Chapter 469: The Devil

“Has Bai Suzhen already given birth? And, the one born is a human child!?”

On the side of Jueitaang, Lou Hang heard the news that Fahai had reported back to him, nodded slightly, and said nothing!

The two green and white snakes have left the mainland, are they going to live in the sea?

After thinking about it, Lou Hang felt that this might not be a good ending!

After all, Bai Suzhen in the original book is also dead!

Although Xu Xian is now dead, it may not be unacceptable for Bai Suzhen to live with a child!

“It’s just that Xiaoqing also left, how are you feeling?” Lou Hang looked at Fahai and asked after a moment of silence!

“Mood? It can only be regarded as a pity!” Hearing this, Fa Hai shook his head and said, looking like he didn’t care!

“Well, good, you go and rest!” Lou Hang didn’t say much, looking at the appearance of the sea!

After nodding slightly, Lou Hang continued to sit cross-legged, laying the dragon veins across his legs.

With the help of the power of luck, Lou Hang’s cultivation base has been improved very fast, and his cultivation base is constantly accumulating!

On the other side, after two consecutive missions, Fahai felt a little tired physically and mentally.

I returned to my Zen room, sat on the futon “Four Zero Zero”, and sank my mind!

When Lou Hang asked himself, he didn’t show anything unusual.

However, Fahai himself knew that he was not in the right mood!

So, sitting cross-legged, I don’t know how long it took.

Suddenly, his own Zhong Meng hit Xiaoqing fiercely, and the picture of Xiaoqing vomiting blood came to mind again.

And this kind of picture appeared in his mind, which made Fa Hai’s heart awake, and the whole person was awakened from the state of cultivation!

Touched his forehead, there was a thin layer of sweat on the bald forehead!

And this also made Fahai’s face very ugly!

It is also fortunate that Xiaoqing was only seriously injured before and did not die.

“I, do you already have a heart demon?” Fa Hai muttered softly in his mouth, standing up from his futon!

Originally, I was with Xiaoqing, the purpose was just to let her help her practice, that’s all!

However, before she knew it, did Xiaoqing seem to be getting heavier and heavier in her heart?


At this moment, suddenly, on the futon where Fahai had just sat on, a large raging flame was burning!

After looking back, Fa Hai’s face was even more ugly!

“Never picked it up, how can I put it down? But now I have picked it up without knowing it, but if I put it down, what should I do?”

Staring at his own futon, watching it slowly burn out, Fa Hai’s heart is secretly pondering!

When he didn’t pick it up, Fahai wanted to pick it up, because only if he really picked it up would he be qualified to put it down.

Only oneself is qualified to go further in cultivation and attain Bodhi!

But now, I don’t know when I have picked it up, and I want to put it down again, it seems that I can’t put it down!

Xiaoqing just left, not dead yet.

However, I was already reluctant in my heart, and I couldn’t even calm down in my practice?

“No, I still have to find a way to get Xiaoqing back!”

So, after a moment of silence, Fahai felt that he had to tie the bell to untie the bell.

If I don’t get Xiaoqing back, I don’t know when I can continue my practice!

Don’t say it’s how bad the situation on Fahai’s side is!

At the same time, on a small island in South Blue, after Qing Bai Er came to the small island of Snake, he had decided to settle down at this point!

On this day, Xiaoqing transformed into a human form, sitting on a large rock on the island, looking into the distance, and didn’t know what he was thinking!

After a while, the sound of footsteps sounded, and immediately, Bai Suzhen’s figure came to Xiao Qing’s side, and sat down by her side!

“Sister, how are you?” Looking back at Bai Suzhen, Xiao Qing asked!

“After conditioning for a while, my mana has been slowly recovering, and I must be healed in ten and a half days!” Bai Suzhen replied!

Having said that, after a slight pause, Bai Suzhen asked Xiaoqing again, “What about you? How is your injury?”

In the past, for the sake of herself, Xiao Qing’s body directly blocked the attack of Zhong Meng and was severely injured.Bai Suzhen also knew this!

“It’s okay, my injury has recovered six to seventy percent!” Xiaoqing also replied!

“That monk, seems to be the one with you?” After another moment of silence, Bai Suzhen asked!

“Yes, at the time, he asked me to help him who is a spiritual practitioner!”

The topic between women is much bolder than that of men, and Xiaoqing is not as embarrassed.

“It seems that you helped him very well. I think that monk cares about you!” Bai Suzhen said after thinking of Fahai’s reaction when Xiaoqing was injured!

“That is, with my charm, once you go out, even the eminent monk can’t control yourself!

Listening to Bai Suzhen’s words, it occurred to me that she had successfully deceived Fahai before, and the two sisters had successfully escaped.

Xiaoqing raised her head slightly, and said with a very contented expression!

“Indeed, the monk didn’t hold it, Xiao Qing, your charm is indeed not bad!” Bai Suzhen nodded, following Xiao Qing’s words, saying in agreement!

But, at this point, Bai Suzhen paused slightly, and then said: “But, I’m afraid Xiaoqing, you didn’t hold it!”

“How is it possible?” Xiaoqing shook his head after hearing this, with a face of disapproval!

“Sister, I’m here, can I still not understand? Actually, that monk has left an important position in your heart. You are not very interested in these few days. My sister is in the eye! Bai Suzhen” Speak!

“This… listened to my sister, Xiao Qing thought for a while, indeed, her mood these days really doesn’t seem to be very good!

“I want to come, because the human world is too lively, and I suddenly left. I don’t think I’m used to it!”

However, after being so silent for a while, Xiao Qing answered with such a word.

In her opinion, it should be so right!

“You, you, don’t deceive yourself anymore!”

However, for Xiaoqing, Bai Suzhen completely saw her through, and shook her head and said to Xiaoqing!

By the way, it happened that the cry of the baby next to him rang out.

It was his child who woke up.

Bai Suzhen stood up and walked in the direction of the child. At the same time, she said to Xiaoqing: “My current mana has also recovered 60 to 70%. If you want to go back, Xiao Qing, you go back!

“Go back?” Xiaoqing whispered in her mouth after hearing this!

To be honest, thinking of going back to the human world and thinking that he can walk in the human world openly, the corners of Xiao Qing’s mouth raised slightly, revealing a joyful smile!

It’s just that I have already betrayed the Church of Elimination of Evil, and I have died in my own hands.

Such a sin is not something you can go back if you want to go back!

Thinking of this, Xiaoqing sighed silently in her heart, and said nothing more!

Although there are thoughts of going back, but at the Anti-Evil Hall, I can’t go back anymore!

Shaking his head, and stopped talking, Xiao Qing also stood up, turned around and prepared to tease his little nephew!

However, at this moment, a figure in the sky, bathed in the radiant and golden Buddha light, had already flown towards this deserted island!

Soon, this figure fell down on the desert island!

This is a King Kong wearing a golden armor!”

Huh? There is a monster!? Landing on this small island, the face of the guardian King Kong changed slightly, and he shouted.

Immediately, he walked straight towards Bai Suzhen and Xiao Qing!

“Well, you two snake monsters, you are so bold, dare to come to this dojo!” Seeing the two blue and white snakes, the guardian King Kong said with a sad face!

“You nonsense, who can prove that this island belongs to you!?”

Listening to the words of the guardian vajra, how can Xiaoqing next to him stand it? He shouted at the guardian vajra in angrily!

Yes, in Xiaoqing’s view, although the scenery on this small island is good, there is no trace of anyone living here at all.

The other party said abruptly that this island belongs to him? How could Xiaoqing stand it!

“Huh, Hugh, that’s nonsense, you originally belonged to this island!!

Hearing this, the guardian King Kong snorted!


Bai Suzhen, who was next to him, seemed to see the power of the guardian King Kong, and hurriedly grabbed him, shook her head seriously at her, and signaled her not to speak any more!

3.2 At the same time, Bai Suzhen took two steps forward, with a gentle appearance, and said: “Master Kongo, sorry, we don’t know that this island already has a master, so it’s offensive, our two sisters Yes, leave now, please don’t blame it!”

“Sister, the two of us, what are you afraid of him!?” Xiao Qing’s face changed after hearing her own sister apologize, and she hurriedly asked Bai Suzhen!

However, Bai Suzhen didn’t pay attention to Xiaoqing’s words, but looked at this guardian King Kong seriously!

Bai Suzhen has cultivated for thousands of years, and she can see that the guardian vajra in front of her is not an ordinary person, but a person among immortals and Buddhas.

And he should be the guardian vajra of Leiyin Temple in Xitian! This is the righteous immortal Buddha, not comparable to those immortal emperors in the heavens!

“Well, you have a good attitude of admitting your mistakes. It’s just that, as a monster, you dare to trespass into the dojo of your seat. In fact, if you just apologize, you can open the two of them!?”

The guardian King Kong nodded slightly, and immediately said with an angry expression on his face!

After the words fell, he looked at Xiaoqing next to him, and said, “Well, don’t say that this seat is unreasonable. Today, you two, you only need to leave one and you can go!”

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