Chapter 468: I’m Sorry

As the saying goes, Long swims to the sea!

Although Bai Suzhen and Xiaoqing are not dragons, they are just snakes.

However, after entering the sea, I still feel very comfortable!

For so many years, Bai Suzhen has been taking care of Xiaoqing.

Now, after Bai Suzhen is pregnant, Xiaoqing is taking care of Bai Suzhen!

Moreover, two large snakes with a body length of more than 100 meters are swimming in the sea, and all creatures in the sea retreat when they see this size.

However, when these two snake monsters were swimming in the water and swimming towards the depths of the sea, in the sky, a voice flew quickly, it was Fahai!

Because she is one of the altar masters of the Anti-Evil Hall, Xiaoqing is still very clear about the division of forces in the Anti-Evil Hall.

It was the same. She knew that if she wanted to be safe, the best way was to leave the mainland and go to the depths of the sea.

After all, only the depths of the sea are now the areas that the forces of the Anti-Evil Hall cannot cover!

However, it didn’t take long for a figure to drop from the sky, blocking the path of the two green and white snakes!

“Fahai, have you come to see me?”

Looking at the falling figure, Xiao Qing turned into a human form, and a smile appeared on his face!

“Let me go back!” Fahai said with an iron face and an iron face selflessly!

“You enemy, I thought you were reluctant to come to see me, but I didn’t expect that you were here to deal with me!” Listening to Fahai’s words, Xiao Qing said with a grievance!

“I’ll say it again, you all follow me back!” Fahai’s expression remained unchanged, but he just emphasized it in his mouth!

“I won’t go back!”

However, Xiaoqing’s face was also very firm, and at the same time, she shook her head and said, “Fahai, you should know what the consequences will be if I go back, and what will be the consequences if my sister goes back. !”

These words silenced Fahai.

Indeed, if the two green and white snakes go back, what will be the consequences, Fa Hai is indeed very clear!

As the saying goes, in troubled times, we should use heavy codes. Nowadays, all monsters like the white snake are punishable!

And Xiaoqing’s situation is not much better. In order to help White Snake, she actually killed her colleagues in the Anti-Evil Hall.

This move is tantamount to betraying the entire anti-evil hall!

“Tongbei, you killed it?”

So, after a moment of silence, Fahai spoke!

“Yes, I killed it!” At this time, even denial is useless, Xiao Qing nodded.

“So, then I can’t let you go!” Fahai sighed silently, and Fahai raised Zhong Meng in his hands.

“It is said that one day the husband and wife will be graceful for a hundred days. I did not expect that I will die in your hands in the end!” Xiaoqing lowered his head, sobbing in a low voice!

“Mr. Lou Hang specially asked me to come here, it is considered to be enough face, and now, the whole anti-evil hall is staring at me!”

Fa Hai said, saying that he was also involuntarily!


However, just when Fahai felt guilty and explained this to Xiaoqing, the White Snake’s One Tail, a large wave of waves attacked Fahai!

At the same time, Xiaoqing even raised his hand and took out his double swords, and shot towards Fahai!

Unprepared, Fahai was hit by the waves and then stabbed in the shoulder blade by Xiaoqing’s sword.

“Dawei Tianlong, Blessed Earth-Zang, Prajna Buddhas, Diamond Flame!”

Fa Hai was shocked and angry when he was attacked unexpectedly.

Taking time, a large flame burned towards the two green and white snakes!

The battle has officially opened. In this sea, the waves are stirred up, and the two green and white snakes join forces. Compared with the land, the strength has been exerted by a hundred and two.

However, even if Fahai had been injured, he was the top monk in the world. The Buddhism god communicated with him and pressed towards the two green and white snakes.

On the contrary, it is one enemy and two, which can suppress Xiao Qing and Bai Suzhen!

In this way, under his suppression, the two snakes were suppressed, and it almost felt like they could not lift their heads!

In the blink of an eye, after dozens of moves, Xiaoqing felt a heavy pressure.

However, Bai Suzhen’s side has also turned into a human form, driving spells.

However, her movements became more and more sluggish, and even her spells became more and more difficult to control!

“Sister?” Clearly aware of Bai Suzhen’s strangeness, Xiao Qing turned her head and looked at her worriedly!

“Oops, me, I’m going to give birth!”

Bai Suzhen’s face became very ugly.

Although she has cultivated for thousands of years, Bai Suzhen has no experience in giving birth.

Therefore, in the situation of giving birth, she is now in a dazed state!

Doesn’t it mean that humans are all pregnant in October? But I, it’s only about seven months, is it about to give birth?

Or do you have a fetal gas?

Originally, Fahai’s strength was suppressed by the two green and white snakes. Now, Bai Suzhen is about to give birth, and this combat power can hardly be exerted.

Fa Hai is naturally stronger, and the Buddhist supernatural powers are displayed and suppressed!

After all, I have stayed with Fahai for a long time, Xiaoqing deeply understands the power of Fahai.

However, at this critical time, you can’t leave your sister to escape, right?

Xiaoqing looked completely mad, and fought back frantically towards Fahai!

“Xiaoqing, stop it, you know, you are not my opponent!”

Looking at Xiao Qing who launched an attack on him, Fa Hai frowned slightly, and at the same time, said to Xiao Qing earnestly!

However, Xiaoqing still didn’t care about Fahai’s intentions, and the attack was as powerful as one.

The fairy sword was in her hand, dancing imperviously, plus Fa Hai’s retention of hands, for a while, it actually dragged Fa Hai!

He spoke several times in a row to persuade Xiaoqing to stop, but Xiaoqing was in a desperate posture.

Gradually, Fahai lost his patience.

He glanced at Bai Suzhen next to him, raised the bowl in his hand, and smashed it towards Bai Suzhen!

How can Bai Suzhen, who is in production, escape this Fahai’s attack?

I can only watch that bowl, with a bitter power, smashing towards me!

“Sister!” Seeing Bai Suzhen’s current crisis, Xiaoqing next to him was shocked, and he flashed away to block the blow for Bai Suzhen!

Zhong Meng smashed Xiao Qing’s body fiercely, making her face pale as if gold paper instantly, and at the same time, a mouthful of blood came out in her mouth.

Even the sword in his hand fell down and slowly sank to the bottom of the sea!


Seeing Xiaoqing actually withstand her own attack, Fahai’s expression changed in amazement!

Fahai immediately landed next to Xiaoqing and copied her out of the sea!

His complexion was pale and terrifying, and the blood from the corners of his mouth was constantly flowing out, but Xiao Qing’s hand was firmly grasping Fa Hai’s clothes, not allowing him to deal with Bai Suzhen!

…For flowers…

“I, I’m about to die, you, you really can’t, can you let my sister go?” Xiaoqing’s voice is weak, and he looks like he is dead!

“You also know that if a person and a demon fall in love, there will never be a good result!” Fahai said with embarrassed expression!

“I, my sister has practiced for thousands of years, she, she has already cultivated as an adult, not just turning into an adult!” Xiaoqing said seriously!

At this moment, perhaps because seeing Xiaoqing being attacked by Fahai for her own sake, Bai Suzhen had actually given birth to her child.

Then, in her palm, she held a human-shaped baby!

“This, this is impossible!” Looking at the child in Bai Suzhen’s hands, who actually looked like a human being, Fa Hai widened his eyes and said in disbelief!

A monster that has been cultivating for many years, even if it has the ability to transform a human form, but it is absolutely impossible for a newborn child!

Originally, Fahai thought that Bai Suzhen might be born with a snake egg, and no matter how bad it was, it would also be a half-human, half-snake monster!


But, now, the child she gave birth to is really an individual?

This made Fahai dumbfounded.Is Bai Suzhen really a cultivator?

She, is she no longer a simple snake monster?

As a monster, if you want to truly cultivate as an adult, all aspects of hardship and opportunity are indispensable.

Fahai understands this very clearly!

But what? The Bai Suzhen in front of him actually succeeded?

Has he actually succeeded in cultivating himself into a human being?

“Look, my elder sister, she has really cultivated as an adult, and her child is also a human child. Could you please do something with this child?”

Seeing that Bai Suzhen’s mother and son are safe, Xiao Qing also breathed a sigh of relief!

“This, this… Fahai is lingering, I don’t know how to answer it for a while!

The cause of this whole thing was because Bai Suzhen and Xu Xian fell in love, and the love between this man and the demon was not allowed!

However, now Bai Suzhen has cultivated as an adult, and even the children born are all human beings.

The source is correct.

So, can I continue to shoot?


Just when Fahai’s mind was lost, Xiaoqing, who was in his arms, suddenly shot and stamped on Fahai’s chest.

After suffering this blow, Fahai’s figure was immediately imprisoned, making it difficult to move!

Then, Xiao Qing gave a sigh of relief, pulled Bai Suzhen and her child, and went to the bottom of the sea again, disappearing!

Even though Fahai’s cultivation base was only a short ten breaths, he had already recovered, shaking off the seal Xiaoqing had placed on him.

However, watching the sea calm down, it was Fahai, and for a while, he didn’t know where to go afterwards!

At the same time, Fahai shook his head a little dumbfounded!

At this time, where did Fahai not know that he was deceived?

Was Xiao Qing injured just after being attacked by his own Zhong Meng? That’s for sure!

Is the injury serious? That’s for sure!

But, if you want to say that one blow will kill you?

Obviously, Xiaoqing just now was deceiving herself!

By the way, I was really deceived by her appearance!

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