Chapter 455: The right way to open the dragon veins

Dragon veins are the vitality of China in Fengyun World.

In short, in addition to the dragon veins that can suppress the heart demon like in the original work, the most important thing is that it contains air luck.

Although dragon veins cannot directly increase combat effectiveness, what is Qi Luck?

That’s when you are practicing, if you have divine help!

That means turning bad times into good times, that means turning things into auspiciousness when you die, that means turning your wishes into success, and so on…

In short, a person with enough luck is the darling of heaven and earth!

In other words, why are so many protagonists in film and television dramas more powerful?

Isn’t it because of luck?

In other words, whoever has high enough luck can be like the protagonist, with the protagonist’s halo!

And now? Lou Hang actually left the dragon veins in the breasts of the horns in the storage space all the time, almost forgetting its existence.

This is not what the Pearl of Dust is!?

At the time Lou Hang was not strong enough in spirit, so it was difficult to understand the true role of the dragon veins.

But now, Lou Hang’s divine mind is strong enough, so he can perceive the greatest effect of this dragon vein!

In addition, there is the most important point, that is, why does the dragon vein beat this time?

Is it really to brush a wave of existence?

Actually not!

The main reason was that Longmai felt the land of China, where evildoers were overwhelming, and the world was chaotic.

That’s why there is a reaction!

Lou Hang’s spiritual thoughts poured into the dragon veins, and he quickly understood the reason!

Although the Shenzhou Qi Luck contained in this dragon vein is not of this world.


But as long as it is the luck of China, it can be combined with it!

Just like a car of the same model, the parts are universal, and the truth is the same!

And if it is to restore order and clarity to this chaotic Shenzhou land.

Then, the air fortune of this Shenzhou land will also increase, and correspondingly, the air fortune in the dragon veins will also increase!

“So? In short, I just want to make me turbulent and clear? Will this world be alive and well, so that I can get more luck?”

After taking a good look at the reason for this dragon vein vibration with his own divine mind, Lou Hang muttered in his heart secretly.

Naturally, I also understood the true meaning of this dragon vein!

If you think about it this way, Lou Hang thinks, it’s actually really messy!

Although it didn’t say what point it must be done.

However, as long as you can do your best to increase the luck of this Shenzhou land, you will gain a little more, right?

With this idea in mind, Lou Hang decided to do it!

Since it is to do it, of course it is impossible to do it alone!

After all, a person’s power is limited; one needs a group of powerful people who can help to do these things!

Naturally, Lou Hang’s mind is neutral and thinks of the people who can use it in the original book!

Fa Hai is the top priority, his own cultivation base is earth-shattering, and he is the abbot of Jinshan Temple. Whether it is personal strength or influence, he is of great help!

In addition, the spider spirit Zen Master Baiyun is also a monster of the Grandmaster Dharma, and can help!

There are white snakes and green snakes!

My purpose is to eliminate demons and defend the Tao, to turbid and clear, and to restore the luck of this Shenzhou land and increase!

Therefore, the human cultivator who can use it can use it, and the demon with a good heart can actually be used!

In this way, it can also reveal a signal to the monsters and monsters in the world!

My purpose is not simply to eradicate evil spirits, but to eradicate evil evil spirits!

With an idea in his mind, Lou Hang thought to himself.

An idea gradually became clear in Lou Hang’s mind!

Counting the days, fortunately, I have come into this world for less than a month, and in nearly a year, I can do what I can do!

After having an idea, Lou Hang’s primary goal is to find Fahai!

And if you want to find Fahai, naturally, you should go to Jinshan Temple!

Lou Hang flew directly with the sword and came to the Jinshan Temple!

“Amitabha, I have seen a layman!”

Seeing that Lou Hang was flying with the sword, the wise guest monk of Jinshan Temple immediately greeted him and greeted him respectfully.

“I know Master Fahai well, I don’t know, he is back!?” Lou Hang didn’t mean nonsense, and asked directly!

“Ju Shi Quan, our abbot has been traveling for more than two months, and we haven’t returned yet!” Upon hearing this, the Zhike monk replied!

“Then you should have a way to contact him? Could you please inform him, and say that I am concerned about major events in the world, and I want to discuss with him!” Lou Hang said!

“The layman, please come with me!” Hearing this, this knowledgeable monk also knew that something was really going on, and immediately invited Lou Hang into the Jinshan Temple!

Then, the senior officials of Jinshan Temple personally met Lou Hang and asked about it carefully.

In the end, is there any major event related to the common people in the world, and it is necessary to specially find the Fahai who traveled outside!

“Fahai and I want to talk about how to save the people of this great land of China, and defend the way!” Lou Hang said!

Well, this sounds like a major event related to the entire world.

Then, the high-level of the Jinshan Temple took Lou Hang to a big mirror in the Jinshan Temple and lit a stick of incense in front of the mirror!

After a while, Fahai appeared on the mirror!

“Oh? Lou Hang donor? Why are you at Jinshan Temple?” Fahai in the mirror, apparently seeing Lou Hang, asked with a different expression!

“I have some things related to the world and the common people. I want to talk with you. Do you have time to come back to the Jinshan Temple?” Lou Hang also asked concisely!

“Okay, I’ll set off now, and I will be there in about three hours!

Since Lou Hang has something to look for himself, and it is still a major event related to the world, Fa Hai nodded heavily, and replied with a serious expression!

“No need, you show me the surrounding scenery, I will pick you up!

According to Fahai, it will take three hours to come back, Lou Hang followed!

“This, good!”

On the other side, in a deep mountain, Fahai held Zhong Meng in his hand, Zhong Mengnei was Lou Hang’s appearance, and took photos of the surroundings!

Lou Hang remembered the scenery around Fahai in his heart.

Then, while visualizing the scenery over there in his mind, Lou Hang raised his hand and drew a few circles in the void.

Soon, the structure of the magic portal was completed.

This end of the portal is Jinshan Temple, and the other end is Fahai!

“This, what is this!?”

Suddenly looking at the magic portal that appeared around him, Fahai was a little dumbfounded.

After looking through the magic portal, the scenery on the other side is very familiar, isn’t that what the Jinshan Temple looks like!?

“Okay, come here!

Lou Hang walked to the magic portal and said to Fahai!

However, at this moment, Lou Hang discovered that beside Fahai, there was a woman who was full of seductive aura.

Those eyes seem to be able to ecstasy!

Mr. Lou Hang, let me introduce to you!”

Fahai didn’t expect that when he picked him up, he could open such a portal in the blink of an eye. Fahai was also a little embarrassed, and said to Lou Hang calmly.

“This is Xiaoqing, her identity is a snake monster, she has practiced for five hundred years!” Fahai introduced to Lou Hang!

“Xiaoqing, this is what I told you, Mr. Lou Hang!”

“It turns out that you are Mr. Lou Hang, he has told me about you many times!”

Xiaoqing next to him said hello to Lou Hang, smiling!

So, because of his own advice, Fahai actually got together with Xiaoqing?

Look at their appearance, this is the appearance of enjoying the fun of fish and water for many days!

This, Tangtang Fahai has become a flower monk?

Did I do it right or did it wrong? Lou Hang couldn’t figure it out either!

Not to mention what Lou Hang was like at this time.

Now that Lou Hang had seen it, Fahai didn’t mean 120 to hide it.

After all, I’m like this, it’s Lou Hang’s guidance to himself at the beginning!

Therefore, Fahai took Xiaoqing, passed through the portal together, and returned to the Jinshan Temple!

“Mr. Lou Hang’s supernatural powers are really admirable. This is so shrunk, and a thousand miles away is no more than the next step. It is really unheard of!”

After crossing the portal and arriving at the Jinshan Temple, Fahai’s mouth was deeply moved by Lou Hang’s ability!

“Yes, such a method is indeed shocking! Next to it,” Xiaoqing nodded and said with shock!

It’s just that the monks at the Jinshan Temple next to him just watched Fahai’s return. He actually brought back such a seductive banshee.

It seems that the relationship is still very unusual, everyone looked at each other, and their faces showed a look of astonishment!

How could it be possible? The abbot, how could he get together with the banshee?

Didn’t he sin and hate evildoers before?

Moreover, isn’t he the most important Buddhist discipline?

“Abbot, you, what are you!?”

Finally, a senior monk from Jinshan Temple couldn’t help it, and asked Fahai!

“Amitabha Buddha, I am practicing!” Hearing this, Fahai said with a serious expression of Buddha’s name and replied!

Okay, is this practice?

If an ordinary monk said this, no one would believe it.

However, Fa Hai, the abbot, said this, these monks knew each other, and they believed Fa Hai’s words!

After all, the prestige that Fa Hai has accumulated over the years is beyond doubt!

“Is this the Jinshan Temple? By the way, I have practiced for five hundred years, and this is the first time I have come to a temple!”

Xiaoqing looked at everything in the Jinshan Temple curiously, and said!

As a monster, he naturally stays away from places such as temples and Taoist temples!

“Xiaoqing, right? Where’s your sister Bai Suzhen?” Lou Hang asked after looking at Xiaoqing! .

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