and with Son Goku’s guidance, Lou Hang’s cultivation is getting deeper and deeper.

The original cultivation base of about 7000 years is now close to the point of 8000 years!

It can be seen how terrible the progress of Lou Hang’s practice recently!

However, think about the cultivation of Son Goku, from an ordinary monkey to the present situation, it has only been a few short years?

Thinking of the growth rate of Son Goku, Lou Hang felt for a while, it seemed that his growth rate was nothing!

King “, two kings, the gods in the sky are here again!”

After a while, a little monkey, shouting loudly, entered the water curtain hole!

“Brother Xian, another god is coming to you!” When he heard this, Son Goku said a little tastefully!

He had come to understand, even though he was the eldest brother, and his cultivation base was even higher.

However, it seems that it is better to use the face of Xian brother Lou Hang on the outside!

It’s like although he is handsome and rich, but other ordinary male voices are more popular with girls?

This, no matter who it is, will find it difficult to balance the mentality!?

“No, Dao Wang, this time the immortal is here to find you!” Listening to Son Goku’s words, Lou Hang hasn’t answered yet, but the little monkey next to him couldn’t help but rushed to fight Masamichi!

“Oh? Are you here to find my grandson?” Son Goku was taken aback when he heard the little monkey’s words, and his expression was overwhelming!

It’s not easy, did the gods in the sky finally come to him once?

As if the brothers finally got back a round, Son Goku said happily, and then hurriedly ran outside the water curtain cave!

“Wait, big brother!” But when he watched Son Goku run outside the Shuiliandong, Lou Hang spoke and stopped him for the time being!

After that, he asked the little monkey: “What kind of gods come from the sky? Is it the one from the last time?”

“Second King, not the one from last time. This time an old god with gray hair and beard came. He said he was called by himself, what is his name? What star

At the end, the little monkey scratched his head.

Obviously, what is the name of the god, for a while, I can’t remember it at all!

“Are you Taibaijinxing?” Lou Hang asked, seeing Zhuang!

“Yes, yes, yes, it’s called Taibaijinxing!” The little monkey nodded and said with a look of approval!

“Sure enough, it seems that the Jade Emperor is forcibly recruiting security!?

After confirming that the coming fairy is Taibaijinxing, Lou Hang’s expression became more serious!

“Big brother, don’t forget the questions that Hyun has given you these days!” Then, Lou Hang said to Son Goku!

“Don’t worry, my grandson understands!” Son Goku nodded and said.

Seeing that Lou Hang had nothing else to explain, Son Goku turned around and left the Water Curtain Cave directly!

At the same time, in the heavenly court, the Jade Emperor seemed to be more curious about the situation on Huaguo Mountain.

Therefore, his mind moved slightly, and his companion magic weapon Haotian Mirror was taken out!

Gently waved his hand to the mirror, and then, on the mirror, an image appeared.

It is the situation of Taibai Jinxing on the side of Huaguoshan!

Seeing the sight of Huaguo Mountain, the Jade Emperor nodded in satisfaction!

So, sure enough, I still have to look at it with my own eyes, and I can truly rest assured!

At this time, Taibai Jinxing has reached Huaguo Mountain!

Very good, let’s take a look at what is going on with that Monkey King now!

By the way, there is also the one named Lou Hang, I don’t know if he can see it in this Haotian Mirror!?

The Jade Emperor whispered secretly in his heart, and at the same time, he was refreshed!

In Huaguo Yamanaka, at this time, Son Goku has come to Taibaijinxing!

Don’t say it, the old god, the appearance of the bones of the Taibaijinxing Xianfeng Dao bone is a bit better than the appearance of the Shuishi Xingjun!

“Old god, it’s polite!”

In recent days, Lou Hang’s subtle ability is still good. After seeing Taibai Jinxing, Son Goku came forward to see him!

“The Monkey King is polite!” Taibai Jinxing looked at Son Goku with a humble and polite appearance, not as rude as other monsters, and silently nodded. ,

Secretly muttering in my heart, it’s no wonder that His Majesty Jade Emperor can see him, and at the same time, he also paid a gift!

“By the way, old god, come to Huaguoshan to find out what’s wrong with my grandson!?”

After the two parties saw the ceremony, Son Goku asked the little demon under his hand to greet melon and fruit, and asked Taibai Jinxing!

“My lord, you really have a great fortune!”

Listening to Son Goku’s inquiry, Taibai Jinxing had the expression that you won the super special prize, and said: “I came to the lower realm today because your majesty has heard of your name, so I specially asked the old lower realm to call you to heaven. Become a fairy!”

“Oh? The Jade Emperor is here, let you invite my old grandson to go to heaven as an official!?” Hearing this, Son Goku’s eyes lit up, and he said happily!

“Yes, that’s true!” With Son Goku’s joyful expression, Taibai Jinxing looked in his eyes and nodded silently at the same time!

His reaction can be said to be reasonable!

“You mean, the name of my grandson, the Jade Emperor has heard of it!?” Then, Son Goku asked again!

“Yes, if you haven’t heard of it, how can your majesty let me in the lower realm, come and recruit the king to go to heaven!” Taibai Jinxing continued to nod and replied!

“Hahaha…” Hearing what Taibai Jinxing said, Son Goku’s face showed a very happy expression!

Unexpectedly, even the Jade Emperor had heard of my grandson’s name!

This can be said, but it is really a matter of face!?

For a long time, I felt that my cards seemed to be inferior to that of Hyundi Lou Hang. Now, I really want to let Lou Hang Hyundi come and have a look in person.

Let him see, in fact, he is also very prestigious.

Isn’t this? Even the Jade Emperor has heard of his prestige, and then, specially let the gods go to the lower realm, please go to heaven by yourself!

“My lord, it shouldn’t be too late, you should take a break and go to heaven with the old man!”

Let Son Goku be happy for a while, and then, Taibai Jinxing said to Sun (Li Le Zhao) Goku again!

“Not bad, it should be!” Son Goku’s spirit was shocked!

That’s true. Since the Jade Emperor personally asked him to go to heaven to become an official, then just go!

Moreover, Son Goku is also very curious, I don’t know what kind of immortal position the Jade Emperor will give him if he goes to Heavenly Court?

Nodding his head, Son Goku was about to speak and inform the monkey grandchildren.

Let them wait at home, obey the order of the second king, and go to the heaven to explore the way first.

Once you have a firm foothold in the Heavenly Court, when that time comes, bring these monkeys and grandchildren together to live in the Heavenly Court!

However, before Son Goku could speak, the words came to his lips, but they suddenly stopped!

In Son Goku’s mind he remembered these few days, Lou Hang had almost bombarded himself with exercises!

Among them, isn’t there a question that happens to be, if someone comes to ask yourself to be an official, how should you answer it?

After thinking about it, Son Goku remembered it!

The answer to the exercise seems to be to express gratitude to yourself, and then think of another reason, right?

So, after thinking for a moment, Son Goku said: “Thank you, His Majesty Jade Emperor, for your favor, and also thank Taibai Jinxing for running this trip, but my grandson can’t let go of these monkeys and grandchildren, so I decided not to go to Heaven. Take a post!” Xun,

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